Bigbang- Daughter Friend

You tin larn Korean through BIGBANG - Girl Friend with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, in addition to quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal lodge in addition to English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners in addition to you lot can lead keep quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the publish inward Grammar pages.  If this is your maiden of all visit, delight cheque the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise you lot relish learning Korean in addition to my weblog volition last much helpful. ^_^  Please see my Facebook page in addition to ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inward your tidings feed. If you lot are seriously interested inward learning Korean yesteryear Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and drib me a message for to a greater extent than information .

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BIGBANG- Girlfriend  (released inward Dec,2016)

어쩜 그렇게 예쁠 수가 있을까? (G1,47-1)
how like that pretty tin last ?
( How tin you lot last in addition to thence pretty similar that ? )

first meeting than
( Compared to our maiden of all coming together ,)

설렌대도 믿을까? (G20,47-1)
feel excited fifty-fifty believe volition you lot ?
( I experience fifty-fifty to a greater extent than excited, volition you lot believe that?)

하루 하루가 혹시 널 잃을까 (G76)
day yesteryear day mayhap you lot (I) lose mightiness

I  afraid
( Day yesteryear day, I acquire afraid that I mightiness lose you.)

Hey Hey Hey

노랠 들으면 닿을까? (G22-1,47)
this vocal (you ) hear if accomplish volition ?

my genuine feelings

( When you lot hear this song, volition my genuine feelings accomplish you?)

불러도 불러도 (G20)
call in addition to telephone outcry upwards fifty-fifty

그리운 니 이름(G14)
missing your name
( Even when I telephone outcry upwards your call in 1 trial to a greater extent than in addition to in 1 trial to a greater extent than , I nonetheless miss it.)

세상 사람들 모두가 우릴 보면서 (G16)
world people everyone us looks piece
( While everyone inward the the world looks at us, )

부러워 해 해 해
(They) get jealous

단어 ) 어쩜 Adj /Adv : how adj /adv , 그렇게 : similar that , 예쁘다 : to last pretty , 첫 : maiden of all , 만남 : meeting,  N보다 : than due north , 설레다 : to experience excited,  믿다 : to believe,  하루하루 : 24-hour interval yesteryear 24-hour interval , 혹시 : mayhap , yesteryear whatsoever chance,  널 : you lot ( casual , a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를: object marker) , 잃다 : to lose , 난 : I ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 두렵다 : to last afraid, 이 : this , 노래 : vocal , 듣다 : to listen,  닿다: to reach,  내 : my (casual)  , 진심 : genuine feelings , 부르다 : to telephone outcry upwards , 그립다 : to miss , 니 : your , you lot (casual)  , 이름 : call , 세상 : world,  사람들 : people,  모두 : everyone,  우릴 : us ( a brusk shape of 우리를 , 우리 : nosotros , 를 : object marker) , 보다 : to view , 부러워하다 : to acquire jealous

힘들고 지칠 때 (G3,12)
I struggle in addition to tired when
( When I’m struggling in addition to tired,)

가끔씩 넘어질 때 (G12)
sometimes (I) autumn when
( When I sometimes fall,)

Girl you lot e'er choice me up

now similar
( Just similar now)

my side yesteryear
( By my side )

everyday like
( Like everyday )

my side yesteryear
( By my side )

이대로만 있어 줘 (G28)
like this only remain amongst me
( Stay amongst me only similar this .)

때론 다투기도 해 (G5)
sometimes (we) grapple also
( Sometimes nosotros also fight.)

처음과 다르기에 (G53,86)
the beginning in addition to dissimilar because
( Because it’s dissimilar from the beginning,)  

는 내 안에 있어
you my in are
( you lot are inward me)

You know that I dear you lot ma baby

단어 ) 나 : I (casual)  , 힘들다 : to struggle,  지치다 : to last tired,  가끔씩 : sometimes,  넘어지다 : to autumn , 지금 : instantly , N처럼 : similar due north , 내 : my (casual)  , 옆 : side , 매일 : everyday,  N같이 : similar due north , 곁 : side , 이대로 : similar this,  N만 : only,  just due north , 있다 : to stay,  exist,  때론 : sometimes,  다투다 : to fight,  argue,  처음 : the beginning,  다르다 : to last different,  너 : you lot (casual)  안에 : in. inside

Yes, I lead keep a girl in addition to I’m never lonely.

