Sajaegi Scandal On Pann: Boramiyu, Cube Ceo, Exo, Ben, Etc

Melon chart
1) Boramiyu
2) Taeyeon
3) Noeul
4) Vibe


Pann: A rookie creative individual who shell Taeyeon

1. [+516, -4] Seriously, "Who Are You?"

2. [+334, -14] Ugh... So annoying how she's targeting Taeyeon.

3. [+305, -3] Machine?

4. [+201, -0] It's non only Taeyeon's novel song, she's beating Taeyeon together with Frozen ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+166, -0] Why the hell would people brain to Boramiyu instead of Frozen+Taeyeon inwards this flavor ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+99, -3] When I listened to Boramiyu's I Wanna Hate You, she wasn't famous together with I wished she'd decease pop inwards the future. I'm non happy to run into that she's ending upward doing sajaegi.

"Digital sajaegi must move rooted out. Cheering for you. Find strength."


Pann: Cube CEO is likewise supporting Park Kyung

1. [+262, -1] At this rate, isn't it obvious that everybody is maxim those artists did sajaegi? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It must move truthful since everybody is targeting them.

2. [+223, -7] As someone who stanned B2ST together with 4Minute, Cube tin flame never produce sajaegi because they're a listed company. I tin flame never forget the fans of big iii who would ever produce sajaegi together with bash the both groups when they won #1. Cube fans never asked to move included inwards the big 3, it was other people doing it to convey abhor ㅋㅋ There's no solution when you're associated amongst big 3.

3. [+74, -100] Cube?

4. [+71, -0] Cube powerfulness non produce their chore properly but they don't mess or thus amongst music.

5. [+63, -0] If Cube did sajaegi, Pentagon together with CLC would move charting inwards past times now.

6. [+61, -0] There's a argue why insiders are claiming the same affair except those artists.

Pann: Number of outset listeners for EXO

1. [+279, -3] How tin flame Ben receive got 60K listeners when EXO has 56K ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+250, -25] Why are people calling it flop? They've been or thus for 8 years, a hand grouping for seven years, together with it has iii members missing. Isn't it a success, then?

3. [+199, -15] You guys must move thinking EXO hasn't been or thus for long but it's their eighth twelvemonth ㅋㅋ It doesn't include iii members together with they had a lot of controversies, isn't it successful enough?

Ravi: "I idea my friends were idols but they were Lee Sedol"

(tn: He way that EXO is beating other machine-streamed songs)


Pann: VIXX Ravi targets sajaegi on Instagram

1. [+29, -0] So refreshing

2. [+14, -0] So straight-forward ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+6, -0] I'm an EXO-L, give thank yous you Ravi-nim.


Pann: Teaching machines a expert lesson

(Pann talks close how the populace is likewise streaming idol songs to receive got downwards sajaegi songs.)

1. [+130, -1] It's thus funny how non-fans together with idol fans used to larn by all the fourth dimension but are forthwith uniting because of sajaegi. We're Koreans to the bone... We can't stand upward injustice.

2. [+80, -6] I'm a non-fan but I desire to current EXO to bomb the machines.

3. [+18, -1] I'm an Army together with I'm likewise streaming Obsession ㅋㅋ Kill the sajaegis.

4. [+17, -0] I actually abhor EXO (sorry to the fans but I've seen thus many bad fans), I don't similar IU, together with I haven't fifty-fifty watched Frozen but I'm participating to receive got downwards the sajaegis. I promise it all charts within hand 10!

Paul Kim's concert (sold out)

Ben's concert (594 seats & 492 seats available)


Pann: Did yous run into the deviation betwixt Paul Kim together with Ben's concerts

1. [+75, -0] Are machines going to move sitting on the empty seats?

2. [+37, -0] Wow, I desire to decease to Paul Kim's concert

3. [+33, -0] Hul

4. [+17, -0] At this rate, Ben could concur her concert inwards a big van.

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