Update Hong Ga Hye's By Tweets Close T-Ara Scandal Teach Out To A Greater Extent Than Confusions

Pann: How are Hong Ga Hye in addition to Hwayoung related???

Hong Ga Hye, a mentally sick person, swept Korea amongst her extreme lies.

Hong Ga Hye has an interesting past. 
The almost shocking affair is that when T-ara's bullying scandal broke out, she claimed herself to live on Hwayoung's cousin in addition to tweeted that Hwayoung was indeed bullied.
It was posted inwards August, 2012. I was confused whether the bullying was truthful or not, in addition to I ended upwards believing the bullying happened because of her opinions every bit "Hwayoung's cousin". These are the tweets she tweeted:

- It's in addition to hence funny, I'm simply laughing hahahahahahahah
- Jiyeon... It's all revealed, what are you lot gonna do? I'm sure enough you're scared, but it's exclusively the beginning. All the members should live on prepared except Qri. The globe wouldn't plough their backs against the victim anymore.
- You recall what I told you lot right? I can't fifty-fifty contact you lot because I tin grade the axe imagine you lot suffering pain. You're getting ripped amongst the gild pike when you're barely 20.. I"m embarrassed every bit an adult.
- Dear God, delight heed to my voice. God, delight protect the wretched souls in addition to pray for the wretched kids.
- Imagine how afraid they are. Imagine how scared they are. I'm in addition to hence pained in addition to sad. They're such overnice kids...

This is a tweet posted past times Hyoyoung. This is Hong Ga Hye in addition to Hwayoung at a baseball game game.

What I don't empathise is, she must convey connections amongst Hyoyoung in addition to Hwayoung seen past times those pictures, but what is it though?? Were Hwayoung in addition to Hyoyoung simply watching her when she was posting that they were beingness bullied?


1. [+124, -3] I heard that she's mythomaniac... She spread a rumor that she was important amongst a baseball game player's baby. She also pretended to live on her ain dad in addition to told others that she committed suicide. She's completely insane.

2. [+109, -33] She mightiness non live on their cousin but she seems to live on unopen amongst Hyoyoung in addition to Hwayoung... You never know the within of the people tsk tsk.

3. [+56, -22] What's amongst people bashing Hwayoung? You guys inaugural off believed the adult woman in addition to didn't fifty-fifty expect for the truth for the bullying incident. Now you lot guys are switching the side ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What's sure enough is that Hwayoung is improve than T-ara in addition to T-ara is improve than those who bash Hwayoung

4. [+50, -21] I saw the clarifications of the bullying incident made past times T-ara fans in addition to hence I wasn't sure enough of it but I estimate it was all lies... Hwayoung in addition to that adult woman are all the same, scary bitches...

5. [+47, -5] Both T-ara in addition to Hwayoung/Hyoyoung were fooled past times that bitch. She's non related to the twins at all, she simply knows them. She pretended to live on their cousin in addition to bashed T-ara. Kim Yong Ho threatened her that he was gonna break the truth in addition to she changed her words in addition to said it wasn't bullying but fights.

6. [+37 , -18] Hong Ga Hye = Ryu Hwayoung/Ryu Hyoyoung. The ones who fooled the entire nation.

7. [+33, -1] What's weird amongst Hwayoung in addition to Hyoyoung is that they clarified that they convey no connections amongst Hong Ga Hye amongst her recent scandal. But when Hong Ga Hye tweeted lies that she was their cousin in addition to that she saw them beingness bullied, the twins didn't fifty-fifty tell anything. They went to a baseball game game together in addition to took pictures, they appear really close...

8. [+30, -5] Same stupid people tsk tsk.

9. [+28, -14] What a bull ㅋㅋㅋㅋ When Hwayoung was inwards T-ara, she had an exposure scandal in addition to she also earned money. She would've definitely tried to rest instead of getting out of the group. Why are people bashing Hwayoung? I'm sure enough Hwayoung has improve personalities than T-ara. She also shields T-ara inwards interviews a lot, does that brand her a psycho?

10. [+27, -4] Am I the exclusively ane who thinks they both expect really alike?

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