Update Cube's Conception On Debuting 3 Rookie Groups Inwards Side Yesteryear Side Few Years

From an article: 
"Cube is planning on debuting a rookie man child grouping adjacent year, a rookie daughter grouping inwards 2017, together with approximately other rookie man child grouping inwards 2018"


Pann: Fuck, Cube, are you lot desperate for money?

1. [+68, -0] They should only promote B2ST, BTOB, or the electrical flow groups. Why bother amongst rookie groups?

2. [+63, -2] I'm certain all of them volition halt upward similar CLC... They should only promote BTOB together with B2ST

3. [+54, -0] Debuting rookie groups is a skillful thing. It's something that an amusement companionship must do. But it's incorrect how Cube is ignoring their electrical flow groups together with all-in for rookie groups. We wouldn't last complaining if they're growing rookies piece properly promoting the electrical flow groups. The electrical flow groups can't fifty-fifty produce after-promotions because of the company's deficit. They entirely had 2 weeks of promotions together with had to produce overseas promotions. Why are they debuting rookie groups when they're suffering a deficit? Why is the CEO ever screwing things up? It would last average if you lot don't operate at all.

4. [+21, -1] I heard that Cube is suffering a deficit. They convey no solution.

5. [+16, -1] Ilhoon volition collapse afterward doing all those featurings ㅠㅠ I mean value all of the members convey bad vocal conditions, specially the vocal line. The songs also convey real high notes. Ugh, Cube never listens to the fans together with produce whatever they want. There's no solution. I empathise that they produce a lot of Japanese promotions for coin but it's besides much. BTOB is similar a Japanese group.

6. [+13, -0] Ugh, fucking please... They should operate on the electrical flow groups.

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