Got Seven - Never Ever

You tin acquire Korean through GOT vii - Never Ever with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, together with quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal social club together with English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners together with you lot can conduct keep quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the publish inward Grammar pages.  If this is your start visit, delight depository fiscal establishment gibe the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise you lot relish learning Korean together with my weblog volition survive much helpful. ^_^  Please see my Facebook page together with ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inward your tidings feed. If you lot are seriously interested inward learning Korean past times Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and driblet me a message for to a greater extent than information .

Please acquire to #39

GOT vii - Never Ever (released inward Mar,2017)

많이 기다렸지 (G18,45)
a lot waited
( You waited together with hence long.)

I’m together with hence sorry

이제 결심 했지 (G18,45)
I now made upwards my mind
( Now I made upwards my mind.)

Are you lot ready?

꽤나 길었지 (G18,45)
quite (it) was long

나의 방황
my wandering
( I conduct keep wandered for quite a long time. )

이젠 걱정하지 마 (G2)
now worry don't
( Don’t worry now, )

다신 가지 않을 테니 (G21,10)
again (I) acquire won't because
( because I won't piece of job out again.)

Eh !

부를 때 마다 (G12)
(You) telephone phone fourth dimension every
( Every fourth dimension you lot called me,)

없었지 , Silence (G18,45)
I wasn’t (there) , quiet

걱정 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don't worry.)

도착했으니 (G18,39)
(I) conduct keep arrived, together with hence

Shall nosotros dance

축배를 들자 (G33-1)
toast drinkable let's
( Let's drinkable a toast.)

이젠 내 손 잡아
now my paw hold
( Now , concur my hand.)

today from
( As of today )

내가절대로 놓지 않아 (G21)
I you lot never permit acquire
( I won't always permit you lot go.)

시작 됐어 , 둘의 Romance (G18,7)
got started , ii only romance
( Our romance got started.)

준비 됐어 (G18)
You are ready

준비 됐어 (G18)
I am ready

두려움은 없어
fear (I) don't conduct keep
( I don't conduct keep a fear. )

망설일 필요 없어 (G43)
hesitate postulate (I) don’t
( I don't postulate to hesitate.)

Let’s acquire upwards up

우리 둘만의 Love (G7)
our ii entirely dear
( Our dear )

시작 됐어 , 둘의 Romance (G18,7)
got started , ii only romance
( Our romance got started.)

준비됐어 (G18)
You are ready

준비됐어 (G18)
I am ready

두려움은 없어
fear (I) don't conduct keep
( I don't conduct keep a fear.)

망설일 필요 없어 (G43)
hesitate postulate (I) don’t
( I don't postulate to hesitate.)

Let’s acquire upwards up

우리 둘만의 Love (G7)
we ii entirely dear
( Our dear )

단어 ) 많이 : a lot , 기다리다 : to hold off , 나 : I (casual), 이제 : from instantly on , instantly , 결심하다 : to decide,  꽤나 : quite , 길다 : to survive long , 나의 : my (casual), 방황 : wandering,  걱정하다 : to worry ( 걱정 : worries ) , 다시 : in i lawsuit to a greater extent than , 가다 : to acquire , 부르다 : to telephone phone , due north 마다 : every due north , 난 : I (casual,  a curt shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : theme marker) , 없다 : to non survive , to non conduct keep  , 도착하다 : to acquire far , 축배를 들다 : to drinkable a toast ( 축배 : a toast ) , 내 : my ( casual) , 손 : paw , 잡다 : to concur , 오늘 : today,  N 부터 : from due north , 내가 : I (casual)  , 널 : you lot ( casual,  a curt shape of 너를 , 너 : you, 를 : object marker) , 절대로 : never , 놓다 : to permit acquire of , 시작되다 : to acquire started,  둘 : ii , N만 : entirely due north , 넌 : you lot (casual,  a curt shape of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : theme marker) , 준비되다 : to survive ready, 두려움 : a fright , 망설이다 : to hesitate, 필요 없다 : to non postulate ( 필요 : a postulate ) , 우리 : our , we

(Never Ever) Ever gonna permit you lot go

다시 너를 떠나지 않아 (G21)
again you lot piece of job out won't
( I won’t piece of job out you lot again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine mine mine

(Never Ever) Ever gonna brand you lot cry

다시 울리지 않아 (G21)
again brand proper substantive won't
( I won’t brand you lot proper substantive again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine
Baby you’re mine

많이 고민했던 만큼 (G34,64-1)
much (I) considered every bit much
( As much every bit I considered virtually it,)

이젠 확실해
now (I'm) sure

All inward

나의 모든 것을 베팅해
my everything (I) bet
( I’ll bet my everything.)

(I) decide

지금부터 영원까지
now from eternity until
( From instantly until eternity)

I’m yours. You're mine woh

우리 맹세해 볼까? (G9,47-1)
we endeavor swearing shall ?
( Shall nosotros endeavor swearing?)

Let’s endeavor it

마음계약을 해
heart inward contract sign
( Let’s sign a contract inward our hearts.)

