National Changes To Hold Upward Made Inward Korea Inward 2020

1) ID
- The taeguk grade changes its colors depending on the angle
- The advert as well as social safety release volition live bulging out
- The information volition live printed past times laser
- The painting & appointment of nativity on the bottom volition look depending on the angle

2) Passport
- Will live changed to bluish from light-green (first fourth dimension inward 32 years)
- One to a greater extent than alphabet volition live added to the passport number
- Laser-printed content & picture
- Deletion of social safety number

3) Mobile driver's license
- It tin live used only as as as a regular driver's license

4) Increase of minimum wage
- From 8,350 won to 8,590 won (around $8)
- 2.9% increase from 2019

5) Korean history exams
- four examination attempts inward 2019, v attempts inward 2020, as well as half dozen attempts inward 2021
- It's divided past times advanced/middle/intermediate, but it volition live simplified to intensified/basic

6) Ban of drinking ads
- On TV programs, movies, as well as games that are rated for minors, drinking ads volition live banned. Sounds similar "kya" volition live banned since it could provoke drinking.
- In 2019, the ads are allowed as long as it's non aired betwixt 7AM 10PM.

7) Paper boxes at supermarket check-outs
- Paper boxes that were given to customers for costless at grocery check-outs volition live banned.


Pann: Changes inward 2020

1. [+474, -10] Why are they banning newspaper boxes?

2. [+402, -20] The box ban is such a stupid law.

3. [+165, -7] I wonder why they decided to change the passport color.

4. [+123, -3] If they're banning drinking ads, they should also ban plastic operation ads, too.

5. [+89, -9] I dear the ban on drinking ads. I loathe how they thought weak drinkers as losers.

6. [+68, -17] Those who are cheering for minimum wage increase are short-sighted. If they perish on increasing the minimum wage, the bosses volition hire less part-timers as well as at that spot volition live less jobs.

7. [+67, -62] The economic scheme is worsening already. If they perish on increasing the minimum wage, the workplaces volition hire less workers as well as it'll atomic number 82 to less jobs. Minimum wage increase is non something to congratulate.

8. [+66, -1] If y'all desire to halt minors from drinking, delight ban the songs that beak almost drinking as good ㅋㅋㅋ

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