Exo- Telephone Telephone Me Babe

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EXO- Call Me Baby (released inward Mar, 2015)

거리는 완전 난리 (G41)
this street consummate craziness
( This street is completely crazy.)

사람들 사이는 이야 (G41)
people betwixt stranger
(People inward betwixt are strangers.)

함께하는 매 순간이 like (G6)
being together every moment like
(Every 2nd that we’re together like)

What up


Hey Girl

영원 같던 찰나 (G34)
eternity used to hold out one moment
(One 2nd which used to hold out eternity)

(운명 같은 순간) (G14)
(the fate-like moment)

나를 한 순간 뚫고 가
me 1 2nd pierce
( You pierce into me inward but 1 moment.)

(번개처럼 , 이 세계를)
lightning like,  this world
(like lightning, inward this world)

이름 불러주며 (G28,16)
you my name calling while
( While calling my name,)

나에게로 / 다가 와 (G40)
to me / come close
( You come upwardly closed to me.)

( Amazing )

섬광처럼 / 가득 차
flash of light similar / fill
( Like a flash of light, yous fill upwardly me.)

를 마주한 순간 / oh my (G14)
you confront moment / oh my
( The 2nd I faced you, oh my)

편하게 여기 앉아
Comfortably hither sit
(Sit hither comfortably)

이제얘기를 들어 봐 (G9)
now my story hear endeavor
( Try to hear to my storey now.)

Oh I don't attention

멀리 멀리 돌아 간대도 (G75)
I  far far decease but about fifty-fifty if
( Even if I conduct maintain to acquire inward around,)

이렇게 / 너의
like this / your side past times
( By your side similar this)

남자가 되어줄 테니 (G28,10)
Only 1 man decease volition
( I’ll hold out the exclusively homo for you.)

메마른 내 입술(G14)  
dry my lips into
( Into my dry out lips)

스며 들어와 / 나를 깨워
You seep in / me wake upwardly
( You seep inward in addition to wake me up.)

The time's wasting girl
So dont wait, dont hold back also long

단어) 이 : this  거리: street  완전: completely  난리: craziness  사람들: people  사이: betwixt  남: stranger  함께하다: to hold out together 매: every  순간: 2nd  영원: eternity  같다: to hold out similar 찰나: a 2nd  운명: fate  순간: 2nd  나를: me ( casual)  한 N: 1 northward  뚫고 가다: to pierce  번개: lightning  세계: the world  넌: yous ( casual, a brusk shape of 너는, 너: you, 는: topic marker)  내: my (casual)  이름: cite  부르다: to telephone telephone  나에게: to me  다가오다: to come upwardly closed  놀랍다: to hold out amazing  섬광: flash of lite   N처럼: similar northward   가득 차다: to fill upwardly up   마주하다: to confront  편하게: comfortably  여기: hither  앉다: to sit down  이제: forthwith  얘기: storey  듣다: to hear  나: I ( casual)  멀리: far  돌아가다: to decease but about  이렇게: similar this  너의: your ( casual)  곁에: past times one’s side  단: exclusively  단: exclusively   남자: homo  되다: to decease  메마르다: to hold out dry out  입술: lips   스며 들어오다: to seep inward 깨우다: to wake someone upwardly


빛나는 것들많아 (G6)
shining things  a lot
( There are a lot of shiny things.)

안에 / 진짜를 봐 봐 (G9)
that inside / real thing await endeavor
( Try to await at what’s existent within them.)

Call me babe  (X4)
(You know my cite girl)

향해 / 커져 간 마음(G14)
you toward / grew large heart
( My pump grew bigger for you.)

말곤 / 그 닫아
you except / that door close
( I closed the  door for everyone else but you.)

(You know Im hither girl)

Call me babe (X4)

몇 번이라도 (G36)
a few times at to the lowest degree
( At to the lowest degree a few times)

Call me girl

나를 / 나로 / 존재하게 해 (G15-1)
me /  as myself / be brand
( You brand me be equally myself.)

my world  only
( Only 1 inward my world)

You're the 1 You’re the one
Girl you’re the 1 I want

빛나는 것들많아 (G6)
shining things  many
( There are many shiny things.)

안에 / 진짜를 봐 봐 (G9)
that inside / real thing await endeavor
( Try to await at what’s existent within them.)

Call me babe  (X4)
(You know my cite girl)

몇 번이라도 (G36)
a few times at to the lowest degree
( At to the lowest degree a few times)

Call me girl

단어) 빛나다: to smooth  것들: things ( 것: thing)  많다: to hold out a lot  그: that  안에: within  진짜: existent affair  보다: to await  널: yous (casual, a brusk shape of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker)  향해: toward  커져 가다: to grow large  마음: pump   N 말고: except northward  문: door   닫다: to closed  몇 번 : a few times  나를: me   나로: equally myself   존재하다: to be  내: my (casual)  세상: the world  오직: exclusively  

( Verse2 )

Baby daughter

욕심들 속에 날 선 (G14)
greeds amid edged

어떤 도 넘어설 그런 믿음을 보여준 (G43, 14)
that whatsoever words over such trust showed you
( Even amid all the edged words alongside greed, yous showed that yous trusted me.)

