Update Jung Yonghwa Together With Commons Shin Hye Are Dating? K-Fans Intend So

Pann: Jung Yonghwa together with Park Shin Hye

After Nichkhun together with Tiffany, I intend this couplet is likewise real.
Nichkhun together with Tiffany were forever rumored together with on TV, they kept proverb that they were simply friend but ㅋㅋㅋ
And recently, sasaeng pictures of PSH were surfaced on Pann. Seeing these, I'm 90% certain of it. 
They fifty-fifty await cuter because they're dating quietly. Didn't Nichkhun together with Tiffany tell they've been dating for 4 months but it's much longer? 
I promise Jung Yonghwa together with Park Shin Hye driblet dead along dating secretly until they teach caught.


1. [+69, -5] My friend went to teach a hymeneals makeup at a pilus salon inwards Cheongdam-dong. She talked almost celebrities with the workers together with they likewise talked almost Nichkhun-Tiffany together with woman somebody celebrities. Park Shin Hye together with Jung Yonghwa are indeed dating together with and hence are Kang Sora together with Lee Jae Hoon. Lee Jae Hoon is serving inwards the armed forces correct at in i trial together with Kang Sora is waiting for him... He's discharged soon. The salon at Cheongdam-dong is a pop place, a lot of celebrities teach there.

2. [+60, -2] Nichkhun-Tiffany isn't 4 months, it's to a greater extent than than 4 years. I heard that the argue why they went to world with their human relationship is because Nichkhun wanted to get married quickly. And this couplet was famous with the fans since agency before.

3. [+48, -0] Nichkhun-Tiffany together with Jung Yonghwa-Park Shin Hye are well-known couples with fans since agency back. They accept a lot of evidences together with whenever they were asked almost each other, they kept proverb that they were simply unopen friends. And Nichkhun-Tiffany isn't almost dating, they're inwards discussions of marriage. I read that they're preparing to teach married together with hence they simply revealed their relationship.

4. [+39, -0] Jung Yonghwa made it together with hence obvious on Radio Star. He said he was rattling unopen with Park Shin Hye together with hence she goes to his concerts ofttimes together with his mom together with PSH's mom are likewise unopen together with hence both moms teach to his concerts together. He showed how much he liked her. I justice they're dating good together with are roofing it upward with the "best friend" excuse.

5. [+38, -0] Jung Yonghwa seems to similar Park Shin Hye a lot... They await together with hence sugariness together with hence I similar the couple. I promise they driblet dead along dating without getting caught!

6. [+37, -0] I justice they both teach along well, no wonder why they're dating for together with hence long...

7. [+31, -0] Jung Yonghwa-Park Shin Hye couplet is already well-known with the fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't nosotros all know it?

8. [+29, -0] I intend this couplet is already caught past times journalists. Maybe they're non revealing the pictures yet.

9. [+27, -1] Rumors be for reasons. IU-Eunhyuk couplet kept beingness mentioned together with it ended upward beingness truthful together with Nichkhun-Tiffany couplet was likewise rumored a lot together with they were likewise true... Those with many rumors similar Taeyeon-Leeteuk together with Jung Yonghwa-Park Shin Hye could hold upward true.

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