Girls' Generation - Holiday

You tin larn Korean through Girls' Generation - Holiday with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, too quizzes. The next is made upward of Korean, literal lodge too English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners too you lot can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the unwrap inward Grammar pages.  If this is your kickoff visit, delight cheque the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise you lot savour learning Korean too my spider web log volition move much helpful. ^_^  Please see my Facebook page too ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inward your intelligence feed. If you lot are seriously interested inward learning Korean past times Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and driblet me a message for to a greater extent than information .

Please conk to #51

Girls’ Generation - Holiday (Aug, 2017)

Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday

I’m feeling adept

이 날을 기다려 왔어 (G18)
this day (I) get got waited
( I’ve waited for this day.)

처음 만난 그 순간처럼 (G14)
first met that moment similar
( Like the instant nosotros kickoff met,)

다시 만난 (G14,53)
again met you too me
( You too me who met again)

I’m feeling cool

이제야 완벽해졌어 (G112)
Now (it) has acquire perfect.

곁에 있는 이 순간 (G6)
your side past times staying this moment
( This instant  I’m staying past times your side,)

모든 게 달라졌어 Yeah (G112)
Everything has acquire different.  

Baby babe

모두 보여 줘
you everything demonstrate me
( Show me your everything.)

더 다가올래? (G66)
a bit to a greater extent than come upward closed wanna
( Do you lot wanna come upward closer?)

걸음을 옮겨
steps move
( Let’s movement our steps.)

어디든 좋아
Anywhere (is) fine.

Let’s conk party

타오르는 저 불빛 아래서 (G6)
burning those lights nether
( Under those burning lights)

이젠 즐겨 볼래? (G9,66)
From instantly on , savour wanna
( From instantly on, utilisation you lot wanna enjoy? )

머리 속은 비우고 (G3)
heads within empty too

모든 걸 내게 던져
everything to me lay down
( Empty your heads too lay everything downward to me. )

단어 ) 이: this , 날 : twenty-four lx minutes current , 기다려오다 : to get got waited , 처음 : first, 만나다 : to encounter , 그 : that , 순간 : instant , N처럼 : similar north , 다시 : ane time to a greater extent than , 너: you lot ( casual) , 나 : me , I ( casual ) , 이제야 : Now , 완벽하다 : to move perfect , 니 곁 : your side, 있다 :  to remain , to move , 모든 게 : everything, 다르다 : to move different, 널 : you lot ( casual, a brusque cast of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를 : object marker) , 모두 :everything, 보여 주다 : to show, 좀 :a fleck , 더 : to a greater extent than , 다가오다 : to come upward closed , approach, 걸음 : step(s), 옮기다 : to movement , to demeanour , 어디든 : anywhere , 좋다 : to move fine, adept , 타오르다 : to burn downward upward , 저 : that , those , 불빛 : lights , 아래서 : nether , 즐기다 : to savour , 머리 : caput , N속 : within north , 비우다 : to empty, 내게 : to me ( casual) , 던지다 : to throw ,


오늘이 우리 Holiday
Today (is) our holiday

멋진 이 온 거야 (G14,50-1,41)
A peachy day has come.

한참 기다린 순간 (G14)
a long time waited moment
( The instant nosotros get got waited a long time)


(It’s) special

우리 Holiday
Our vacation

만을 위한 하루가 될 수 있게 (G53,14,1,71)
you too me entirely for a day tin acquire too thence
( So that it tin acquire a twenty-four lx minutes current for entirely you lot too me,)

지쳤던 은 던져 버려 (G18,34)
tired heart throw away
( Throw away your tired hearts.)

여기, 너와 나 (G53)
Here,  you too me

함께 즐기면 돼 (G22-1)
together savour if fine
( If nosotros tin simply savour here, it is fine.)

단어 ) 오늘: today , 우리: nosotros , our , 멋지다 : to move cool , peachy 날 : a twenty-four lx minutes current , 오다 : to come upward , 한참 : a long fourth dimension , 기다리다 : to expression , 순간 : instant , 특별하다 : to move special, 너 :you ( casual) , 나 : I , me ( casual) , N만 : entirely north , 위하다 : to move for , 하루 : a unmarried twenty-four lx minutes current , 되다 : to become, 지치다 : to move tired, , 맘 : see , 던지다 : to throw, 여기 : hither , 함께 : together, 즐기다 : to savour


Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday

Volume을 높여 봐 (G9)
Volume plough upward endeavour
( Try turning upward the volume.)

Feel the beat

지금 이 Rhythm을 느껴 봐 (G9)
Now this beat experience endeavour
( Now, endeavour feeling this rhythm.)

Feeling good

You know I’m hot hot hot hot

더 뜨거워지는 (G6)
A bit to a greater extent than getting hot

너와 나의 Daylight (G53,7)
your too my daylight
( Our daylight that is getting hotter. )


모든 걸 던지고 나와 Party (G3,53)
everything throw away too me alongside party
( Throw everything away too political party alongside me.)

행복이 영원할 거라 믿어 Honey (G103)
This happiness forever (I) believe, honey
( I believe this happiness volition terminal forever, honey.)

Baby babe

멈추지 않아 (G21)
I halt won't
( I won't stop.)

