Red Velvet - H2o Ice Cream Cake

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Red Velvet -  Ice cream Cake (released inwards Mar, 2015)

Lalalalala Lalalala
Lalalalala Lalalala


Oh 햇살 눈부신 한가론 휴일 (G14)
oh sunlight dazzling relaxing  holodays
( It’s a sunny together with relaxing holiday.)

예쁜 새하얀 원피스를 입고 Oh Oh (G14, 3)
pretty existent white dress habiliment together with
( I’m wearing my pretty, white dress.)

을 나섰지,  콧노래 나오지 (G18, 45)
I home left , humming comes out
( I left the line solid field humming.)

La La La La La -

나를 바라 봐, 넋을 놓고 (G3)
you me stare,  mesmerized together with again await
( You’re looking at me, staring at me.)

을 사로잡아 버린 그 순간  Oh (G56,14)
your heart captivated that moment
( The instant I captivated your heart)

떨리는 목소리,  니 엔 / 소리 (G6)
trembling voice, your heart inwards / drum sound
( My trembling vocalization is similar drums inwards your heart.)

반짝이는 종소리가 울리지(G6,45)
again twinkling bell sound ring
( The twinkling audio of a bell rings again.)

La La La La La -

단어) 햇살: sunlight  눈부시다: to dazzle  한가롭다: to relax 휴일: holidays  예쁘다: to last pretty 새하얗다: to last existent white   원피스: wearing clothing ( 1 piece- konglish)  입다: to habiliment  난: I (casual, a brusque shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: theme marker)  집: habitation 나서다: to operate out  콧노래: humming ( 코: nose, 노래: song)  나오다: to come upward out  넌: you lot (casual, a brusque shape of 너는, 너: I , 는: theme marker)  나를: me (casual)  바라보다: to stare   넋을 놓다: to last mesmerized (넋: spirit, 놓다: to release)  또: 1 time to a greater extent than  보다: to await  니: your, you lot ( casual)  맘: pump  사로잡다: to captivate  그: that  순간: instant  떨리다: to shiver   목소리: vocalization ( 목: neck, pharynx 소리: sound)   북: drums 반짝이다: to twinkle  종:bell  울리다: to telephone


주세요 (G2-1)
Give, please

달콤한 그 Ice Cream Cake (G14)
sweet that taste Ice Cream Cake
( Please give me that sugariness taste, H2O ice cream cake.)

특별해질 오늘(G43)
will last particular today

어울리는 으로 (G6,40)
fitting flavor amongst
( With a season plumbing equipment today that volition last special)

입가에 / 묻은 Ice Cream에 (G14)
lips' side on / smeared Ice cream to
( To the  ice cream smeared on my lips)

가슴 두근거려
( Your pump  pounds.)

내게 / 다가 오겠죠 (G44, 78,45)
to me / come upward closed volition
( You volition come upward closed to me.)

It's then tasty Come together with chase me
참겠어 ( Can't concord it in) (G1-1,78)

I cry You cry Gimme that Gimme that Ice Cream

단어)  주다: to give  달콤하다: to last sugariness  그: that  맛: sense of savor  특별해지다; to buy the farm particular  오늘: today 어울리다: to jibe   입가: lips’ side ( 입: lips)  묻다: to last smeared  니: your, you lot (causal)  가슴: pump  두근거리다: to pound  내게: to me  다가오다: to come upward closed  참다: to hold, to seat upward amongst   

Verse 2)

Oh Vanilla chocolate dearest amongst a cherry on top

매일 다양하게 보여줄게 (G57)
everyday variously exhibit volition
( I’ll exhibit you lot dissimilar things every day.)

