Update Nicole Withal Gets Dear For Her Proficient Personalities

Pann: Recent photos of Nicole


1. [+128, -19] Kara is every bit unorganized every bit T-ara...

2. [+79, -24] Strangely, I simply desire to cheer for her! Hwaiting!

3. [+69, -22] Nicole has a positive image.

4. [+23, -4] I actually liked Nicole when she was on a present in addition to was working difficult on it ㅋㅋ Other celebrities were slacking off but she was working actually hard.

5. [+23, -1] Now she's living a proper life. Live your bit life.

6. [+18, -5] On Invincible Youth, Nicole was inwards a nutrient competition. Other members were slacking off but she was busy deep-frying a pork-cutlet in addition to burned her hand. I was in addition to then touched.

7. [+17, -6] I liked Nicole the most inwards Kara ㅠ

8. [+14, -2] I'm non their fan but she looks happier than before.

9. [+14, -6] Nicole seemed to endure the kindest fellow member inwards Kara...

10. [+13, -5] I similar Nicole ㅋㅋ She's form in addition to is a hard-worker. I'm non certain most her talents, though.

11. [+11, -11] I heard that her parents had fights alongside the fellowship in addition to other members' parents... When I heard the members were separating foods in addition to rice cookers, I knew they wouldn't final long. The entirely argue why they were able to final until right away is because they hitting large inwards Japan...

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