Psy- 1 Luv It
Thursday, 22 June 2017
You tin terminate larn Korean through PSY - I LUV IT with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, together with quizzes. The next is made upward of Korean, literal guild together with English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners together with you lot can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the divulge inward Grammar pages. If this is your showtime visit, delight banking concern fit the page 'K-Grammar basics' I promise you lot taste learning Korean together with my spider web log volition locomote much helpful. ^_^ Please catch my Facebook page together with ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inward your tidings feed. If you lot are seriously interested inward learning Korean past times Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and drib me a message for to a greater extent than information .
PSY- I LUV information technology ( May,2017)
내 나이 사십 Baby
my age 40, infant
( I’m xl years old, baby.)
울 엄마 귀한 자식 Baby (G14)
My mom precious child, infant
( Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 precious kid of my mom, baby.)
직업은 trip the lite fantastic 가수 Baby
Job (is) trip the lite fantastic singer, infant
( My project is a dancing artist, baby.)
15년째 딴따라
15 years (an) entertainer
Ah yeah
기술보다는 예술이
technique than / art
( Art to a greater extent than than technique)
실력보다는 매력이
skill than / charm
(Charm to a greater extent than than skill)
품격보다는 파격이
dignity than / shocking
( Shocking to a greater extent than than dignity)
사치보다는 가치가 좋아
extravagance than / value (I) similar
( I similar value to a greater extent than than extravagance.)
LUV information technology
You guys, too
앞뒤 양옆
Front together with back, side to side,
I LUV information technology together with then much
남 걱정에
others worrying
( While worrying most others,)
잠은 자셨냐? (G18,111)
sleeping (you) slept?
( Did you lot sleep?)
니 시방 밥은 자셨냐? (G18,111)
you fifty-fifty a meal ate?
( Did you lot fifty-fifty swallow a repast yet?)
( Did you lot fifty-fifty swallow a repast yet?)
단어) 내 : my ( casual) , 나이: age, 사십 : xl , 울: my ( casual) , 엄마: mom , 귀하다 : to locomote precious, 자식 : one’s child, 직업: job, 가수: singer, Number 년째 : Number years , 딴따라 : entertainer ( slang) 기술: technique, N보다: compared to N, 예술: art, 실력: skill, 매력: charm , 품격: dignity, 파격: shocking, 사치: extravagance, 가치: value, 자신 : myself, 여러분 ! : You guys, Everyone !, N도 : N, besides , 앞 : front, 뒤: back, 양옆 : side to side, 사람들 : people, 남: others, 걱정: worrying, 잠 자시다 : to slumber (dialect, 잠: sleeping) , 니: you lot ( casual) , 시방 : fifty-fifty (dialect), 밥 자시다 : to swallow a repast (dialect, 밥 :meal )
생선을 먹을 땐 (G12)
생선을 먹을 땐 (G12)
fish (I) swallow when
( When I swallow fish,)
가시 발라먹어
bone (I) discard together with swallow
( I discard the bones together with eat.)
수박을 먹을 때는 (G12)
watermelon (I) swallow when
( When I swallow a watermelon,)
씨 발라먹어
seed (I) discard together with swallow
( I discard the seeds together with eat.)
날 좋아하는 분들 (G6)
me liking people
내 사랑 먹어
my dearest eat
( People who similar me swallow my love.)
욕하고 모욕하고 (G3)
cursed together with insulted and
그랬다 카더라 카는 분들 (G6)
(I) heard that people said that
( I heard that people cursed together with insulted me.)
모여 !
Gather !
이거나 먹어 (G91)
this only eat
( Just swallow this.)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Oh yes)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Yoohoo)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (I LUV IT)
만사가 다 OK야 (G41)
Everything all OK
( Everything is OK. )
어절씨구 옹헤야
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
단어) 생선: fish , 먹다: to eat, 가시: os ( of fish ,plant, etc), 발라먹다: to discard something together with eat, 수박: watermelon, 씨: seed, 날: me (casual), 좋아하다: to like, 분들: people ( honorific) , 내: my ( casual), 사랑: dearest , 욕하다: to curse, 모욕하다: to insult,
그랬다 카더라 하다 : to listen that someone said that ( dialect) , 모이다: to gather, 이거: this , 먹다: to eat, 만사: everything, 다: all, 어절씨구 옹헤야: an exciting chorus from a famous folk song
We similar to political party baby
가끔은 추억 팔이, Baby
sometimes memories selling
( Sometimes, I sell my memories, baby.)
그 추억은 수억짜리, Baby
Those memories millions worth , infant
( Those memories are worth millions, baby.)
그 돈 줘도 (G20)
that money (you) plough over fifty-fifty if
( Even if you lot plough over me that money, )
안 팔아
Not sell
( I won’t sell them.)
Ah yeah
개미보단 베짱이
ant than / grasshopper
( I’m a grasshopper rather than an ant.)
