Update Creepy Ilbe Users

Instiz: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 scene from the ilbe episode on The Its Know giving me goosebumps

Female ilbe user interviewed:

Q: "You're the i who posted all of these?"

A: "Yes, I posted all of it."

"The words that are degrading Roh Moo Hyun president as well as Kim Dae Joong president."

"And Noala. (photoshopped moving painting of the belatedly president Roh Moo Hyun as well as a koala) You know, I express mirth at these kinds of stuff."

Q: "Do you lot actually discovery it funny for real?"

A: "Yes. Isn't it evidently funny?"


- If you're inwards the correct patch of mind, you lot can't last on Ilbe

- Is she a sociopath...

- I got goosebumps when she said it was funny

- The fact that they're doing this to dead people...

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