Update Earlier & Later Lighting








Pann: Lighting is of import for celebrities, too

1. [+68, -13] Hul daebak ㅠㅠ Why practise Seohyun together with Yoona lead maintain such bad pare when they expire SM care?

2. [+66, -0] H5N1 lot of singers lead maintain bad pare because of their phase makeup. Seohyun e'er had bad skin. Yoona originally had skilful pare only it turned bad because of thick makeup together with tough schedule. Hyuna is also known to lead maintain bad skin.

3. [+35, -0] Lighting is indeed important

4. [+21, -0] Yoona said inwards a magazine that her pare turned bad only she can't lead maintain help of it because of her busy schedule

5. [+18, -0] They don't expire plenty slumber together with they're e'er wearing makeup amongst a busy schedule. No wonder why they're having pare problems ㅠㅠ But they'll last able to cure it amongst to a greater extent than or less care, I envy them ㅠㅠ

6. [+16, -12] Hul really? It's shocking. EXO also has a lot of pare problems inwards unedited photos.

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