Update Flopped Sm Daughter Group, Milk

SNSD's Into The New World was originally the championship rails of MILK's instant album. But MILK disbanded and SNSD debuted amongst the vocal afterwards v years.

MILK had alone i album in addition to SNSD's fancafe 'Hwa Soo Eun Hwa' was also originally MILK's fancafe.

After the disbandment, Seo Hyun Jin in addition to Park Hee Bon kept on pursuing their celebrity careers.


Pann: Unfortunate daughter grouping that SM threw out

1. [+17, -6] CSJH never got popular... Dana was promoted every bit the instant BoA in addition to the members were all talented ㅠㅠ

2. [+6, -0] HOT disbanded at that time. SM's stocks striking the bottom, all of the workers left the company, in addition to the companionship was struggling. Black Beat in addition to Shinvi also debuted at the fourth dimension in addition to they all flopped. They weren't meant to last thrown out. SM commonly keeps investing until the goal merely they couldn't. Seo Hyun Jin said she understood why MILK ended upwardly similar that. BoA in addition to thus earned coin inwards Nihon in addition to saved SM. The argue why Lee Soo Man treasures BoA ㅋㅋ

3. [+4, -1] MILK in addition to Sugar were rivals ㅋㅋ I remember they flopped to a greater extent than because SM kept promoting Goo Hee Bon

4. [+4, -0] Shinvi is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than unknown than MILK. No i fifty-fifty knows them ㅋㅋ

5. [+3, -0] Anyone knows Isak in addition to Jiyeon? ㅋㅋ

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