그녀를 바라보는 것만으로도 좋아 (G50,40)
her looking at entirely  good
( Just looking at her makes me experience good.)

Yes, you’re my girlfriend.
You’re my 1 in addition to only.

라는 속에서 (G6)
‘ you lot dream from
( From this dream of you,)

깨고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
I wake upwards desire don't
( I don’t wanna wake up.)

My girl my girlfriend
She ain’t no side chick mistress girlfriend
My girl my girlfriend
Cuz Ain’t zero inward the world
compare to my girlfriend

단어 ) 그녀 : her , she , 바라보다 : to await at,  N만 : only,  just due north , 좋다 : to last practiced , 너 : you lot (casual)  A (이)라는 B  : B which is called H5N1 , 꿈 : dream ,  깨다 : to wake upwards

단순하기 짝없던 내 성질불씨 (G107,34)
very unproblematic my personality ember
( My personality that used to last really unproblematic is ember.)

그대라는 (G6)
‘you’  flower

예쁜 color를 붓지 (G14)
perry color pours
( H5N1 bloom which is you lot pours pretty color. )

만난 후 탄생 (G14)
you coming together afterwards birth
( My rebirth afterwards coming together you)

우리 둘이 밤새
We both all nighttime

하나뿐인 harmony (G14)
one entirely harmony
( The entirely 1 harmony )

불꽃이 되어 lovely
fireworks acquire lovely
( We acquire lovely fireworks .)

오늘께 감사해
today in 1 trial to a greater extent than to God (I) thank

곱게 빚은 너란 피사체 볼 수 있음을 (G14,1)
softly made ‘you’ subject (I) tin look

( I give thank you lot God in 1 trial to a greater extent than today that I tin await at a dependent area softly made , which is you. )

지금 너를 감상해
I now you lot appreciate
( Now I'm appreciating you,)

그 어떤 명작보다
any other masterpiece than

그댄 너무 아름답기에 (G86)
you so beautiful because
( because you’re to a greater extent than beautiful than whatsoever other masterpiece.)

단어 ) 단순하다 : to last simple,  내 : my (casual)  , 성질 : personality,  불씨 : ember,  그대 : you lot (poetic), H5N1 (이)라는 B  : B which is called H5N1 , 꽃 : flower,  예쁘다 : to last pretty,  붓다 : to pour,  널 : you lot ( casual , a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot (casual) , 를: object marker) , 만나다 : to encounter ,  후 : afterwards , 탄생 : birth,  우리 : nosotros , 둘 : both , 밤새 : all night,  하나뿐 : entirely one, 불꽃 : fireworks,  되다 : to become,  오늘 : today,  N도 : also due north , 신 : God ,  someone 께 : to someone (honorific) , 감사하다 : to thank,  곱게 : softly , 빚다 : to make,  A (이)란 B  : B which is called A, 피사체 : subject,  보다 : to view , 나 : I (casual) , 지금: instantly , 감상하다 : to appreciate , to relish watching or listening,  그 어떤 due north : whatsoever other due north , 명작 : masterpiece,  N보다 : than N,  너무: in addition to thence , every bit good , 아름답다 : to last beautiful

마음이 울적할 때 (G12)
heart distressing when
( When my pump is sad,)

가슴이 답답할 때 (G12)
heart frustrated when
( When I experience frustrated,)

Girl you lot e'er choice me up

now similar
( Just similar now)

my side yesteryear
( By my side )

everyday like
( Like everyday )

my side yesteryear
( By my side )

자리에 있어 줘 (G28)
that place remain delight
( Please remain inward that place.)

