Update The Argue Why Tom Cruise's Pay Is High
Monday, 11 March 2019
Pann: The argue why Tom Cruise's pay is high
1. [+117, -0] So it was proficiency pay...
2. [+146, -0] Woah If I were there, I wouldn't move able to speak together with simply shiver. How tin he deed at that spot... There's a argue why he's a top star
3. [+114, -1] He deserves to top paid alot
4. [+22, -0] America's Jackie Chan ㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+20, -0] The final picture... What if the air current blows...
6. [+17, -0] He... he deserves a high pay!
7. [+16, -2] That variety of actors are the ones who should move highly paid. Are you lot watching, Korea?
8. [+14, -1] I'd never move able to create that fifty-fifty if they offering me the money