Update Scary Flush Of Tony Ahn

Instiz: Real floor of Tony Ahn

"I recollect this is the scariest incident inward my life"

"This incident is too the most memorable memory. I never talked well-nigh this on broadcast."

"I convey nightmares a lot, precisely something was weird that day."

"My nightmares were all strange. A long-haired adult woman was ever inward my nightmares."

"When I opened my eyes, she was ever looking at me."

"On that day, I came dorsum from a schedule as well as went to sleep, I was then tired. As I was sleeping, I felt something weird."

"I instruct a lot of nightmares then I realized "ah! Nightmares again." But it felt dissimilar this time."

"I felt someone touching me, then I opened my eyes a bit. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 adult woman was standing beside my bed as well as was rubbing my chest."

After working on his solo album, he went domicile before than usual.

He was having a residual at home. But suddenly!!

"A hapless ringtone started playing out of nowhere. I checked my squall upwardly to run across if it was coming from my phone."

"But it wasn't from my phone. "Ah! What is this?" I was then surprised."

"The ringtone kept ringing inward my house. It was from the kitchen."

"It was from nether the sink. It was an unusual place..."

He carefully went to the sink as well as opened the drawer.

He was shocked as well as felt downward because a adult woman was sleeping nether the sink.

"I opened the sink drawer as well as saw the adult woman sleeping. I was then shocked. Her squall upwardly was ringing beside her. I woke her up."

She woke upwardly as well as turned her head. It was the adult woman who kept appearing inward his nightmares.

"Our eyes met as well as it was the adult woman who rubbed my breast spell I was asleep."

"I idea she was alone inward my nightmares precisely it turned out that she was a existent person. Afterwards, I establish that she knew the password of the doorlock. It was tardily for her to motion into my house."

She kept coming to his solid for a week. Tony came domicile before than green that day, then she chop-chop hid herself nether the sink.

She ended upwardly falling asleep nether the sink.

"I wanted to believe that she intended no harm, then I allow her instruct as well as told her non to create this form of materials again."


- Whoa it's then scary

- Wow... daebak

- Hul it's scary 

- Hul goosebumps... then he wasn't dreaming

- Tony Ahn was existence totally form amongst her

- It reminds me of this floor - a pop Japanese idol got a video for her birthday as well as the video was a guy congratulating her birthday. He was inward her room...

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