Update Bangtan Boys' Sexual Dance?

Pann: The trip the low-cal fantastic that doesn't larn abhor because they're a man child group

1. [+455, -163] Am the entirely i who frowns at this variety of materials fifty-fifty if it's a man child group?

2. [+430, -348] What, they accept this dance? It looks cheap

3. [+226, -72] If a daughter grouping exposes their tummy similar that, they'll larn a lot of hate

4. [+134, -65] Do y'all fifty-fifty know what this is? They did this i time inwards the music video, inwards the trip the low-cal fantastic version, in addition to they didn't clitoris their shirts upward at other stages ㅋㅋ Who are y'all calling cheap? Your anonymous rima oris looks cheaper.

5. [+127, -137] They entirely did it once. Why are y'all guys ganging up? Ever since they did it at debut, I never got to meet their abs again.

6. [+113, -50] I'm honestly curious, is it actually considered sexual? The comments hither larn far seem similar it's porn or something. Am I open-minded?

7. [+84, -15] Whether it's a man child grouping or a daughter group, it makes me frown when they let on their bodies similar that. Only the fans similar it.

8. [+77, -4] The OP in addition to the comments hither must've fainted when beast-dols were a trend

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