Update Hyukoh Gets Caught Doing 'Hooker Mom' Sign

Pann: Oh Hyuk's controversial 'hooker mom'

1. [+231, -18] I've never seen anyone innocent from pop cloak-and-dagger artists

2. [+218, -111] Did people genuinely mean value he's innocent? His eyes country a lot nearly himself... He'd smoke a lot amongst selfish personalities. The members likewise can't beak to him freely.

3. [+162, -21] He's non getting whatever responses because people convey no involvement inward him ㅋㅋ

4. [+131, -25] Chanyeol: "Welcome, this is your commencement fourth dimension of getting caught doing 'hooker mom', right?"

5. [+97, -123] People's double standards! Chanyeol was bashed to death, tsk tsk

6. [+93, -10] He looked similar a real placidity person. I'm disappointed.

7. [+83, -30] =

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