Update B.A.P's Non-Stop Promotions Brand Fans Worried

Pann: These idols never rest


1. [+97, -4] When they convey a concert inward Seoul, it fifty-fifty feels similar a unusual grouping performing inward Korea

2. [+90, -3] B.A.P's music is liked past times other countries than Korea. Their One Shot album was inward laissez passer on three for to a greater extent than than a yr on Europe K-pop Chart. Honestly B.A.P has to a greater extent than international fans than Korean fans as well as their Korean fandom lacks... Also, their society doesn't produce plenty media-play, they're making it then obvious that B.A.P is their get manlike individual idol group. There was a Pann yesterday which talked close Secret's mistreatment. Just similar the Pann said, the society sucks... The company's boss was a managing director of Ambulance, he's then old-fashioned as well as frustrating... If the society plant properly, they'll live on able to arrive at to a greater extent than popularity inward Korea

3. [+88, -8] If yous search "they don't rest", B.A.P pops upwards equally a related search... TS, delight permit them remainder later this the world tour

 it fifty-fifty feels similar a unusual grouping performing inward Korea Update B.A.P's non-stop promotions brand fans worried

4. [+41, -1] They're then flawless. Good personalities, practiced talents. <3

 it fifty-fifty feels similar a unusual grouping performing inward Korea Update B.A.P's non-stop promotions brand fans worried

5. [+37, -0] B.A.P doesn't rest... They're 1 time to a greater extent than flight to the US, farewell bye... I immature adult woman you.. sobs...

 it fifty-fifty feels similar a unusual grouping performing inward Korea Update B.A.P's non-stop promotions brand fans worried

6. [+34, -0] B.A.P said the argue why they can't remainder is because they're afraid that the fans mightiness move out them if they rest

7. [+33, -0] I'm non their fan but I ever felt then bad for them. They convey practiced music as well as they're talented. Their music is real dissimilar from other idols as well as they're trying hard. Their fans are likewise well-mannered then I similar B.A.P. But non a lot of people know close them ㅠㅠ 1004 did good then I was happy. I promise they succeed, hwaiting

8. [+32, -1] Why produce these guys unloosen five half-dozen amount albums inward a year??? B.A.P is talented as well as well-mannered but the society should permit them rest

9. [+28, -0] They're non aiming for populace interest, they're simply doing their music. It won't live on slowly for them to live on pop inward Korea. It's cool that they're focusing on their music instead of gaining popularity

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