Feeling The Ancient History Of Egypt

Extinction of mammoths - G years subsequently the Pyramid was built

When the Pyramid was existence built - Korea was simply entering the Bronze Age

During the Roman Empire, the Pyramid was already an ancient relic

The menstruum earlier the nascency of Cleopatra is longer than the menstruum betwixt Cleopatra's expiry introduce day

The ancient kingdom of Arab Republic of Egypt is divided past times three ages. Each historic menstruum is longer than the menstruum of Three Kingdoms Joseon inward Korean history

Modern people: Wow, ancient people made that? Amazing!
People G years ago: Wow, ancient people made that? Amazing!
People 2000 years ago: Wow, ancient people made that? Amazing!
People 3000 years ago: Wow, ancient people made that? Amazing!

People 4000 years ago: We bring to brand that? Us?


Pann: Feeling the history of Egypt

1. [+187, -0] How create Egyptians acquire their history?
- [+87, -1] Do Egyptians also bring to report their history to acquire populace servants? They'll kicking the bucket crazy subsequently trying to memorize everything.
- [+12, -0] They must live dividing the history past times every G years
- [+16, -0] The Korean history textbook is divided past times Part 1 as well as Part 2, but the Egyptians must shout out to Part 8... Their long history aside, they bring Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, as well as Rome interacting historically, as well as there's the country of war of religions... They must bring then much to learn.

2. [+118, -2] So interesting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Honestly, I believe the Pyramid was built past times aliens.

3. [+89, -0] The final painting exhibit is then funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+59, -0] There are writings from the Roman Empire as well as they complain almost how they acquire ripped off when they catch Egypt's Pyramid. It was earlier the mutual era but the Egyptian remains were already considered ancient relics. Just similar how nosotros catch the Pyramid for a tour, the Romans also went to Arab Republic of Egypt for a tour.

5. [+52, -0] How did they brand that... Especially the pointy top... How did they built that???

6. [+45, -0] They're actually lucky to bring amazing ancestors...

7. [+35, -1] The electrical current Arab Republic of Egypt isn't the amazing ancient Egypt. Arab Republic of Egypt was ruined as well as swapped alongside immigrants. The Egyptian population was either massacred or moved faraway. After that, other people took payoff of the empty land, who are the ancestors of the electrical current Egyptians. They had cypher to create alongside the amazing ancient Egypt. They rode on a costless ride.

8. [+32, -0] As fourth dimension passes, the people also prepare farther but Arab Republic of Egypt seems to live going backwards. I was then shocked when they were fixing the destroyed parts of the Pyramid past times plastering.

9. [+28, -0] Greeks used to kicking the bucket to the Pyramid as well as said these lazy Egyptians were earning coin off of their ancestors. Ironically, Hellenic Republic is inward that exact same province of affairs correct now.

10. [+28, -0] Is at that topographic point a fourth dimension machine? Or aliens must've made it. It's simply amazing.

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