Update Grouping Project: A Or B?

Group A:

Hyungs who teach the best grades

An outsider hyung who only finished his military machine service

Cooperative noona who is the educatee representative


Group B:

New woman soul students who don't seem to hold out interested

An international educatee from Communist People's Republic of China who speaks wretched Korean

A noona who only transferred in addition to has no sentiment almost the subject


Pann: Group projection for Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 vs B

1. [+49, -0] It must hold out A!!! It must!!! If you're choosing B, it's because you lot haven't experienced it yet. You should... You'll cease upwards blocking them on Facebook in addition to Kakaotalk when the grouping projection is done ㅋㅋ

2. [+41, -0] Definitely A. No affair how pretty or handsome your grouping fellow member is, it doesn't possess got to a greater extent than than an hr for the confront to await similar shit.

3. [+29, -0] Do you lot non know what a grouping projection is? If you're over 20, you lot should nigh upwards in addition to require Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+12, -1] I'd rather hold out friends amongst Won Bin hyung than those girls

5. [+10, -0] Of course of report it's A. Group run makes my degree depend on the grouping members. Say you're working amongst B. You'll cease upwards becoming misogynistic if you're a guy or arrhenphobic if you're a girl.

6. [+8, -0] Reading B makes me pissed off already ㅋㅋ If you're choosing the group, you're proving yourself to hold out an idiot. If you lot run amongst them, you lot possess got to hold out the leader, exercise research, brand PPT, in addition to introduce it. Don't state you're gonna require them for their looks because they'll never demonstrate upwards for grouping run ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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