Update Your Favorite Type Of Outfit?

Pann: Your favorite type of outfit!

1. [+78, -11] Like this

2. [+69, -2] I similar high-waist shorts alongside a tight transcend only I fucking can't habiliment them... Let me cry...

3. [+65, -7] Does anybody know this? It's simplified hanbok ㅋㅋ It's at to the lowest degree $500. I'm gonna earn coin inwards the futurity in addition to purchase it. But I'm non certain if I'll expect skillful similar this ㅠㅠ

4. [+52, -0] This

5. [+45, -2] I dearest this form of cardigan

6. [+38, -3] I actually similar Jung sisters' outfits... They wearing clothing in addition to thence well

7. [+36, -1] This for me

8. [+34, -0] I desire to habiliment this in addition to flip flops in addition to walk on the beach inwards early on morn to come across the sunrise. But inwards reality, I'll endure freezing to death.

9. [+28, -1] This ㅠㅠ But yous convey to convey a feminine trunk to habiliment it in addition to thence it's impossible for me.

10. [+25, -1] I dearest this

11. [+25, -0] I similar princess type of outfits similar this ㅋㅋ

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