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Pann: SNSD's fifth album

1. [+49, -5] Taeyeon tin trace off whatsoever concept

2. [+44, -1] Wow, Tiffany looks no joke... She suits it actually good ㅠㅠ This is gonna locomote her peak... She looks then proficient ㅠㅠ

3. [+42, -0] They're all pretty ㅠㅠ SNSD hwaiting, SNSD forever!

4. [+36, -3] Taeyeon-ah ㅠㅠ

5. [+32, -16] I'll larn a lot of downvotes... I know that Jessica is at error exactly she would've looked actually proficient amongst this concept.

6. [+8, -0] I similar how SNSD released a lot of albums for nine years exactly never repeated an former concept. It's rare to encounter a grouping similar this.

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