Update A Cloak-And-Dagger Close Yourself

Pann: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 subway scheme nigh yourself that others tin give the axe never imagine

1. [+751, -15] I rate others that I can't response to their texts oft because I'm barely on my phone. But the reality is that I stan idols on my telephone everyday ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+641, -54] I masturbate a lot too I sentry porns ㅋㅋ I'm non addicted, though.

3. [+614, -11] I never trip the low-cal fantastic inward front end of others but when I'm at home, I stand upwardly inward front end of the mirror, give sexy glares, too create all sorts of things ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah... it's too then embarrassing.

4. [+504, -8] I brand bets to myself everyday. I walk on a street too go, "I'm gonna give-up the ghost if I don't walk out of hither inward 10 seconds." But if I fail, I think, "it was simply a practice." I recall I'm an idiot ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+337, -2] I appointment inward my head, fuck ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+309, -6] I don't similar socializing. I convey many friends inward my schoolhouse that I instruct along amongst but I prefer beingness alone. I recall network is meaningless. It's no use, annoying, too I can't sympathise amongst others that well. I'm simply selfish. I only recall of myself but I pretend to tending nigh others. I'm a trash. I experience pitiful to those that recall they're my best friends.

7. [+272, -6] I loathe having things inward my nose. I alternative my olfactory organ equally before long equally I instruct habitation ㅋㅋ

8. [+211, -1] I scratch my individual business office a lot because it's itchy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+211, -4] I rate others that I don't convey a crunch on anyone but I create ㅋㅋ I simply don't rate them because everyone volition figure it out.

10. [+201, -42] I curse iljins but I desire to move one...

11. [+176, -8] Am I sly? No thing how unopen I am to someone, I proceed an invisible distance. I calculate things inward my caput too approximate their value. I convey fun conversations amongst them but at the same time, I desire them to screw off.

12. [+163, -2] I'm insecure. When my friends are talking to each other without me, I tend to recall they're outcasting me.

13. [+150, -8] People recall my identify unit of measurement is rich but it's non truthful ㅋㅋ

14. [+131, -4] I article of apparel bra pads but my breasts nonetheless hold back small. My friends recommend me to article of apparel pads when I'm already wearing them...

15. [+129, -5] I convey a best friend but I don't genuinely similar her

16. [+123, -3] People recall I'm rational because I deed similar a mutual coldness individual but I'm genuinely really lonely too I'm hungry for attention...

17. [+115, -2] I deed similar a mutual coldness individual but I similar doing aegyo. Pyukujupbyukyu

18. [+102, -8] I'm beingness obsessed to the max. I'm obsessed to anyone that I'm unopen to. People don't know nigh it but when I demand heed my best friend hanging out, I dig their SNS too depository fiscal establishment jibe who they're hanging out with. I recall I'm pitiable but I'm means also obsessed. I instruct genuinely angry if someone touches my things too I don't similar sharing.

19. [+101, -4] I instruct called innocent at my schoolhouse everyday but I don't launder oft at home. My schoolhouse is currently on a interruption too I haven't washed my pilus for a calendar week ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

20. [+85, -5] My friends volition never know... When my friends enquire me which high schoolhouse I'm going to become to, I rate them that I'm going to written report humanities. But I'm genuinely preparing for an arts high school!!!! I'm attending an university for acting too I've been on a few dramas.

21. [+61, -1] I recall I'm masochistic ㅋㅋ I don't similar getting musical rhythm out upwardly but I desire to move forcibly dominated yesteryear guys. Like getting pushed to the wall, getting my hands too feet tied up. But I only imagine those things because I don't recall it'll e'er occur inward my life.

22. [+56, -2] I scratch my anus ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My friends wouldn't know

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