Update Blind Special Close An Audition Present Star (With Guesses)

Article: Audition demonstrate star H5N1 desperately begs a woman mortal vocalist for drinks, an embarrassment [entertainment rumors]

Handsome star H5N1 debuted from an audition show.

A is a fellow member of a grouping together with he gained popularity amongst his random deportment on the audition show. He was revealed to accept begged a woman mortal vocalist for drinks. 

A met the woman mortal vocalist B at a restaurant. B's grouping was also closed friends of A, thus the both parties sat together. H5N1 kept showing off to B that he was working out for a adept trunk together with that he was closed amongst pop celebrities.

A peculiarly showed off his friendship amongst a elevation star C. Apparently, C together with H5N1 accept cipher connections. H5N1 lied nearly his friendship amongst C to expect charming.

B felt pressured together with got out of her spot to leave, exactly H5N1 stopped her together with said, "let's accept drinks. I desire to accept drinks amongst you." B shook him off together with left the eating theatre exactly H5N1 kept holler for B for drinks for the whole night, solely to embarrass himself. 

An insider said, "A's show-off personalities are well-known inward the industry. If he actually wants to hold out a star than an audition star, together with thus he should know how to hold out modest."


1. [+389, -13] If you're non gonna write the actual names, don't fifty-fifty write the articles.

2. [+277, -46] I idea it was Jung Joon Young because of the "random behavior" reference exactly I changed his heed because H5N1 industrial plant out. Jung Joon Young is every bit good lazy to produce that.

3. [+199, -8] Who?

4. [+181, -3] There was this article - a CEO Lee XX who married a pop actress 10 years agone stole his company's money. People idea it was Lee Chan Jin who married Kim Hee Ae together with bashed him. But it was Lee Jin Sung who married Lee Ji Eun. It's unsafe to ship service anonymous articles together with it's also foolish to hold out fooled yesteryear these articles.

5. [+91, -41] H5N1 is Busker Busker Kim Hyung Tae. B is IU. H5N1 is quite handsome together with he's lately working out. He's also a tryhard... Besides, H5N1 is a fan of B.

6. [+82, -79] He got pop amongst his random deportment on an audition show. I mean value it's Jung Joon Young, excluding the grouping reference. If he's actually from a group, together with thus it's Kang Seung Yoon. I mean value he could've showed off nearly his friendship amongst GD. I don't mean value in that place are many virile mortal artists who debuted on audition shows... Aren't Kang Seung Yoon together with Lee Seung Hoon the solely ones?

7. [+65, -37] Jung Joon Young is known to hold out little together with he hates disturbing others. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

8. [+54, -20] The ilbe põrnikas from a grouping that's digitally rigid tried to hitting on the elevation woman mortal idol.

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