Update Neighbors Of Exo Portion Their Stimulate Out Amongst Sasaengs

(This Pann was posted on October 14, 2013)

It's difficult for non-residents to come inward my apartment. But the sasaengs somehow contend to teach through as well as are camping ground inward the hole-and-corner parking lot. There are close thirty forty sasaengs, I view them to a greater extent than oftentimes than EXO aka my neighbor. Some are wearing schoolhouse uniforms, around are immature students, as well as a few foreigners. I'm certain they don't wash. They're wearing the same clothing everyday. They're then pathetic.

This incident happened inward this dawn. I had a few drinks as well as was inward a goodness mood. I called a driver to drive me dorsum home. The 2nd nosotros entered my apartment, 5 sasaengs blocked my car, tried to await inside, as well as punched my window, telling me to teach out. My automobile windows are real black then they must've idea I was EXO. My personalities teach fossil oil when I'm drunkard as well as I was annoyed enough. I got out of the car. They scanned me as well as was gonna leave. I caught them as well as cursed at them alongside every existing curse.

It was the start fourth dimension of me doing this. I could've held dorsum but this happened also many times as well as us residents had a ton of complaints. Those sasaengs got pissed off as well as cursed at me back. The driver who was watching us also got furious as well as cursed at them. At the end, I told them, "you bitches, my manly someone bring upward is prosecutor. Do you lot desire to teach screwed upward today? Or volition you lot fuck off quietly?" They all of a abrupt became nice, apologized, as well as went dorsum abode ㅋㅋ I told them that I won't allow them teach off if I saw them at my identify e'er again. I took pictures of their faces as well as said I'll travel posting the pictures if they did this again. I await weak from the exterior but I accept fiery personalities. I'm certain they took me equally a joke at start as well as got surprised ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I accept a younger blood brother similar EXO. I experience similar I protected my ain blood brother as well as experience proud ㅋㅋ Because my vecino is precious hehe.


Pann: I'm EXO's vecino as well as I fought alongside sasaengs

1. [+387, -8] Uh... I'm also EXO's neighbor. I view EXO 1 time or twice a calendar week as well as the fucking sasaengs wake me from my slumber everyday... Fucking bitches, I've filed complaints 100 times which I've never done before. I'm at 1 time an practiced of filing complaints. Thanks a lot, crazy bitches.

2. [+325, -3] I'm also a neighbor. I don't come upward to my identify oftentimes then I saw EXO solely two three times. But whenever I come upward home, there's a charge of sasaengs. Their pilus is then oily. At to the lowest degree around are wearing hats to shroud it. They wipe their faces as well as bodies alongside moist tissues, then disgusting.

3. [+295, -6] I envy that your manly someone bring upward is a prosecutor

4. [+84, -0] It's pitiful plenty that I teach disliked past times sasaengs, but I fifty-fifty got disliked past times EXO when I saw them for the start time. I ran into them at the aeroplane entrance as well as they were whispering to each other if I was a sasaeng. I quietly said, "resident..." as well as entered ㅋㅋ

5. [+64, -0] EXO should deed adjacent to the constabulary station ^^

6. [+59, -2] Oh, I'm around other neighbor. I came dorsum to my abode later two months of staying aboard. I saw a crowd of people when I was entering the parking lot. I didn't assist because I idea it was around religious protest. Suddenly, the people ran to my automobile as well as took pictures alongside flashes. I promise they deleted pictures of me ㅋㅋ When I got home, I asked my mom who they were as well as she said they were EXO sasaengs. They remain at that spot for the whole 24-hour interval as well as merely hold back for EXO as well as holler at night. The safety is also struggling because at that spot are a lot of complaints... I promise they teach dorsum home.

7. [+54, -2] At this rate, all of EXO's neighbors are gonna come upward hither ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is today a gathering?

