Blackpink - Playing Amongst Fire

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BlackPink - Playing With Fire ( released inwards Nov, 2016)

우리 μ—„λ§Œ 맀일 λ‚΄κ²Œ λ§ν–ˆμ–΄ (G18)
Our mom everyday to me said

μ–Έμ œλ‚˜ λ‚¨μž μ‘°μ‹¬ν•˜λΌκ³  (G26-1)
always man travel careful
( My mom told me everyday to e'er travel careful of men.)

μ‚¬λž‘μ€ 마치 뢈μž₯λ‚œ κ°™μ•„μ„œ (G29-2)
love is similar playing alongside fire because
(Because dear is similar playing alongside fire)

λ‹€μΉ˜λ‹ˆκΉŒ Eh (G39)
I’ll acquire hurt, in addition to then
( So , I’ll acquire wound .)

μ—„λ§ˆ 말이 κΌ­ λ§žμ„μ§€λ„ λͺ°λΌ (G96)
mom’s words really correct mightiness
( My mom mightiness travel actually right.)

널 보면 (G22-1)
you (I) meet if
( When I meet you, )

λ‚΄ 맘이 뜨겁게 λ‹¬μ•„μ˜¬λΌ
( My heart gets hot.)

fear rather than
(Rather than fear)

널 ν–₯ν•œ 끌림이 더 ν¬λ‹ˆκΉŒ Eh (G14,39)
you toward attraction bigger because
( Because my attraction to yous is bigger.)

단어) 우리 : our , nosotros , μ—„λ§ˆ : mom , 맀일 : everyday , λ‚΄κ²Œ : to me (casual) , λ§ν•˜λ‹€ : to state , μ–Έμ œλ‚˜ : e'er , λ‚¨μž : human being , guy , μ‘°μ‹¬ν•˜λ‹€ : to travel careful,  μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , 마치 northward κ°™λ‹€ : to travel similar northward , 뢈μž₯λ‚œ : playing alongside hand the sack , λ‹€μΉ˜λ‹€ : to acquire wound , 말 : words , κΌ­ : sure , really,  λ§žλ‹€ : to travel correct , 널 : yous ( casual,  a curt shape of λ„ˆλ₯Ό , λ„ˆ : yous , λ₯Ό : object marker) , 보닀 : to meet , λ‚΄ :my ( casual)  , 맘 : heart,  λœ¨κ²κ²Œ : hotly,  λ‹¬μ•„μ˜€λ₯΄λ‹€ : to acquire hot , 두렀움 : fearfulness , N보닀 : rather than northward , ν–₯ν•˜λ‹€ : to travel toward , 끌림 : attraction,  λ” : to a greater extent than , 크닀 : to travel large

멈좜 수 μ—†λŠ” 이 떨림은 (G6)
( Unstoppable this trembling )

On in addition to on in addition to on

λ‚΄ μ „λΆ€λ₯Ό
my all

λ„ˆλž€ 세상에
you’ the world into

λ‹€ λ˜μ§€κ³  μ‹Άμ–΄ (G4)
all throw (I) desire to
( I desire to throw my all into the footing , that is you. )

Look at me hold off at me now

μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ λ„Œ λ‚  μ• νƒœμš°κ³  μžˆμž–μ•„ (G52,61)
like this yous me worry , every bit yous see
( As yous meet , yous are burning me upwards similar this.)

끌 수 μ—†μ–΄ (G1)
turn it off (I) can't
(I can’t plough it off.)

우리 μ‚¬λž‘μ€ 뢈μž₯λ‚œ
Our love (is) playing alongside fire

My dear is on fire
Now burn downwards babe burn

Playing alongside hand the sack

My dear is on fire
So don’t play alongside me boy

Playing alongside hand the sack

단어 ) λ©ˆμΆ”λ‹€ : to destination , 이 : this , λ–¨λ¦Ό : trembling, λ‚΄ : my ( casual ) , μ „λΆ€ : all , λ„ˆ: yous (casual)  μ„Έμƒ : footing , λ‹€ : all , λ˜μ§€λ‹€ : to throw ,  μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ : similar this , λ„Œ : yous (casual,  a curt shape of λ„ˆλŠ” , λ„ˆ : yous , λŠ” : theme marker)  , λ‚  : me (casual) , μ• νƒœμš°λ‹€ : to worry someone , 끄닀 : to plough off , 우리 : nosotros , our , μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , 뢈μž₯λ‚œ : playing alongside hand the sack

Oh no

λ‚œ 이미 멀리 와 λ²„λ ΈλŠ”κ±Έ (G56,18,62)
I already far came
( I’ve already come upwards also far.)


이 λͺ¨λ“  게 μž₯λ‚œμ΄ μ•„λ‹Œ κ±Έ (G41-1,62)
this all joke non
( All of this is non a joke anymore. )

μ‚¬λž‘μ΄λž€ λΉ¨κ°„ λΆˆμ”¨ (G14)
‘ Love ‘ the ruby embers
( Love is similar the ruby embers.)

λΆˆμ–΄λΌ!  λ°”λžŒ (G69)
Blow ! Wind

더 μ»€μ Έκ°€λŠ” 뢈길 (G6)
more growing large fiery path
( The hand the sack path is growing bigger.)

이게 약인지 독인지 (G24-1)
this (is) medicine or poison

우리 μ—„λ§ˆλ„ λͺ°λΌ
our mom fifty-fifty doesn't know
( Even my mom doesn't know if this is medicine or poison.)

