Pros Together With Cons Of Upper Floors Together With Lower Floors Inward High-Rise Apartments

Pros of upper floors: Nice views. Long sunshine which saves heating fees inwards winter. No noise.
Cons of upper floors: You'll experience empty-headed if you lot don't similar heights. You accept to hold off for the elevator. You're hopeless if there's an accident similar fire.

Pros of lower floors (1 3): If there's fire, you lot tin only boundary off of the building. You don't accept to hold off for the elevator. You tin escape apace if there's an earthquake.
Cons of lower floors: There could live on lots of bugs or/and noises.


Pann: Pros too cons of upper floors too lower floors inwards apartments

1. [+124, -27] Upper floors are nevertheless amend than lower floors.

2. [+112, -23] Upper floors: to a greater extent than expensive too sell well. Lower floors: inexpensive too don't sell well.

3. [+111, -11] There's or then other con of lower floors - thieves. Thieves too robbers accept e'er been a problem. I retrieve hearing that a adult woman opened the window inwards eventide too she was facing a guy who was climbing on a gas pipe. She screamed difficult to larn rid of him. I used to mean value these things didn't occur at apartments too entirely at pocket-size buildings, but at that spot are thieves that climb on the pipes to interruption in. I saw a footage of a thief climbing on the pipage all the agency upward to the tenth floor. Some thieves target floors that accept lights off. If you lot alive on lower floors, you lot accept to beware.

4. [+63, -8] I've been living on the start flooring for iv years. It's 100 times amend than living on an upper floor. You only accept to near the blinds to block the people from seeing through. Outside of the window, I tin run across big trees too listen birds too rains, which is comforting. The thought of the upper flooring matters entirely if you lot help most it. I don't accept to hold off for the elevator, I tin only walk out to throw out the trash, too at that spot aren't that many bugs. The pros overweight the cons then I'm satisfied.

5. [+44, -4] If you lot alive inwards a smoke-free even out or a car-free even out (all hush-hush parking), lower floors don't matter. I used to alive on the 18th flooring but moved to the start flooring because of my kids, too I'm extremely satisfied. I haven't seen whatsoever bug. When I opened upward the curtains inwards the living room, it looks similar a someone garden because of all the trees. I was satisfied living on the upper flooring but I mean value lower floors are to a greater extent than charming.

6. [+37, -8] These days, start floors are besides expensive because families alongside kids prefer it.

7. [+30, -3] It's my start fourth dimension of living inwards an even out (20th floor) later houses. I mean value upper floors are better. When I run across complaints on the community board, all of them are from lower floors. I haven't smelled whatsoever cigarettes too there's no bug.

8. [+27, -1] What most this con? You don't accept much fourth dimension to larn attain for run or school. You exit too realize you lot forgot your umbrella or something, then you lot accept to hold off for the get upward to come upward back, which is stressful. This is why I prefer lower floors.

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