Update Is Onew Sacrificed For The Sake Of The Boyfriend Sm Idols?

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Article: Why is Shinee Onew excluded from the in conclusion line-up of 'Singing inwards the Rain'?


1. [+291, -2] Until when is SM gonna shroud Onew? It's weird that Onew hasn't been inwards a musical for years in addition to what is this situation? If you lot demand heed Onew's vocalization inwards existent life, you'll know how charming his vocalization is... Onew-ssi, hwaiting! I'm certain ameliorate projects are waiting for you lot

2. [+227, -4] Ah... I was waiting for Onew to survive inwards a musical everyday in addition to what is this.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+197, -2] I'm hence disappointed. I was anticipating it hence much because Onew was going to survive inwards it. I promise it'll halt inwards a skillful result.

4. [+183, -1] What the hell is this? I'm hence pissed.

5. [+181, -2] I was waiting everyday because he was finally going to survive inwards a musical afterward years ㅠㅠㅠ I don't know how I should react to this.

6. [+99, -2] Onew has the close unique vocalization inwards SM history, he is a bully singer, in addition to he's a prissy somebody overall. I intend his society is non actually taking assist of him. I promise he's non participating inwards this because of ameliorate projects or other of import schedules.

7. [+75, -1] I'm an EXO fan merely fifty-fifty I'm frustrated. They outset media-played amongst Onew merely they ended upwardly taking him out when he's to a greater extent than talented than Baekhyun.

8. [+75, -1] Then they shouldn't own got posted the confirmed articles inwards the outset place. They media-played amongst Onew in addition to at in i lawsuit they're proverb it's non confirmed. What the hell is this?

9. [+68, -0] I wishing he would attain other musicals instead of this one... It'll teach hence much criticisms because it's produced yesteryear SM. Do ameliorate projects than this ㅠㅠ

10. [+70, -2] I was a petty disappointed that SM was producing it merely I was nevertheless happy because Onew was finally going to attain a musical, but... Why did they fifty-fifty postal service the confirmed articles? If it's non confirmed, than country it's not. 

11. [+66, -1] It's obvious why he's taken out. The argue why he was outset shape inwards it merely in addition to hence they took him out is because he'll outshine the beau SM idols amongst his outstanding singing skills. They're sacrificing Onew to protect the "trend-dol". It's alone my approximate merely I intend it's true. There aren't many idols out at that topographic point who own got the vocalization for musicals similar Onew. If Onew turned into a musical actor, he'll easily survive on par amongst popera singers in addition to other musical actors.

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