8. [+50, -2] I alive correct at a flooring below EXO. There are then many problems because I alive inward the same apartment. Why don't they teach to schoolhouse when they're wearing uniforms? Why? Such fuckers. When my dad drives me to schoolhouse inward the morning, they're blocking the parking lot exit. I got then pissed off yesterday then I rolled downward the window, cursed at them, as well as called the police. The constabulary came correct away because this sort of incident happens then many times.

9. [+43, -0] Ah, at 1 time I understand. Yesterday, someone was maxim that they were defendant of beingness a sasaeng when they were wearing preparation outfits alongside dingy hair. It's because sasaengs are dirty... hul...

10. [+36, -0] Then it agency that the sasaengs punch EXO's automobile as well as do the materials to them. They don't fifty-fifty wash, they must stink. Good job.

11. [+28, -0] I'm around other neighbor. My identify had been a placidity identify for 10 years. But at 1 time the sasaengs are stealing my delivered milk ㅠㅠ I'll kill you, you lot stupid bitches!!! Do you lot pocket my paper to wipe poop from your ass??!!!!!!!!

12. [+26, -0] I went to my friend's identify who lives inward the same aeroplane as well as the safety was harshly accusing me of beingness a celebrity's fan. My friend had to telephone telephone the safety as well as clarify that I'm her friend to teach in. Am I entering a prison theater or something? Why do I accept to teach verified to enter? I was gonna sentinel Twilight as well as consume carbonara alongside my friend for finishing the exams but it completely ruined my mood. And the sasaengs inward forepart of the aeroplane smelled similar armpit. Please screw off to a recycling bin.

13. [+20, -0] I'm also a vecino as well as alive inward the same apartment. The number of sasaengs increased geometrically this year. I can't drive my automobile to the parking lot. I was driving into the hole-and-corner parking lot later finishing my travel inward a dawn as well as a bunch of the beggars were there. I fucking got goosebumps.

14. [+20, -0] I'm also a neighbor. I view Tao oftentimes at gym ㅋㅋ The sasaengs are no joke. My parents filed complaints but nothing's changed.

15. [+13, -1] Woah, I also alive inward the same aeroplane equally EXO. I'm a high schoolhouse student, then the sasaengs stare at me alongside such jealous eyes when I come inward the apartment. I don't fifty-fifty demand to cite the dissonance they brand until the night. I experience actually gross when all of the sasaengs scan me. They stink, accept expensive cameras, as well as never modify their clothes. Did they run away from home? And they're generally fat, I wonder how they eat. I accept to teach to schoolhouse soon, I'm 1 time to a greater extent than gonna teach scanned ㅠㅠ I ran into EXO a several times. At first, they were actually suspicious of me because I'm a student. I don't know EXO members except Chanyeol, DO, as well as Bakhyun(?). I all the same can't forget Chanyeol's broad eyes when I start ran into him inward the hallway ㅋㅋㅋㅋ After seeing them a few times, they stopped beingness suspicious. H5N1 fellow member gave me an pump smiling when I saw him, I don't know who he is. And I can't teach out alongside my bare looks inward example I view EXO ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I pose a minimal amount of makeup then that I won't lose to pretty celebrities ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

16. [+13, -1] It was no joke when Super Junior moved to my aeroplane ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sasaengs came everyday. What I call upward the most is, when Leeteuk as well as Heechul merely enlisted, Chinese kids came as well as cried ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So pathetic.

17. [+11, -3] I'm also a neighbor. Sasaengs are beyond your imagination. I was going abode alongside an oppa I know as well as he's quite handsome. He was wearing sunglasses as well as the sasaengs scanned me as well as said to him, "oppa, why aren't you lot answering my call?" He said he's non EXO as well as took off his sunglasses to show. The sasaengs looked miserable as well as said "fuck..." They actually demand to launder up, they stink. EXO volition similar normal girls, non around sasaengs similar you lot ㅋㅋ And delight throw the moist tissues as well as paper cups into the trash bin. Do you lot think the hole-and-corner parking lot is your place? I teach scared at black because you lot await similar ghosts ㅋㅋㅋ Please.

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