Skirt Covers On Desks

Pann: Skirt covers on desks

1. [+223, -15] Just permit them wearable pants.

2. [+118, -28] Don't yous accept a selection to wearable uniform pants, though?
- [+27, -0] My schoolhouse doesn't allow it. Girls' high schools don't fifty-fifty brand pants for uniforms.
- [+26, -0] My schoolhouse doesn't allow it unless yous accept a special circumstance similar having a big scar on your thigh. If yous wearable uniform pants without a reason, yous learn points deducted.

3. [+87, -14] It looks stuffy.

4. [+56, -2] As a teacher, I intend it's a keen idea. Most schools accept uniform pants simply girls don't detect pants pretty together with then they don't wearable them. These days, fifty-fifty if a woman somebody instructor makes a educatee wearable their uniforms correctly, it could live seen equally sexual harassment. It's an detail where both sides tin avoid beingness uncomfortable. Special classes accept desks amongst plastic attached inward front. Why non exercise the same matter to regular desks?

5. [+41, -12] To those who are proverb it's because the skirts are likewise short... Try wearing a skirt together with sitting on a chair for the whole day. Unless the skirt comes downwards to your knees, it rolls upwards when yous sit. And yous halt upwards spreading your legs naturally later on a while. Imagine sitting similar that for the whole day, ugh.

6. [+40, -76] It's because the students shorten their skirts likewise much, tsk tsk. The master copy uniforms are long, I don't sympathise why they criticize the uniforms.

7. [+38, -11] Why criticize the students for a slice of fabric on a desk? They're at the historic menstruum to detect skirts prettier. Of course of didactics they'll wearable skirts. And equally they sit, the instructor tin encounter through from the front, which is why the covers are there. How negative exercise yous accept to be, tsk tsk.

8. [+30, -3] This volition live together with then much to a greater extent than comfortable to spread your legs ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+27, -1] I'm certain it's for the students, simply I intend it's also proficient for the teacher. When I used to move at an academy, I saw a lot of girls who spread their legs intentionally inward forepart of a manful somebody teacher. I sympathise that they're going through puberty simply it was embarrassing.

10. [+20, -1] The covers are together with then comfortable, why exercise people criticize it? Universities accept those desks, too. It'll live particularly proficient for students wearing uniforms.

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