Update Abnormal Meridian Members' Pad Cf

Julian: "The author noona's perfume smelled in addition to then rigid today "

Robin: "Maybe it's 1 of those days? French women also position a ton of perfume to shroud it."

Blair & Takuya: "Why???"

Robin: "Because it smells"

Blair: "Can it genuinely shroud the smell?"

Julian: "I know how to shroud the smell. Have y'all guys heard of charcoal before?"

Robin: "So women's pads are made out of charcoal!"

"Wow It's 100% cotton fiber on the surface amongst charcoal component!"

Takuya: "The charcoal inwards the pads tin go trim down the smell!"

Blair: "I ask to purchase these if I decease a girlfriend"


Instiz: Embarrassing pad CF amongst Abnormal Summit

- Th... these guys...!

- Why create men get together in addition to verbalize close these things ㅋㅋ

- I was genuinely flustered when I showtime saw this CF ㅋㅋ

- They don't accept to endure curious close it

- I heard that men tin go genuinely odor women's period... Ugh... And the CF made me flustered

- Park Seojun, too. These days, in that place are to a greater extent than manful somebody celebrities that create pad CFs ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- It keeps popping upwardly on Youtube ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Why are in that place solely manful somebody celebrities inwards the CFs of woman somebody products nowadaysㅋㅋ

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