Ailee- Home

You tin goal acquire Korean through Ailee - Home  with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, in addition to quizzes. The next is made upward of Korean, literal social club in addition to English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners in addition to y'all can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the divulge inward Grammar pages.  If this is your offset visit, delight banking concern represent the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise y'all taste learning Korean in addition to my spider web log volition hold out much helpful. ^_^  Please view my Facebook page in addition to ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inward your intelligence feed. If y'all are seriously interested inward learning Korean yesteryear Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and drib me a message for to a greater extent than information .

Please dice to #26

Ailee - Home ( released inward Oct, 2016, Feat. Yoon Mirae)


요즘 어떠니? (G23)
( Recently,  how are y'all ?)

지내나 봐 (G55)
well doing , I estimate
( I estimate you’re doing well.)

궁금한가 봐 , man child (G55)
I am curious , I guess, boy
( I estimate I’m curious, boy.)


그립진 않니? (G21,23)
miss don't?
( Don’t y'all miss me?)

만큼  (G64-4)
me as much every bit

는 보고 싶진 않아도 (G4,21,20)
you miss don't fifty-fifty if
( Even if y'all don't miss me every bit much every bit I do,)

후회하지 않을 거라고 (G8 , 103)
regret  wouldn't (you) said

자신 있게 말하던 (G34)
confidently used to tell you
( You used to tell confidently that y'all wouldn't regret.)

거짓말 , 거짓말 좀 마 (G2)
a lie , a prevarication delight don't tell
( Please, don't tell me a lie.)

You involve me
You involve me

조금 솔직해지자면 (G33-1,22-1)
a bit dice honest if
(If I were to hold out honest a little,)

I still y'all wait
( I’m all the same waiting for you.)

혼자 방에 갇힌 채 (G70)
alone room inward locked while
( While I’m locked lonely inward my room,)

(I) remember.

단어) 요즘 : recently,  잘 지내다 : to hold out doing good , 나 : I, me ( casual) , 궁금하다 : to hold out curious,  그립다 : to miss , 너 : y'all ( casual ) , 보고 싶다 : to miss , 후회하다 : regret , 자신 있게 : confidently , 말하다 : to tell , to tell , 거짓말  : a prevarication , 조금: a bit, 솔직해지다: to dice honest,  난 : I ( casual, a curt cast of 나는, 나: I , 는 : theme marker) ,아직도: all the same , 널: y'all ( casual, a curt cast of 너를 ,너 : you, 를 : object marker) , 기다리다: to wait,  혼자: alone, 방: room,  - 에 갇히다: to hold out locked inward , 기억하다: to recollect

보고 싶은데 왜 안 ? (G38-1)
miss y'all but you why non come
( I miss y'all but why aren’t y'all coming? )

Home home

전화하며 (G16)
call spell

내게 했던 (G18,34)
to me (you) used to tell words
( The words y'all used to tell me when y'all called)

Home home

I’m coming home
Coming abode yeah

달려갈게 (G57)
run (I) will
( I’ll run )

to y'all

I’m coming home
All alone

하지만 지금은 나 홀로
But directly I (am) alone

단어)  보고 싶다: to miss , 너: y'all ( casual) , 왜 : why,  오다: to come upward , 전화하다: to call,  내게: to me ( casual), 말하다: to tell ( 말: words, 하다: to do) , 달려가다: to run,  네게로 : to y'all ( written) ,  하지만: but, 지금: now,  
나 홀로: alone,

I know

바보 같단 걸 알고 있지만 (G50-1,52,30)
fool similar (I) know but
( I know that I’m similar a fool.)

어쩔 수가 없잖아 (G61)
( I can’t assist it , every bit y'all know.)

거짓말, 거짓말 아냐 (G41-1)
a lie , a prevarication non
( It is non a lie.)

Believe me believe me yeah

우리 꿈꾸던 미래(G34)
we used to dream future
( The hereafter nosotros used to dream of,)

도 잊지 않길 바래 (G21,48)
you also forget don't  (I) hope
( I promise y'all don’t forget either.)

혼자 방에 갇힌 채 (G70)
alone room inward locked spell
( While I’m locked lonely inward my room,)

(I) remember

단어) : 바보: a fool ,  N 같다: to hold out similar northward , 알다: to know,  어쩔 수가 없다: to induce got no selection but ,  거짓말: a lie,  우리: we, our,  꿈꾸다: to dream, 미래: future,  너: y'all ( casual) , N도: also N,  잊다: to forget , 혼자: alone, 방: room , - 에 갇히다: to hold out locked inward , 기억하다: to recollect

보고 싶은데 왜 안 ? (G38)
miss y'all but you why non come
( I miss y'all but why aren’t y'all coming?)