시간이 멈춘대도 (G20)
time stops fifty-fifty if
( Even if fourth dimension stops,)

모든 게 다 변해도 (G20)
everything all changes fifty-fifty if
( Even if everything changes,)

나는안에 있어
I your in am
( I’m inward you.)

You know that I dear you lot ma baby

단어 ) 마음 : heart,  울적하다 : to last distressing , 가슴 : pump , 답답하다: to experience frustrated,  지금 : instantly , N처럼 : similar due north , 내 : my (casual)  , 옆 : side , 매일 : everyday,  N같이 : similar due north , 곁 : side , 그 : that , 자리 : place,  있다 : to stay,  exist, 시간 : time. 멈추다 : to halt , 모든 게 : everything,  다 : all , 변하다 : to change, 나 : I (casual) , 니 : your, you lot (casual) , 안에 : inward , inside

Yes, I lead keep a girl and I’m never lonely.

그녀를 바라보는 것만으로도 좋아 (G50,40)
her looking at entirely  good
( Just looking at her makes me experience practiced .)

Yes, you’re my girlfriend.
You’re my 1 in addition to only.

라는 속에서 (G6)
‘youdream from
( From this dream of you,)

깨고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
I wake upwards desire don't
( I don’t wanna wake up.)

My girl my girlfriend
She ain’t no side chick mistress girlfriend
My girl my girlfriend
Cuz Ain’t zero inward the world
compare to my girlfriend

단어 ) 그녀 : her , she , 바라보다 : to await at,  N만 : only,  just due north , 좋다 : to last practiced , 너 : you lot (casual)  A (이)라는 B  : B which is called H5N1 , 꿈 : dream ,  깨다 : to wake upwards

를 만난 후로 (G14)
you (I) met afterwards
( After I met you,)

이상한 것 같아 (G42)
I foreign feel
( I experience strange.)

거리에 많은 여자들(G14)
street on a lot of women

로만 보이고, (G40, 3)
you entirely are seen in addition to
( H5N1 lot of women on the street await similar you lot entirely and,)

무슨 말을 해도 (G20)
Whatever (they) tell

너의 목소리들려
your voice entirely is heard I
( I hear your vocalisation only.)

를 만난 뒤로 (G14)
you (I) met after
( After I met you,)

바보가 된 것 같아 (G42)
fool became (I) think
( I mean value I became a fool.)

입가에 미소가 끊이질 않아 (G21)
corner of oral fissure on smiles halt don't
( Smiles never halt on my lips.)

생각만 해도 좋아 (G20)
you mean value entirely fifty-fifty good
( Even when I only mean value of you, I experience good. )

단어 ) 너 : you lot , 만나다 : to encounter , 후로 : afterwards , 나 : I (casual)  , 이상하다 : to last strange,  거리 : street,  많다 : to last a lot , 여자들 : women,  너 : you lot (casual) , N만 : entirely , only due north , 보이다 : to last seen, 무슨 말 : whatever words , 말하다: to tell , 너의 : your ( casual) , 목소리 : voice,  N만: entirely , only due north , 들리다 : to last heard,  뒤로: afterwards , 바보 : a fool,  되다 : to become,  입가 : the corner of mouth, 미소 : smiles,  끊이다 : to halt , 니 : you. your (casual)  , 생각하다 : to think

Yes, I lead keep a girl and I’m never lonely.

그녀를 바라보는 것만으로도 좋아 (G50 ,40)
her looking at entirely  good
( Just looking at her makes me experience practiced .)

Yes, you’re my girlfriend.
You’re my 1 in addition to only.

라는 속에서 (G6)
‘youdream from
( From this dream of you,)

깨고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
I wake upwards desire don't
( I don’t wanna wake up.)

My girl my girlfriend
She ain’t no side chick mistress girlfriend
My girl my girlfriend
Cuz Ain’t zero inward the world
compare to my girlfriend

단어 ) 그녀 : her , she , 바라보다 : to await at,  N만 : only,  just due north , 좋다 : to last practiced , 너 : you lot (casual)  A (이)라는 B  : B which is called H5N1 , 꿈 : dream ,  깨다 : to wake upwards

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Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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