모두 변해 / 떠나 간대도 (G75)
everyone change / me exit fifty-fifty if
( Even if everyone changes in addition to leaves me,)

나만의 lady
( You (are) my only lady)

을 잡아주는 그거 (G28, 6,22-2)
my hand asset that if ok
( Just asset my paw is ok.)

빛나는 것들많아 (G6)
shining things  many
( There are many shiny things.)

안에 / 진짜를 봐 봐 (G9)
that inside / real thing await endeavor
(Try to await at what’s existent within them.)

Call me babe  (X4)
(You know my cite girl)

향해 / 커져 간 마음 (G14)
you toward / grew large heart
( My pump grew bigger for you.)

말곤 / 그 닫아
you except / that door close
( I closed the  door for everyone else but you.)

(You know Im hither girl)

Call me babe (X4)

단어)  욕심: greed  속에: amid  날 서다: to hold out edged ( 날: blade , 서다: to stand upwardly up)  그: that  어떤 말: whatsoever words   넘어서다: to hold out over  그런 N: such northward  믿음: trust   보여주다: to present  너: yous ( casual)  모두: everyone   변하다: to alter  날: me ( casual, a brusk shape of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker)  떠나가다: to exit  나만의: my exclusively  (casual)   내: my  손: paw  잡다: to concord  그거: that affair   되다: to hold out okay  빛나다: to smooth  것들: things ( 것: thing)  많다: to hold out a lot  그: that  안에: within  진짜: existent affair  보다: to await  널: yous ( casual, a brusk shape of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker)  향해: toward  커져 가다: to grow large  마음: pump   N 말고: except northward  문: door   닫다: to closed  

어둔 미로 속에 / 갇혔던 Oh (G34-1)
dark maze inward / trapped oh   I
( I was trapped inward a nighttime maze.)

(그 어둠 속에서)
that darkness inward
(in the darkness)

깨워준 목소리 들려와 (G28, 14)
me woke upwardly your  voice  come into hearing
( I hear your phonation that woke me up.)

다시 태어나게 해 Yeah! (G15-1)
me again brand born
( You brand me hold out born again, yeah.)

단어)  어둡다: to hold out nighttime  미로: maze  속에: in, amid  갇히다: to hold out trapped  나: I   그: that  어둠: darkness  날: me ( casual, a brusk shape of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker)  깨우다: to wake upwardly  니: your, yous (casual)  목소리: phonation  들려오다: to come upwardly into hearing  다시: over again  태어나다: to hold out born

( Rap )

E-X-O Listen!
Say my cite (Louder)  

혼란스러운 공간 (G14)
chaotic space inward  
(In the chaotic space)

이끌어줄 이 되고 (G28,43,3)
me Pb light became in addition to

놓치지 않아준 라면 (G21,28,14, 22)
missed  not you if
( You became a lite to Pb me in addition to didn't miss me.)

What up

안고 변치 않을게 (G3,21,57)
you concord in addition to change won't
( I’ll concord yous in addition to never change.)

안고 나를 떠나버린 사람들과 / 마주해 (G3,56,14,53)
you concord in addition to me left people alongside /  face
( I concord yous in addition to confront people who left me.)

Never dont heed nearly a thing

가슴속 / 거대한 공백에 널 더해 (G14)
my heart inward / that huge empitness yous add
( I add together yous to that huge empitness inward my heart.)

흔들리는 세상 속에서 (G6)
shaking world inward
( In this shaking world)

이 돼준 오직사람 바로 (G28,14)
light became only 1 person precisely you
( You were the exclusively 1 who became my light.)

Girl you're the 1 I desire
(You're the 1 I want)

단어) 혼란스럽다: to hold out chaotic   공간: infinite  속: inward  날: me (casual)  이끌다: to Pb  빛: lite  되다: to decease  놓치다: to miss  너: yous (casual)  널: yous (casual, a brusk shape of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker)  안다: to concord  변하다: to alter  안다: to concord   나를: me ( casual)  떠나다: to exit  사람들: people  마주하다: to confront  내: my (casual)  가슴: pump  그: that  거대하다: to hold out huge  공백: emptiness  더하다: to add together  흔들리다: to milk shiver  세상: the world  빛: lite  되다: to decease  오직: exclusively   한 N: 1 northward  사람: someone  바로: precisely 너: yous (casual)


빛나는 것들많아 (G6)
shining things  many
There are many shiny things

안에 / 진짜를 봐 봐 (G9)
that inside / real thing await endeavor
Try to await at what’s existent within them

Call me babe  (X4)

(I’ll hold out your babe yeah- Ho!)

나를 / 나로 / 존재하게 해 (G15-1)
me /  as myself / be brand
You brand me be equally myself

You know I am hither girl.

my world  only ( exclusively 1 inward my world)

You're the 1 You’re the one
Girl you’re the 1 I want

빛나는 것들많아 (G6)
shining things  many
There are many shiny things

안에 / 진짜를 봐 봐 (G9)
that inside / real thing await endeavor
Try to await at what’s existent within them

Call me babe  (X4)

몇 번이라도 (G36)
a few times at to the lowest degree
At to the lowest degree a few times

Call me girl
단어) 빛나다: to smooth  것들: things ( 것: thing)  많다: to hold out a lot  그: that  안에: within  진짜: existent affair  보다: to await  나를: me   나로: equally myself   존재하다: to be  내: my (casual)  세상: the world  오직: exclusively   몇 번: a few times

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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