The Infamous 'Kahi Multibalm' Makes Its Ppl Appearance Inwards 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo'

Article: Even Woo Young Woo couldn't avoid it... viewers taken aback past times the featuring of 'that multibalm'

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+325, -6] Kahi's multibalm is truly thus bad. Especially inward the summer, it's simply also sticky.

2. [+217, -3] Kahi's multibalm is a bubble. It's been featured every bit PPL also many times that I don't trust it every bit a production anymore.

3. [+171, -2] I experience similar the production has invested also much coin into advertising it in addition to non plenty inward making certain it's a character product

4. [+141, -47] How tin you lot await to fund a drama without PPL... Let's simply rest positive almost this

5. [+83, -4] But are you lot supposed to rub it on your brow in addition to cervix in addition to and thus ane time again on your lips? Ew...

6. [+47, -0] The article's right. I went "huh??" when I saw it in addition to felt displaced from the catamenia of the drama. Honestly, it took me out of it completely. Kahi seems similar they've invested all of their coin into marketing in addition to none of it inward the quality. This truly turns me off from the product. It truly makes interrogation what the betoken of turning all these viewers into antis of their production is? I wishing they'd grade it a rest... they've sold plenty of these, haven't they? Tsk...

7. [+35, -0] It makes me non desire to purchase it fifty-fifty more

8. [+18, -1] I experience bad for the people who autumn for products similar this... it likely costs $2 wholesale thus you're basically paying for the upcharge of everything they're spending on marketing in addition to advertising. 

9. [+18, -1] Sigh... the enemy of every Korean drama. Kahi... Why can't nosotros kicking them out?

10. [+18, -1] I intend we've seen this production used to a greater extent than inward dramas than inward existent life ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it has bad reviews on community boards too, I don't larn why they bother amongst spending thus much on marketing

11. [+13, -0] Dramas can't move produced without PPL? Pffft, in addition to thus how practise you lot intend all the dramas dorsum in addition to thus were made? I'm certain nosotros had sponsors dorsum in addition to thus but I experience similar it wasn't every bit blatant every bit it is today.

12. [+10, -0] I am thus damn ill in addition to tired of this balm production that's used every bit PPL inward every diverseness in addition to drama on TV, tsk tsk. I reject to e'er purchase a stick of it.

13. [+17, -8] Let's permit this ane go, permit them brand roughly money

14. [+10, -0] Multibalm feels similar a marked upwards version of vaseline...

15. [+9, -1] Sticky pasty multibalm it's the absolute worst inward the summertime

16. [+8, -2] Feels similar the drama was simply tainted. Totally ruined my mood.


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