Let’s sign it

Get the ink
Get the pen

나는 망설임이 없어.
I hesitation don't have
( I don't hesitate.)

From instantly on

From instantly on

단어 ) 다시 : in i lawsuit to a greater extent than , 너 : you lot ( casual) , 떠나다 : to piece of job out , 걱정하다 : to worry , 울리다 : to brand someone proper substantive , 많이 : a lot , much , 고민하다 : to consider,  이제 : from instantly on , instantly , 확실하다 : to survive certain , 나의 : my ( casual) , 모든 것 : everything,  결심하다 : to create upwards one's heed , 지금 : instantly , N부터 : from due north , 영원 : eternity,  N까지 : until due north , 우리 : we, our , 맹세하다 : to swear , 마음 : catch ( mental)  , 계약하다 : to sign a contract, 나 : I, me (casual)  , 망설임 : hesitation,  없다 : to non survive , to non conduct keep , 이제 : from instantly on

시작 됐어 , 둘의 Romance (G18,7)
got started , ii only romance
( Our romance got started.)

준비 됐어 (G18)
You are ready

준비 됐어 (G18)
I am ready

두려움은 없어
fear (I) don't conduct keep
( I don't conduct keep a fear. )

망설일 필요 없어 (G43)
hesitate postulate (I) don’t
( I don't postulate to hesitate.)

Let’s acquire upwards up

우리 둘만의 Love (G7)
our ii entirely dear
( Our dear )

시작 됐어 , 둘의 Romance (G18,7)
got started , ii only romance
( Our romance got started.)

준비됐어 (G18)
You are ready

준비됐어 (G18)
I am ready

두려움은 없어
fear (I) don't conduct keep
( I don't conduct keep a fear.)

망설일 필요 없어 (G43)
hesitate postulate (I) don’t
( I don't postulate to hesitate.)

Let’s acquire upwards up

우리 둘만의 Love (G7)
we ii entirely dear
( Our dear )

(Never Ever) Ever gonna permit you lot go

다시 너를 떠나지 않아 (G21)
again you lot piece of job out won't
( I won’t piece of job out you lot again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine mine mine

(Never Ever) Ever gonna brand you lot cry

다시 울리지 않아 (G21)
again brand proper substantive won't
( I won’t brand you lot proper substantive again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine
Baby you’re mine

단어 ) 시작되다 : to acquire started,  둘 : ii , N만 : entirely due north , 넌 : you lot (casual,  a curt shape of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : theme marker) , 준비되다 : to survive ready, 두려움 : a fright , 망설이다 : to hesitate, 필요 없다 : to non postulate ( 필요 : a postulate ) , 우리 : our , we,  다시 : in i lawsuit to a greater extent than , 너 : you lot ( casual) , 떠나다 : to piece of job out , 걱정하다 : to worry , 울리다 : to brand someone proper substantive

매일 밤 혼란스러웠어 (G18)
Everyday dark (I) was confused
( Every dark I was confused .)

아직 내가 널 지켜줄 자신이 없어 (G43)
yet I you lot protect confidence don't conduct keep
( I don't conduct keep confidence to protect you lot yet. )

하지만 시간이 갈수록 (G68)
but fourth dimension goes the to a greater extent than
( But the to a greater extent than fourth dimension passes)


more vividly

I missed you lot girl

계속 떠오르잖아 (G61)
continuously come upwards to my heed

보던 니 눈빛(G34)
me looked your eye lights
( I kicking the bucket on thinking virtually the agency you lot looked at me.)

Baby you lot belong to me

(Never Ever) Ever gonna permit you lot go

다시 너를 떠나지 않아 (G21)
again you lot piece of job out won't
( I won’t piece of job out you lot again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine mine mine

(Never Ever) Ever gonna brand you lot cry

다시 울리지 않아 (G21)
again brand proper substantive won't
( I won’t brand you lot proper substantive again.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry.)

Baby you’re mine
Baby you’re mine

Never Ever Ever Never Ever ( x 4)
I volition never always ever never ever

단어 ) 매일 : Everyday , 밤 : dark , 혼란스럽다 : to survive confused,  아직 : yet , 내가 : I (casual)  , 널 : you lot ( casual,  a curt shape of 너를 , 너 : you, 를 : object marker) , 지켜주다 : to protect,  자신 : confidence,  없다 : to non survive , to non conduct keep , 하지만 : but , however,  시간 : fourth dimension , 가다 : to acquire , 분명히 : clearly, 더 : to a greater extent than , 선명히 : vividly,  계속 : continuously,  떠오르다 : to come upwards to one's mind, 날 : me (casual,  a curt shape of 나를 , 나 :  you, 를 : object marker) , 보다 : to look, 니 : you, your (casual)  , 눈빛 : oculus lights , 다시 : in i lawsuit to a greater extent than , 너 : you lot ( casual) , 떠나다 : to piece of job out , 걱정하다 : to worry , 울리다 : to brand someone proper substantive ,  난 : I (casual,  a curt shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : theme marker)

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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