To you lot  only  

무지갤 그려대는 저 분수대 보다 (G6)
rainbow drawing  that fountain than

사랑을 그려내는 네게 / 더 끌릴 거야 (G6,8-1)
I love drawing out  to you / a little to a greater extent than attracted volition
( I’ll last attracted a lilliputian to a greater extent than to you lot who draws out my love compared to that outflow drawing a rainbow. )

나를 데리고 떠나 / 어서 떠나 (G3)
you me direct keep together with leave /  in a hurry leave
( Take me together with leave, hurry together with leave.)

조그만 스쿠터에 / 태워 봐 / Oh (G14,9)
small scooter on/ give a ride/  Oh me
( Put me on a pocket-size scooter.)

Uh 허릴 감싸는 (G6)
your waist wrapping my hands
( My hands that roll only about your waist)

오늘 가도 / 이 두근두근 거리지 (G20,45)
today  all transcend though  / heart pound
( Your pump volition pound fifty-fifty subsequently today has passed.)

La La La La La -

단어) 매일: everyday  다양하게: variously  보여주다: to exhibit  너에게: to you lot  ( causal)   만: solely  무지개: rainbow  그려대다: to describe  저: that  분수대: outflow   N보다: than due north   난: I ( casual, a brusque shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: theme marker) 사랑: love  그려내다: to describe out   네게: to you lot  좀: a lilliputian  더: to a greater extent than  끌리다: to last attracted  넌: you lot ( casual ,a brusque shape of 너는, 너: I , 는: theme marker) 나를: me ( causal)  데리고 떠나다: to direct keep someone together with operate out   어서: inwards a hurry  떠나다: to operate out  조그맣다: to last pocket-size  스쿠터: scooter  태우다: to give a ride  날: me ( casual , a brusque shape of 나를, 나: I , 를: object marker)  니: your ,you ( casual)  허리: waist  감싸다: to roll  내: my ( causal)  손: hands  오늘: today  다 : all  가다: to pass, to buy the farm   맘: pump   두근두근 거리다: to pound


Give please

달콤한 그 Ice Cream Cake (G14)
sweet that taste Ice Cream Cake
( Please give me that sugariness taste, H2O ice cream cake.)

특별해질 오늘(G43)
will last particular today
어울리는 으로 (G6,40)
fitting flavor amongst
( With a season plumbing equipment today that volition last special)  

입가에 / 묻은 Ice Cream에 (G14)
lips' side on / smeared Ice cream to
( To the  ice cream smeared on my lips)

가슴 두근거려
(Your pump  pound.)

내게 / 다가 오겠죠 (G44,78,45)
to me / come upward closed volition
( You volition come upward closed to me.)

It's then tasty Come together with chase me
참겠어 ( Can't concord it in) (G1-1,78)

I cry You cry Gimme that Gimme that Ice Cream X2
I cry You cry Gimme that Gimme that

단어)  주다: to give  달콤하다: to last sugariness  그: that  맛: sense of savor  특별해지다; to buy the farm particular  오늘: today  어울리다: to jibe    입가: lips’ side ( 입: lips)  묻다: to last smeared  니: your, you lot (causal)  가슴: pump  두근거리다: to pound  내게: to me  다가오다: to come upward closed  참다: to hold, to seat upward amongst   



안에 / 녹아 내리는 (G6)
my mouth inwards / melting downwardly middle
( It’s inwards the middle of  melting downwardly inwards my mouth.)

잔뜩 넣어
so much put in
(Put then much in.)

안이 녹아 내리는 줄 (G6,17)
my mouth melting downwardly similar
( Like my oral cavity melting downwardly )

Baby Boy

다른 남자들은 아무것도 몰라 (G14)
other guys  anything don't know
( Other guys don’t know anything.)

You’re then fine 해서 (G29-2)
You’re then fine so

안 튀는 골라 (G21,6)
not outstanding clothes solely choose
( You’re then fine then solely habiliment clothes that don’t brand you lot stand upward out.)

