Eun Jiwon Wears A Flying Attendant Uniform

Pann: Eun Jiwon wears a flying attendant uniform

1. [+129, -9] He powerfulness bring a funny icon on TV only he has his unique sleekness ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+94, -5] I bring no involvement inwards Eun Jiwon but he actually is handsome... His diversity icon is an immature tike only when he dresses up, he's handsome.

3. [+72, -9] Original starting fourth dimension generation idol.

4. [+35, -18] Drunk driving twice, filtered out.

5. [+33, -18] Next drunkard driver, please.

6. [+25, -0] He looked sleepy on New Journey to the West ㅋㅋ He looks thence handsome inwards the starting fourth dimension motion painting in addition to inwards side profile. Is this how he looks inwards existent life?

7. [+18, -8] Do yous actually desire to cheer for person who did drunkard driving twice?

8. [+18, -2] It's similar seeing a musical rhythm out who e'er wears baggy clothes in addition to plays soccer, only in addition to thence ane 24-hour interval he dresses upward for a schoolhouse trip.

9. [+17, -13] Filtering out YG.

10. [+16, -1] How tin he await fifty-fifty younger?

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