Update Suzy Shade On Fei Articles

Pann: Fei's glamorous body


1. [+95, -35] It mightiness survive personal preferences but I mean value Fei is prettier than Suzy

2. [+84, -12] I experience bad because people solely verbalize virtually Suzy inwards Miss A. Fei is pretty, variety together with she has a expert body. Hope she succeeds!

3. [+40, -7] Look how these girls are defending unpopular together with non-charming celebrities ㅋㅋ

4. [+30, -2] Suzy haters are pretending to survive Fei fans together with are hating on Suzy

5. [+26, -2] I knew people would tell "I mean value Fei is prettier than Suzy". Can't yous guys only tell "Fei is pretty"? Why exercise yous e'er convey to compare her to Suzy... Always proverb that Fei is prettier than Suzy.. Fei together with Suzy are pretty but let's non exercise this, it makes fans unhappy

6. [+25, -3] Do yous honestly mean value she's pretty? She would've been pop if she had the factors. Guys don't uncovering her attractive

7. [+10, -1] Why exercise yous guys e'er compare Fei to Suzy? Just tell Fei is pretty instead of comparison amongst Suzy

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