Ranking Of Nearly Sold Colors For Iphone 11

1) Purple

2) White

3) Mint

4) Yellow

5) Red

6) Black


Pann: iPhone 11, ranking of almost sold colors

1. [+94, -70] Upvote or downvote for black.

2. [+61, -4] I tin sympathize those who don't discovery it pretty simply what's amongst those who tell "I don't sympathize why you'd purchase one"? Did you lot purchase for them or what?

3. [+44, -71] Looks old-fashioned.

4. [+30, -2] I got white because royal was out of stock simply inwards existent life, yellowish too reddish looked the prettiest.

5. [+22, -27] They're all ugly.

6. [+19, -0] I'm 100% satisfied amongst royal ㅠㅠ Get purple, everyone.

7. [+13, -5] I wonder if it would sold that much if Samsung released those colors. Honestly, they expect old-fashioned.

8. [+13, -0] I discovery yellowish too reddish the prettiest, simply they're depression inwards the order ㅠㅠ

9. [+11, -1] I got royal too idea I'd larn bored of the color shortly simply I'm withal non bored.

10. [+8, -0] I waited for royal simply ended upwardly getting light-green because they said it'd receive got three weeks, simply they called on the adjacent 24-hour interval too said they had purple. I was too then pissed... But my light-green is too then pretty ㅠㅠ

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