Update Chanyeol's Ex-Girlfriend Kwak Saebyul

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Pann: Park Chanyeol's ex-girlfriend Kwak Saebyul


Chanyeol commented on a picture: "She's pretty exactly Byulie is prettier"

Someone wrote on her Cyworld wall: "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't engagement Chanyeol. He's ugly when he smiles"

She's preparing to live a flying attendant


1. [+333, -17] ㅋㅋㅋ What if Kwak Saebyul becomes a flying attendant together with runs into Chanyeol on a plane?

2. [+297, -26] Chanyeol is handsome plenty to engagement girls similar that

3. [+73, -6] I went to the same schoolhouse every bit her... Her pictures are really photoshopped. I don't intend she got plastic surgery. If you lot meet her inwards existent life, you lot won't recognize her because she looks totally dissimilar from the pictures. She's non actually pretty.

4. [+53, -1] Isn't she a non-celebrity? We shouldn't write posts similar this. Instead of earthworks your oppars' past, cheer for them. Growl is a skilful song.

5. [+42, -0] They broke upwardly already together with hence it's bad to postal service materials similar this. She's non fifty-fifty a celebrity

6. [+34, -2] He must live frustrated because he dates pretty girls together with withal he has to grin at ugly fangirls together with create handshakes amongst them... ㅠㅠ Even though you lot people are fangirling difficult over the celebrities, they won't fifty-fifty await at you... They're gonna engagement pretty people

7. [+27, -0] People are right away bespeak on her Cyworld close Chanyeol. They broke upwardly together with she's a non-celebrity together with hence nosotros shouldn't postal service this. 

8. [+24, -9] Huh I don't fifty-fifty know who EXO is exactly the pictures did healing for me... I'm a daughter exactly she's the prettiest non-celebrity I accept seen together with hence far. She's pretty plenty to live a exceed celebrity

9. [+23, -0] Hul the Cyworld postal service was written inwards 2012, that was when he was promoting inwards EXO-K....

10. [+22, -3] Who is Park Chanyeol

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