Never acquire me incorrect my boo

I direct keep no 관심( interest)  In that handbag

지루한 , 부터 / ,까지 (G14)
boring Mon, Tue from / Wed, Thurs to
( From tedious Monday to Thurs)

Man I wanna transcend

보는 니 시선(G6)
me looking your glance at
( At your glance looking at me)

See some expert vibe

기분 좋은 느낌이야 (G14,41)
mood expert feeling it's
( It’s a expert feeling.)

와 / 이 마주치는 순간 (G53,6)
you amongst / eyes coming together moment
( The instant when my eyes run into yours)

Gimme that X6 Ice Cream

단어) 내: my( causal)  입: oral cavity  안에: inwards ,inside   녹아내리다: to melt downwardly  중: middle  잔뜩: then much  넣다: to seat inwards   다르다: to last other, dissimilar  남자들: guys  아무것도: nothing, anything  몰라: non to know  튀다: to stand upward out  옷: clothes    만: solely  고르다: to select  관심: involvement  지루하다: to last tedious  월: Monday  화: Tue  부터: from  수: Midweek 목: Thurs  까지: to, until  날: me ( casual , a brusque shape of 나를, 나: I , 를: object marker)  보다: to await  니: you, your (casual)  시선: glance  기분: mood  좋다: to last expert  느낌: feeling  너: you lot ( causal)  눈: eyes  마주치다: to run into  순간: instant

in a Hurry (Hurry)

부드런 그 Ice Cream Cake (G14)
soft that taste H2O ice cream cake
( Hurry together with give me that soft taste, H2O ice cream cake

오직 널 기다리며 / 촛불을 켜둘게요(G16,57)
only you lot hold back every bit / candle lights plough on I volition
( I’ll lite the candles every bit I solely hold back for you.)

따스한 에 Ice Cream Cake (G14)
warm heart inwards H2O ice cream cake
( In my warm heart, H2O ice cream cake)

녹아버리기 전에 / 내게 입맞 춰 줘요 (G56,5,44,28)
melting before /  to me  kiss me
( Kiss me earlier it melts.)

It's then tasty Come together with chase me

입술이 달콤하게 녹아요
your lips sweetly melt
( Your lips are sweetly melting.)

나는 감아요
I eyes close
( I’m closing my eyes.)

달콤한 그 Ice Cream Cake (G14)
sweet that taste Ice Cream Cake
( Please give me that sugariness taste, H2O ice cream cake.)

특별해질 오늘(G43)
will last particular today

어울리는 으로 (G6,40)
fitting flavor amongst
( With a season plumbing equipment today that volition last special)  

입가에 / 묻은 Ice Cream에 (G14)
lips' side on / smeared Ice cream to
( To the  ice cream smeared on my lips)

가슴 두근거려
( Your pump  pounds.)

내게 / 다가 오겠죠 (G44,78,45)
to me / come upward closed volition
( You volition come upward closed to me.)

It's then tasty Come together with chase me
참겠어 ( Can't concord it in) (G1-1,78)

I cry You cry Gimme that Gimme that Ice Cream X2
I cry You cry Gimme that Gimme that your lips

단어) 어서: inwards a hurry  부드럽다: to last soft  그: that  맛: sense of savor  오직: solely  널: you lot ( casual, a brusque shape of 너를: 너: you, 를: object marker)  기다리다: to hold back  촛불: candle lights  켜두다: to plough on  and permit it last  따스하다: to last warm  맘: pump  녹다: to melt   전에: earlier  내게: to me   입 맞추다: to buss (입: mouth)  니: you, your ( causal)  입술: lips  달콤하게: sweetly  녹다:  to melt   나: I (casual)  눈: eyes  감다: to closed  달콤하다: to last sugariness  그: that  맛: sense of savor  특별해지다; to buy the farm particular  오늘: today 어울리다: to jibe   입가: lips’ side ( 입: lips)  묻다: to last smeared  니: your, you lot (causal)  가슴: pump  두근거리다: to pound  내게: to me  다가오다: to come upward closed  참다: to hold, to seat upward amongst   
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