λ‚΄ 맘 도둑인데 (G38-1)
(It’s) my pump thief but
( It is a thief inwards my heart, but)

μ™œ 경찰도 λͺ°λΌ ?
why police fifty-fifty don't know
( why don’t the constabulary know it?)

뢈 뢙은 λ‚΄ 심μž₯에 (G14)
fire on my heart in
( In my pump on hand the sack )

더 뢀어라 ! (G69)
more pour out !

λ„ˆλž€ 기름
‘'you’ oil
( Pour out to a greater extent than oil, that is you.)

Kiss him volition I diss him
I don’t know exactly I missy him

쀑독을 λ„˜μ–΄μ„  이 μ‚¬λž‘μ€ crevice (G14)
addiction over this love
( This dear is crevice over addiction.)

λ‚΄ 심μž₯의 색깔은 black (G7)
My heart's color (is) dark

단어 ) λ‚œ : I ( casual,  a curt shape of λ‚˜λŠ” , λ‚˜ : I , λŠ” : theme marker)  , 이미 : already,  λ©€λ¦¬ :far , μ˜€λ‹€ : to come upwards , μ–΄λŠμƒˆ : suddenly,  μ΄: this , λͺ¨λ“  게 : all , everything,  μž₯λ‚œ : joke , μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , λΉ¨κ°›λ‹€ : to travel ruby , λΆˆμ”¨ : embers , λΆˆλ‹€: to blow , λ°”λžŒ : air current , 더 : to a greater extent than , 컀지닀 : to grow large , 뢈길 : fiery path , 이게 : this matter , μ•½ : medicine,  λ… : poisonous substance , 우리 : our , nosotros , μ—„λ§ˆ : mom , N도 : fifty-fifty northward , λͺ¨λ₯΄λ‹€ : to non know , λ‚΄ : my (casual ) , 맘 : pump , 도둑 : thief , μ™œ : why, κ²½μ°° : police, 뢈 λΆ™λ‹€ : to travel on hand the sack , 심μž₯ :heart (organ) , 더 : to a greater extent than , λΆ“λ‹€ : to pour out , λ„ˆ : yous ( casual) , 기름 : stone oil , 쀑독 : addiction,  λ„˜μ–΄μ„œλ‹€ : to acquire over , μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , 색깔 : color

멈좜 수 μ—†λŠ” 이 떨림은 (G6)
Unstoppable this trembling

On in addition to on in addition to on

λ‚΄ μ „λΆ€λ₯Ό
my all

λ„ˆλž€ 뢈길 μ†μœΌλ‘œ
‘you’ the firey path into

λ˜μ§€κ³  μ‹Άμ–΄ (G4)
throw (I) desire to
( I desire to throw my all into the hand the sack path , that is you.)

Look at me hold off at me now

μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ λ„Œ λ‚  μ• νƒœμš°κ³  μžˆμž–μ•„ (G52,61)
like this yous me worry , every bit yous see
( As yous meet , yous are burning me upwards similar this.)

끌 수 μ—†μ–΄ (G1)
turn it off (I) can't
( I can’t plough it off.)

우리 μ‚¬λž‘μ€ 뢈μž₯λ‚œ
Our love (is) playing alongside fire

My dear is on fire
Now burn downwards babe burn

Playing alongside hand the sack

My dear is on fire
So don’t play alongside me boy

Playing alongside hand the sack

단어 ) λ©ˆμΆ”λ‹€ : to destination , 이 : this , λ–¨λ¦Ό : trembling, λ‚΄ : my ( casual ) , μ „λΆ€ : all , everything, λ„ˆ: yous (casual)  λΆˆκΈΈ : fiery path ,  N μ†μœΌλ‘œ : into northward , λ‹€ : all , λ˜μ§€λ‹€ : to throw ,  μ΄λ ‡κ²Œ : similar this , λ„Œ : yous (casual,  a curt shape of λ„ˆλŠ” , λ„ˆ : yous , λŠ” : theme marker)  , λ‚  : me (casual) , μ• νƒœμš°λ‹€ : to worry someone , 끄닀 : to plough off , 우리 : nosotros , our , μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , 뢈μž₯λ‚œ : playing alongside hand the sack

κ±·μž‘μ„ μˆ˜κ°€ μ—†λŠ” κ±Έ (G1,62)
control can't
( I can’t command it.)

λ„ˆλ¬΄λ‚˜ 빨리 퍼져 κ°€λŠ” 이 뢈길 (G6)
too fast spreading this fiery path
( This hand the sack path is spreading also fast.)

이런 λ‚  λ©ˆμΆ”μ§€ 마 (G2)
like this me destination don't
( Don’t destination me similar this, )

이 μ‚¬λž‘μ΄ 였늘 밀을 νƒœμ›Œλ²„λ¦¬κ²Œ (G71)
this dear tonight burn downwards away brand
( in addition to then this dear tin burn downwards away tonight.)


단어 ) κ±·μž‘λ‹€ : to control,  λ„ˆλ¬΄λ‚˜ : also , 빨리 : fast , 퍼져 κ°€λ‹€ : to spread,  μ΄ : this , 뢈길 : fiery path , 이런 northward : northward similar this , λ‚  : me (casual) , λ©ˆμΆ”λ‹€ : to destination , μ‚¬λž‘ : dear , 였늘밀 : tonight, νƒœμš°λ‹€: to burn downwards something

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Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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