Update Sulli Gets Criticized For Her Lack Of Endeavor Inwards Performances

(Edit: this Pann was posted yesterday, it's non an one-time post)

Pann: Difference betwixt Sulli's trip the low-cal fantastic together with Luna's dance

From left to right: Vic, Krystal, Luna, Sulli, Amber


1. [+411, -14] Tbh Sulli does lack inward endeavor but it's also that she's a bad dancer.

2. [+287, -27] Does Sulli know that she's able to make i of the hardest dreams because she was born amongst a pretty face... Is she fifty-fifty thankful... She should live thankful because she's a celebrity for her facial expression upwards despite her lack of talent. I'm non a Sulli fan but equally someone who likes her, I desire her to exhibit to a greater extent than effort. I promise she realizes that the footing doesn't revolve or hence her.

3. [+237, -50] What's funny amongst Sulli fans is that whenever Sulli gets criticized, they don't acknowledge Sulli's mistakes together with bash other innocent idols. She can't sing. Also, experts compared Jung Eunji together with Sulli's acting skills together with Jung Eunji totally won. I clearly read an interview where Sulli said something similar she was to a greater extent than eager inward acting ㅋㅋ She can't fifty-fifty sing her parts good together with she's non fifty-fifty a goodness actress. Can't sing, can't dance, all she has is a visual together with yet she doesn't fifty-fifty trip the low-cal fantastic when other members are singing together with dancing ㅋㅋ What is she goodness at except for her face? I intend Sulli fans are proud of that, is it actually something to live proud of? I saw a comment proverb "Sulli became this pop for her face... don't compare her to anyone else" And Sulli fans even hence intend Sulli's ikon is the same equally earlier ㅠㅠ Just hold off on Facebook, you lot tin run across Sulli's image. Male fans don't verbalize close her together with fifty-fifty f(x) fans know that their fandom is decreasing. Krystal together with Victoria's fandoms are getting bigger but other members' fans are decreasing together with their ikon is starting to hitting the bottom. Still, the fans are proverb "she's the visual top, she's improve than IU, she's at the same score equally Suzy", similar stop. Know the reality...

4. [+87, -94] If Sulli improves her talents similar how she got plastic surgery, she volition hitting daebak. She got prettier amongst her novel nub work, the carboxy shots, together with white tanning.

5. [+54, -4] I'm a Sulli fan together with an f(x) fangirl. I felt that she was slacking off amongst her performances on music shows, but I idea she was exclusively sick or something. But I recollect watching this Chinese show, it was a actually huge show. The phase setting was no joke together with billions of people were watching it. Other members were smiling together with were dancing hard, but Sulli didn't smiling much together with didn't set whatever endeavor to the betoken I got uncomfortable... I wasn't disappointed, I was to a greater extent than worried for her because she'll instruct a bad ikon from the public. Sulli-ya, let's operate harder!!

6. [+53, -5] I simply envy her, she has no talents together with yet she's earning money.

7. [+51, -6] She's untalented together with yet she's non fifty-fifty trying. She never fifty-fifty apologized for once. When Krystal got criticized for her mental attitude on Quiz To Change The World, she apologized herself together with she's non existence rude anymore.

8. [+46, -6] If she can't sing, hence she should at to the lowest degree trip the low-cal fantastic hard. If she can't dance, hence she should at to the lowest degree cook her personalities ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+36, -3] Sulli fans pop off along defending her that she's simply a bad dancer, but how come upwards she's e'er slacking off inward the business office where they receive got to prevarication on the floor? Is it also because she can't dance? And yet they're telling us non to bash her because she's pretty enough. There are people who don't uncovering Sulli pretty together with yet they're freaking forcing it ㅡㅡ

s able to make i of the hardest dreams because she was born amongst a pretty facial expression upwards Update Sulli gets criticized for her lack of endeavor inward performances

10. [+36, -3] How are Amber together with Sulli the same? Look at their legs, you lot receive got to motion the legs besides but Sulli is exclusively dancing amongst her arms.

11. [+33, -3] Sulli fans are bringing upwards EXO Sehun together with Jung Eunji to defend Sulli, proverb these idols can't trip the low-cal fantastic either, what a bull... The argue why Sulli is non reflecting is because her fans are stupid similar this...

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