Update Commencement Generation Idol Grouping Click-B To Convey A Comeback

Click-B inward the 90's:


Pann: Click-B is coming back?

1. [+30, -0] They're seriously handsome. Their outfits are old-fashioned merely their faces aren't.

2. [+14, -0] Any other grouping can't compaction Click-B's average visual. Yoo Hoseok was such a visual shock. The 3 visuals of DSP - Go Jiyong, Yoo Hoseok, in addition to Kim Hyunjoong. Sobs.

3. [+11, -0] I all the same bring all of the listed photos ㅋㅋ Brings memories ㅠㅠ

4. [+8, -0] Woo Yeonseok was thus handsome dorsum then. But now... Who was a fan of Woo Yeonseok inward the past?

5. [+6, -0] I promise the best for all Click-B members

6. [+6, -0] Click-B jjang! NIZI jjang! I honey Jonghyuk oppa
(tn: NIZI is Click-B's fandom name)

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