계속 달려갈래 (G66)
continuously (I) run wanna
( I wanna conk on running.)

Rhythm을 따라
Rhythm next
( Following the rhythm, )

기분을 내 봐 (G9)
mood conk far
( Get inward the mood.)

Shake your body

뜨거워진 이 무대 위에서 (G112,14)
become hot this stage on
( On this phase that has acquire hot ,)

같이 놀아 볼래?  (G9,66)
together political party wanna?
( Do you lot wanna political party together? )

복잡한 지우고 (G14,3)
complicated things erase too

모든 걸 내게 맡겨
everything to me trust
( Erase all the complicated things too trust everything to me.)

단어 ) 볼륨을 놀이다 : to plough upward the volume, 지금 : instantly , 느끼다 : to experience , 좀 : a fleck , 더 : to a greater extent than , 뜨겁다 : to move hot, 너 : you lot ( casual) , 나의 : my ( casual) , 모든 걸 : everything, 던지다  : to throw , 나와 : alongside me ( casual) , 이 : this , 행복 : happiness, 영원하다 : to move forever , 믿다 : to believe , 난 : I ( a brusque cast of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 멈추다 : to halt , 계속 : continuously, 달려가다 : to run , N을/를 따라 : next north , according to north , 기분을 내다 : to conk far the mood , 뜨겁다 : to move hot , 이 : this , 무대 : phase , N위에서 : on north , 같이 : together, 놀다 : to hang out, to political party , 복잡하다 : to move complicated, 거 :thing, 지우다 : to erase , 모든 걸 : everything, 내게 : to me ( casual) , 맡기다 : to  trust ,

오늘이 우리 Holiday
Today (is) our holiday

멋진 이 온 거야 (G14,50-1,41)
A peachy day has come.

한참 기다린 순간 (G14)
a long fourth dimension waited moment
( The instant nosotros get got waited a long time)


(It’s) special

우리 Holiday
Our vacation

만을 위한 하루가 될 수 있게 (G53,14,1,71)
you too me entirely for a day tin acquire too thence
( So that it tin acquire a twenty-four lx minutes current for entirely you lot too me,)  

지쳤던 은 던져 버려 (G18,34)
tired heart throw away
( Throw away your tired hearts.)

여기, 너와 나 (G53)
Here,  you too me

함께 즐기면 돼 (G22-1)
together savour if fine
( If nosotros tin simply savour here, it is fine.)

단어 ) 오늘: today , 우리: nosotros , our , 멋지다 : to move cool , 날 : a twenty-four lx minutes current , 오다 : to come upward , 한참 : a long fourth dimension , 기다리다 : to expression , 순간 : instant , 특별하다 : to move special, 너 :you ( casual) , 나 : I , me ( casual) , N만 : entirely north , 위하다 : to move for , 하루 : a unmarried twenty-four lx minutes current , 되다 : to become, 지치다 : to move tired, , 맘 : see , 던지다 : to throw, 여기 : hither , 함께 : together, 즐기다 : to savour

Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday

(Hot Hot Hot)

눈부신 너와 나의 지난 얘기 (G14,53,7)
dazzling your too my past times stories
( Our dazzling stories of the past)

(Hot Hot Hot)

뜨거워진 우리 사이 (G14)
more got hotter our relationship
( Our human relationship that has gotten fifty-fifty hotter)

(Hot Hot Hot)  

잡은 두 느껴지니? (G14,23)
tightly held ii hands ( you) feel?
( Do you lot experience our hands held tight?)

(Hot Hot Hot)

Oh yeah


우리들만의 Holiday (G7)
Our entirely vacation

지친 하룰 벗어나
tired twenty-four lx minutes current escape
( We escape tired days.)

짜릿함에 날 맡겨
electric feeling me trust
( I trust myself inward the electrical feelings.)


너무 완벽한 Holiday (G14)
So perfect vacation

오늘이 가기 전에 (G3)
today going before
( Before today is over,)

더 즐기는 거야 (G50,41)
a bit to a greater extent than savour
( Enjoy a fleck more. )

Like this

이 가는 대로 (G113)
heart conk equally
( However our hearts go,)

특별한 을 만들어 (G14)
special day make
( Let’s brand a especial day.)

( You too I )

Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday It’s a vacation yeah

단어) 눈부시다  : to move dazzling, 너 : you lot ( casual) , 나의 : my ( casual) , 지나다 : to transcend , 얘기 : floor , 더 : to a greater extent than , 뜨겁다 : to move hot , 우리 : nosotros , our ( casual) , 사이 : relationship, 꼭 : definitely, 잡다 : to concur , 두 손 : ii (both) hands, 느껴지다 : to experience , 우리들  : our , we, north 만: entirely N, simply N, 지치다 : to move tired , 하루 : a twenty-four lx minutes current , 벗어나다 : to escape, 짜릿함 : electrical feelings, 날 : me ( casual) , 맡기다 : trust , 너무 : too thence , besides , 완벽하다 : to move perfect, 오늘 : today, 가다 : to conk , 전에 : agone , earlier , 좀 : a fleck , 더 : to a greater extent than , 즐기다 : to savour , 이대로 : similar this, 맘 : see , 특별하다 : to move special, 날 : a twenty-four lx minutes current , 만들다 : to brand , 나 : me , I ( casual)

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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