Update Model Kim Jin Kyung Shows Annoyed Mental Attitude For Beingness A Cl Lookalike

Youtube video @ 0:03

Video summary - The designer on the left (Hwang Jae Geun) tells the model on the correct (Kim Jin Kyung) that she looks similar CL, in addition to she shows annoyed attitude.


Pann: What produce you lot mean value of model Kim Jin Kyung's reaction to CL on My Little Television?

1. [+110, -12] She can't fifty-fifty achieve the tip of CL's toe when it comes to careers. It's in addition to thus frustrating how she's laughing in addition to getting mad only because of the looks.

2. [+105, -16] I'm in addition to thus speechless. Hwang Jae Geun besides acted rude to CL on a programme in addition to Jeremy Scott had to country him off. I'm in addition to thus dumbfounded. And the viewers of My Little Television piss me off more. Chaerin is getting insults when all she did was staying silent. I promise you lot fabulous people accept adept lives ^^ I besides promise Kim Jin Kyung volition slay the model manufacture ^^ CL is amazing for becoming a piece of job yesteryear celebrity inwards a look-centered society.

3. [+101, -14] It's in addition to thus funny how they're a designer in addition to a model amongst that sort of mentality

4. [+54, -3] Whether CL is pretty or not, volition you lot move happy if someone gets called your lookalike in addition to that mortal throws things in addition to yells? Why are you lot supporting Kim Jin Kyung?

5. [+43, -10] She's a model in addition to even in addition to thus CL did to a greater extent than journal covers, photograph shoots, in addition to has to a greater extent than designer connections.

6. [+38, -4] I heard that Kim Jin Kyung's fellow is a rapper Genius Nochang in addition to he's a huge fan of CL ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was in addition to thus shocked when I watched the video... I idea it's non the Kim Jin Kyung I know of.

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