반칙보단 변칙이
violation than / anomaly
( An anomaly rather than a violation)
화풀이보단 뒤풀이
angry venting than / after parties
( After parties rather than angry venting)
선비보단 좀비가 좋아
선비보단 좀비가 좋아
scholars than / zombie (I) like
( I similar zombies rather than scholars.)
나의 Fan
My fans
LUV information technology
(My) anti- fans
앞뒤 양옆
Front together with back, side to side,
I LUV information technology together with then much
남 걱정에
others worrying
( While worrying most others,)
잠은 자셨냐? (G18,111)
sleeping (you) slept?
( Did you lot sleep?)
니 시방 밥은 자셨냐? (G18,111)
you fifty-fifty a meal ate?
( Did you lot fifty-fifty swallow a repast yet?)
( Did you lot fifty-fifty swallow a repast yet?)
단어 ) 가끔: sometimes, 추억: memories, 팔이 : selling , 그 : that, those, 수억: millions of (USD), N 짜리: worth N, 돈: money, 주다 : to give, 안 : not, 팔다: to sell, 개미: emmet , N보다: compared to N, 베짱이: grasshopper, 반칙: violation of rules, 변칙: anomaly, 화풀이: angry venting, 뒤풀이: subsequently political party 선비: scholar, 좀비: zombie, 좋다: to like, to locomote good, 나의: my ( casual), 안티: anti-fan , 앞 : front, 뒤: back, 양옆 : side to side, 사람들 : people, 남: others, 걱정: worrying, 잠 자시다 : to slumber (dialect, 잠: sleeping) , 니: you lot ( casual) , 시방 : fifty-fifty (dialect), 밥 자시다 : to swallow a repast (dialect, 밥 :meal )
생선을 먹을 땐 (G12)
fish (I) swallow when
( When I swallow fish,)
가시 발라먹어
bone (I) discard together with swallow
( I discard the bones together with eat.)
수박을 먹을 때는 (G12)
watermelon (I) swallow when
( When I swallow a watermelon,)
씨 발라먹어
seed (I) discard together with swallow
( I discard the seeds together with eat.)
날 좋아하는 분들 (G6)
me liking people
내 사랑 먹어
my dearest eat
( People who similar me swallow my love)
욕하고 모욕하고 (G3)
cursed together with insulted and
그랬다 카더라 카는 분들 (G6)
(I) heard that people said that
( I heard that people cursed together with insulted me.)
모여 !
Gather !
이거나 먹어 (G91)
this only eat
( Just swallow this.)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Oh yes)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Yoohoo)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (I LUV IT)
만사가 다 OK야 (G41)
Everything all OK
( Everything is OK.)
어절씨구 옹헤야
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
단어) 생선: fish , 먹다: to eat, 가시: os ( of fish , plant, etc), 발라먹다: to discard something together with eat, 수박: watermelon, 씨: seed, 날: me (casual), 좋아하다: to like, 분들: people ( honorific) , 내: my ( casual), 사랑: dearest , 욕하다: to curse, 모욕하다: to insult,
그랬다 카더라 하다 : to listen that someone said that ( dialect) , 모이다: to gather, 이거: this , 먹다: to eat, 만사: everything, 다: all, 어절씨구 옹헤야: an exciting chorus from a famous folk song)
난 극단적인 놈 (G14)
I ( am) an extreme guy
중간을 몰라요
middle (I) don’t know
( I don’t know the middle.)
이 정도는 껌 껌 껌 껌
This level (is) a chewing gum, gum, gum, gum
( This grade is slice of a cake.)
난 끝장 보는 놈 (G6)
I the end seeing guy
( I’m a guy who sees the end.)
중간이 없어요
middle (I) don’t have
( I don't guide keep the middle.)
누워서 (G29-1)
(I) seat downward together with
떡 (×3) 먹
Rice cake (×3) swallow
( I seat downward together with swallow rice cake , which is a korean saying, “ It's a slice of cake”. )
한번 더!
Once to a greater extent than
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Oh yes)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (Yoohoo)
I LUV information technology I LUV information technology I LUV information technology (I LUV IT)
만사가 다 OK야 (G41)
Everything all OK
( Everything is OK.)
어절씨구 옹헤야
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
Ooh woah
( This is an exciting chorus business office from a famous folk song)
Ooh woah
좋아 (×4)
(I) like (it)
Ooh woah
참 좋아
a lot (I) similar (it)
아주 좋아
really (I) similar (it)
Ooh woah
좋아 (×4)
(I) like (it)
Ooh woah
단어) 난: I ( casual, a curt shape of 나는 , 나 : I, 는: topic marker), 극단적이다: to locomote extreme, 놈: guy, 중간: middle, 모르다: to non know, 이: this, 정도: level, 껌: chewing gum, 끝장: the end, 보다: to see, 없다: to non have, 눕다: to seat down, 떡: rice cake, 먹다: to eat, 한번: once, 더: more, 만사: everything, 다: all, 어절씨구 옹헤야: an exciting chorus from a famous folk song), 좋다: to like, to locomote good, 참: a lot, 아주: very, really