Update An Exo Sasaeng Ane Talked With

2 days ago, I received an e-mail from B, an EXO sasaeng, who was willing to part a lot of information amongst me. I contacted her through a messenger too nosotros talked for 2 days. I was get-go a chip doubtful virtually her merely equally I talked to her, it became clearer that she was non lying. I got screencaps too a video from her. I volition non expose whatever of her identity equally she asked to live on anonymous. To live on honest, most of the materials she told me is omitted inward this post because she didn't desire me to post them since those were rattling controversial - controversial plenty to larn my spider web log inward trouble. I'm sad that I can't part them. I experience similar I'm the entirely 1 who got the most exercise goodness out of it.

I asked her how she started beingness a sasaeng. B used to live on an Elf a long fourth dimension ago. She was inward Seoul too was waiting inward front end of the edifice to encounter SJ. She too then saw a grouping of trainees coming out of the building, who are right away EXO members. Those trainees caught her attending too she started next them since.

EXO – The whole grouping equally a whole was such a trash, merely they’re right away improved too are more careful. EXO almost turned into eleven members when Kris was having a difficult fourth dimension amongst the group. Chinaline is rattling rich merely nothing's known virtually Yixing's work solid unit of measurement . Luhan’s family is a respected/honored work solid unit of measurement too Tao’s work solid unit of measurement is a work organisation runner – Rich inward unlike waysD.O too Baekhyun are close. Kris too Tao are skillful friends, similar brothers. Luhan too Xiumin are really close. Suho right away seems to live on around Kris. Chen, Baek, D.O too Chanyeol are close. In B's opinion, Tao too D.O are awkward amongst each other. Kai too Kris are a chip awkward merely they’re getting better. EXO members are all improving too are focusing to a greater extent than on their team.

Kris - Kris is rattling repose merely he's equally good form to his fans. He can’t nation no to them. His circumstances forced him to mature fast. He had a lot of problem amongst the members to the betoken he almost quit the group. No 1 welcomed him when he went dorsum to the members. Kris was angry when his Chinese fans talked crap virtually Tao because Tao wore Kris’ clothe that fans bought for him. Kris clarified that they both had the same clothes.

Tao - Tao looked nervous when he was a trainee. The means he talked too walked was a bit like Hangeng. Tao is overnice overall merely he easily gets angry too swore at sasaengs a lot. He’s extremely emotional. He was rattling like shooting fish in a barrel to live on matured. When Kris went dorsum to the members, he accidentally wrote “someone is back” on his Weibo, which was supposed to DM to Luhan - he didn't welcome Kris dorsum then. B questions Tao's sexuality, though.

Luhan - Luhan was repose too. He also had a quite of a past times merely he improved a lot.

Kai - Kai’s release is the hardest to find. He's also rattling flirty. He dated a rich trainee.  After Wolf era, he improved along amongst Luhan (or they got amend at hiding) Kai looks at sasaengs amongst disgust inward his eyes, sasaengs don’t dare to message him on Kakaotalk. Sasaengs who were Kai-biased alter their bias afterwards because of his “bad habits”. He accidentally publicized his Kakaostory moving-picture demo once, too no fans dared to comment on it. Some staff told him to delete it too he did. He strictly cuts off himself from his fans inward his individual life. He changes his numbers a lot. His favorite songs are The Other Side past times Jason Derulo, Cool Girl past times Jeff Bernat, Pretty Wings past times Maxwell, Falling Out past times Keisha – entirely R&B too Black artist music. B flora the members' favorite songs on Kakaomusic. 

Chanyeol - Chanyeol used to flirt a lot. He tries equally good difficult to human activity funny too good. Chanyeol changed a chip merely his mistaken self is notwithstanding the same.

Xiumin - Xiumin is a skillful soul merely he’s so-so inward B's opinion. He’s a hard-worker.

Suho – He has to a greater extent than ability equally a leader than Kris. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 calendar month ago, Suho updated his Kakaotalk status everyday, too they were all heartbroken – he’s rattling probable to take away keep broken upwardly amongst his girlfriend. On TV, he’s seen equally an like shooting fish in a barrel guy to joke around, merely it’s non truthful inward reality. Before his debut, he talked to his fans many times too a lot of them are right away his fansite admins.

D.O – He has a potent mutual frigidness aura too when people endeavor to impact him, his human face upwardly is scary too unwelcoming. One time, a Chinese fan messaged him on Kakaotalk too he blocked her correct away.

Baekhyun – He’s funny merely he hates sasaengs. His playlist is mostly Korean ballad songs and Whatya Want From Me.

Lay – He’s dating someone we've seen a lot. He’s non skillful at making friends. He’s mostly friends amongst everyone merely it seems similar he doesn’t take away keep a unopen one. Sticks amongst the woman soul managing director a lot.

Chen – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 form one. He has a rattling gear upwardly clean image. Used to engagement an Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Pink member. 

Yoona – Dated Donghae too CNBLUE Jonghyun for a brusque time.

John Seo (SMrookies) – He knows that he’s handsome, merely he makes it inward a cute way, it’s not annoying. He smiles a lot.

Kim Yejin (past SM trainee) – She’s a skillful person. Possibly dated both Kai and Chanyeol. She played basketball game amongst manlike soul trainees. She's easygoing too laughs a lot.

Famdom – EXO fandom is trashy inward general. The fandom itself is complicated too mean. EXO fans struggle a lot. A fan from some province used her footling chair equally her weapon. Cameras too bags tin shipping away also live on used as weapons. Western fans slap, merely Asian fans purpose their fist. During Wolf era, fans fought a lot merely it’s amend now. EXO knows that their fans are fighting inward front end of the edifice merely they can’t exercise anything.

Sasaengs – Most of unusual sasaengs are rich. It’s non truthful that sasaengs don’t genuinely buy albums or others. Sasaengs pass a lot to larn to the fansigns too to encounter the members closely. B takes the same flights amongst EXO sometimes. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sasaeng B knows chose a unopen sit down to her bias, merely her bias changed his spot amongst his manager. The sasaeng ended upwardly flying amongst the managing director for the whole trip. 

Fansite masters –B doesn’t empathize why fans similar fansite admins. They’re worse than sasaengs. They accept the same flights amongst EXO to a greater extent than than sasaengs do. Most of the skillful admins are Suho fansite runners. They abide by Suho a lot. One of his fansite admins B saw spent SO much for Suho, the amount you lot can’t imagine.

EDIT; B agreed to part these screencaps.

This is the Kakaotalk message B sent to Suho.

"Joonmyun oppa, I'm studying difficult amongst my textbook. It's a footling like shooting fish in a barrel merely I take away keep to... I take away keep no pick ㅠㅠ I desire to take away keep a skillful hereafter ahead of me too I desire to live on a fan that EXO is proud of ㅋㅋㅋ My thoughts are jjang, right? Anyways sad to disturb you lot at tardily nighttime ㅠㅠ Go too residue <3

B sent this message to Sehun.

"Happy novel year. I promise you lot take away keep a hopeful twelvemonth ^^"

Two heartbroken statuses of Suho (J is Suho)

"Finally then..."
"A successful conclusion"

Sehun's Kakaotalk condition aiming at the fans 

"My telephone is on blocking mode, thank you lot ^.^"

Sasaengs exercise non take away keep the members' Kakaotalk IDs, they take away keep the members' telephone numbers. That's why they tin shipping away access the members' Kakaotalk.

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