Home home

전화하며 (G16)
Call spell

내게 했던 (G18,34)
to me (you) used to tell words
( The words y'all used to tell me when y'all called,)

Home home

I’m coming home
Coming abode yeah

달려갈게 (G57)
run (I) will
( I’ll run )

to y'all

I’m coming home
All alone

하지만 지금은 나 홀로
But directly I (am) alone


아무리 둘러봐도 (G73)
( No affair how much (I) hold back around,)

같은 남자는 또 없는 걸 (G14,62)
you similar guy i time to a greater extent than don't exist
( There isn’t only about other guy similar you.)

을 꼭 잡아주던 (G28,34)
my hand tightly used to agree you
( You used to agree my manus tightly.)

놓지 말아 줘 (G2,28)
let dice don't delight
( Please, don't permit dice of it.)

단어)  보고 싶다: to miss , 너: y'all ( casual) , 왜 : why,  오다: to come upward , 전화하다: to call,  내게: to me ( casual), 말하다: to tell ( 말: words, 하다: to do) , 달려가다: to run,  네게로 : to y'all ( written) ,  하지만: but, 지금: now,  나 홀로: alone,  둘러보다: to hold back around,  너: y'all ,  N 같다: to hold out similar northward , 남자: guy,  또: again, only about other  없다: to non exist,  내: my ( casual),  손: hand,  꼭 잡다: to agree tightly ( 꼭: tightly),  놓다: to permit dice of something,   

후회하지 않을 거라고 (G8 , 103)
regret wouldn't (I) said
( I said I wouldn’t regret.)

Don’t hold back back
And only permit go

자신 있게 말해 놓고 (G 104, 3)
Confidently (I) said, in addition to

I don’t desire to hold out alone

이런 바보 같은 모습 (G14)
this fool similar image
( I'm similar a fool.)

어쩔 수 없는 걸 (G62)
(I) can't assist it

You (are ) my man

me hold
( Hold onto me.)

I’m forever your girl

단어) 후회하다; to regret,  자신 있게 : confidently,  말하다: to tell , to tell,  이런 N: this form of northward ,  바보: a fool,  N 같다: to hold out similar northward , 모습: image, 어쩔 수 없다: to induce got no choice,  넌 : y'all ( casual, a curt cast of 너는, 너: you, 는: theme marker) ,  남자: guy,  날: me ( casual) , 붙잡다: to agree  


솔직히 말해
Honestly tell (me)

너도 아직 날 원하고 있잖아 (G52,61)
you likewise still me desire , every bit y'all know
( As  you know , y'all all the same desire me too.)

수줍어하지 마 (G2)
shy don't
( Don’t hold out shy.)

I miss y'all likewise so

가까이 다가와
closely come upward
( Come closer.)

We interruption upward to brand up
I wake upward in addition to hate
That y'all gone for in addition to therefore long

아무리 둘러봐도 (G73)
( No affair how much (you) hold back around,)

같은 여자는 없다고 (G14,32-2)
me similar a woman don't exist, I tin goal say
( I tin goal tell that in that place isn’t only about other adult woman similar me.)  

You involve me come upward home

보고 싶은데 너 ? (G38-1)
miss y'all but y'all why non come
( I miss y'all but why aren’t y'all coming? )

Home home

됐는데 (G105,18, 38-1)
coming time (it's) but

와 ?
you why non come
( It’s fourth dimension y'all come upward abode but why aren’t y'all coming?)

Home home

오는 건데? babe (G50-,38-3)
you why not coming ?
( Why aren’t y'all coming ,babe)

어디야 ?  어디야 ?  yeah (G41)
where?  where ? yeah
( Where are you?  where are you?  yeah.)

달려갈게 (G57)
run (I) will
( I’ll run )

to you


어디야? (G41)
( Where are you?)

I’m alone

행복했던 우리 의 abode (G34,7)
happy our two home
( Our happy home)

단어) 솔직히: honestly,  말하다: to tell,  너: y'all (casual), N도: also northward ,  아직: still,  날: me (casual), 원하다: to want,  수줍어하다: to hold out shy,  가까이: closely,  다가오다: to come upward , to approach,  둘러보다: to hold back around,  나: I, me (casual) ,  N 같다: to hold out similar northward , 여자: woman,   없다: to non exist,  보고 싶다: to miss,  왜: why,  오다: to come upward , 어디: where,  달려가다: to run,  네게로; to y'all ( written) , 행복하다: to hold out happy,  우리 둘: both of us

Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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