Update [Abnormal Tiptop Ep.58] Discusses Scientific Discipline + Invitee Green Joon Hyung

Article: [Video] 'Abnormal Summit' Tyler laughs at Park Joon Hyung imitating Southern English

Source: JTBC via Naver

1. [+3266, -47] It's too thus funny when Joon hyung imitates foreigners ㅋㅋ On Radio Star, he imitated Italian too British people too it was funny ㅋㅋ His Eastern English linguistic communication is funny besides ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+2051, -39] Tyler is cute ㅠㅠ

3. [+1796, -45] Park Joon Hyung is too thus funny ㅋㅋ

4. [+406, -37] I've been watching the present since the offset episode too Yuta genuinely doesn't adapt the show. Does he lack noesis or is he bad at talking? Nippon every bit a province has a lot to tell but he ever mumbles or gets carried away past times others. I compassion him. The charm of Abnormal Summit is to disclose what each province thinks too says.

5. [+299, -16] I continue watching it because of Gerniel too honestly, the MCs are the biggest problem. They ever cutting off others from talking too they sometimes await downwards on sure enough members. I was genuinely shocked when Okyere was speaking English linguistic communication too Sung Si Kyung said, "OK, let's remove heed existent English linguistic communication now." What the hell is 'real English'? Then Sung Si Kyung's English linguistic communication is non real, either. The novel panelists aside, the MCs involve to hold out changed.

6. [+112, -8] Ilya's Korean was at the highest marking possible too he was able to limited himself clearly whereas the novel panelists are but able to speak Korean.

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Park Joon Hyung, "Tyler answered to me inward Korean when I talked to him inward English"

Source: Xports News via Nate

1. [+564, -8] Tyler is cute ㅋㅋ

2. [+525, -14] Tyler looks strict too mutual coldness but he's genuinely cute ㅋㅋ

3. [+368, -139] Sami-ya, Turkey too Hellenic Republic accept a bad human relationship similar Korea too Japan. Why did you lot accept to tell "Turkish people too Greek people accept similar looks" too brand Andreas upset? It's similar a foreigner proverb to a Korean, "Korean people accept similar looks to Japanese people" too making the Korean upset. It's rude.

4. [+100, -6] Take Sami out too select Ilya back. Sami's rude mental attitude makes me uncomfortable ㅠㅠ

5. [+68, -50] He should acquire from Tyler. He's been promoting inward god for fifteen years too yet he can't speak proper Korean. It's non something to hold out proud of, tsk tsk.

6. [+40, -6] Sami's morals daze me because he thinks he's ever right. The argue why Arab Republic of Egypt is nonetheless non wealthy.

7. [+35, -1] ㅋㅋ Both are American

8. [+32, -2] So I wasn't the solely i who flora Sami uncomfortable. He seems to hold out extremely proud of Middle East. When mortal talks negatively, he never admits too ever refutes.

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' The ratings striking 4% in i lawsuit again later four weeks... The sec highest including the populace broadcasts

Source: TV study vis Naver

1. [+64, -29] I stopped watching later the fellow member change

2. [+39, -6] JTBC earns coin past times foreigners too Channel H5N1 earns coin past times North Korean escapes

3. [+34, -4] Woah... a cable channel getting 4% is seriously big

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