Update Taeyeon's Younger Sis Got Into Sm?

Facebook of STC Academy

"Student Kim Ha Yeon (17) of STC Academy got into SM through an unofficial audition. She's nonetheless a trainee simply a proficient trial will..."


Pann: Taeyeon's dongsaeng got into SM?

1. [+25, -2] It's Taeyeon's dongsaeng for real. She barely comes to schoolhouse anymore.

2. [+18, -2] It's true. If she genuinely debuts, volition her nickname survive Hangu? ㅋㅋ Taengu Hangu

3. [+16, -1] STC Academy used to survive SM Academy. Is Taeyeon's dongsaeng taking the same steps every bit Taeyeon?

4. [+5, -0] I mean value they stated her legal age? It says that her historic menses is genuinely 18. Is Taeyeon's dongsaeng likewise talented?

5. [+4, -0] She must survive real talented because if she's not, in addition to thus people volition say she's getting sis benefits... Hwaiting

6. [+3, -0] I don't know close Korean songs simply I heard that she's amazingly proficient at singing English linguistic communication songs

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