Seventeen- Don't Wanna Cry

You tin larn Korean through SEVENTEEN- Don't Wanna Cry with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, together with quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal company together with English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners together with you lot can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the pose out inwards Grammar pages.  If this is your commencement visit, delight banking company fit the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise you lot bask learning Korean together with my spider web log volition survive much helpful. ^_^  Please view my Facebook page together with ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inwards your tidings feed. If you lot are seriously interested inwards learning Korean yesteryear Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and driblet me a message for to a greater extent than information .

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SEVENTEEN  - Don't Wanna Cry ( May, 2017)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

사랑해서 (G29-2)
love because,
( Because I honey you, )

사랑한다는 이 부족해서 (G6,29-2)
love the words non plenty because
( Because the words I honey you lot isn't enough,)

그 어떤 을 꺼내봐도 (G20)
Those whatever words confess though
( No affair what I confess, though)

하나만 아끼던 두고서 (G34,83)
you 1 solely cherished me left and,
( You left me who cherished solely you lot and,)

어디 간 거니?  (G50-1)
where went ?
( Where did you lot go?)

내가 싫어 어어 져서 (G29-2)
I transcend away call upwards because ,
( Because you lot got to loathe me, )

멀리 간 거니? (G50-1)
far away went?
( Did you lot arrive away? )

장난치지 마 (G2)
play to a greater extent than or less don't
( Don’t play to a greater extent than or less me.)

거기 있는 거 알아 (G50)
there ( you lot ) are (I) know
( I know you’re there.)

나타날 거 같아 (G42-3)
(you) appear volition (I) call upwards
( I call upwards you lot volition appear.)

마냥 기다리다 찾아가야 돼 (G46,13)
just hold back together with you (I) transcend away to respect demand
( I demand to simply hold back together with transcend away to respect you.)

찾아가야 돼 (G13)
(I) transcend away to respect demand
( I demand to transcend away to respect you.)

지금 울면 (G22-1)
now shout out if

볼지 모르니까 (G1-1,96,39)
not encounter (I) mightiness because
( Because if I shout out now, I mightiness non encounter you.)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

눈물은 많지만 (G30)
tears a lot but
( I possess got a lot of tears, but )

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

단어) 울다: to shout out , 사랑하다 : to honey , 말: word(s), 부족하다 : to non survive enough, 그 : that, those, 어떤 N: whatever north , 말을 꺼내다 : to confess, 너: you lot ( casual) , 하나 : 1 , N만: solely north , 아끼다 : to cherish, 날: me ( casual),  someone 두다 : to acquire out someone, 어디 : where , 가다 : to transcend away , 내가 : I ( casual) , 싫어지다 : to transcend away hateful, 멀리 : far away , 장난치다 : to play around, 거기 : in that place , 있다 : to survive , to be , 알다 : to know , 나타나다 : to appear, 마냥 : simply , 기다리다 : to hold back , 널: you lot ( casual, a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를 : object marker), 찾아가다 : to transcend away to respect , 지금 : now, 보다 : to see, 눈물 : tears , 많다 : to survive a lot

낯설지 않은 (G21,14)
unfamiliar non path
( The path that was non unfamiliar )

이 낯설다
This path (is) unfamiliar.

아는 맞는지 (G6, 24-2)
knowing path correct

내게 또 묻지요 (G45)
to me again ask.
( I inquire myself if this is the path I know.)

By whatever direct a opportunity

사람 날 찾고 있지 않을까? (G52,21,47-2)
that person me looking for isn’t
( Isn’t she looking for me?)

나는 지금 널 찾고 있어요 (G52)
I now you lot looking for
( I’m looking for you lot now.)

장난치지 마 (G2)
play to a greater extent than or less don't
( Don’t play to a greater extent than or less me. )

거기 있는 거 알아 (G50)
there ( you lot ) are (I) know
( I know you’re there.)

나타날 거 같아 (G42-3)
(you) appear volition  (I) call upwards
( I call upwards you lot volition appear.)

마냥 기다리다 찾아가야 돼 (G46,13)
just hold back together with you (I) transcend away to respect need
( I demand to simply hold back together with transcend away to respect you.)

가야 하는데 (G13,38-1)
(I) transcend away demand but,
( I demand to go, but )

눈물 고여 점점 흐려져
Tears good upwards together with (my eyes are) bit yesteryear bit feeling blurrier

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

눈물은 많지만 (G30)
tears a lot but
( I possess got a lot of tears, but )

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

단어) 낯설다 : to survive unfamiliar, 길 : path, 이 : this, 내게 : to me (casual) , 또 : again, 묻다 : to ask, 혹시나 : yesteryear whatever chance, 그 : that, those, 사람 : person, 날 : me , 찾다 : to respect , to await for  , 나 : I ( casual) , 지금 : immediately , 널: you lot ( casual, a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를 : object marker), 장난치다 : to play around, 거기 : in that place , 있다 : to survive , to be , 알다 : to know , 나타나다 : to appear, 마냥 : simply , 기다리다 : to hold back , 널: you lot ( casual, a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를 : object marker), 찾아가다 : to transcend away to respect , 눈물 : tears , 고이다 : to good upwards , 점점 : fleck yesteryear fleck , 흐려지다 : to acquire blurrier,  울다 : to cry, 눈물 : tears , 많다 : to survive a lot

I (am) alright

괜찮아 (G21)
I (am) not alright

보고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
you (I) encounter wanna don't
( I don't wanna encounter you.)

너무 보고 싶어 (G4)
so much (I) encounter wanna
( I wanna encounter you lot together with then much.)

에 없는 말들(G6,40)
heart inwards non words amongst
( With words I don’t fifty-fifty call upwards from my heart)

거짓말이라도 해야 돼 (G36,13)
a lie at to the lowest degree (I) say demand
( At least, I demand to say a lie.)

해야 돼 (G13)
(I) demand to

thought similar

이 말을 듣지 않으니까 (G21,39)
heart words heed don't because
( Because my pump won’t heed to my words similar I want.)

돌아와 (x3)
Come dorsum

절반이 없는데 (G38-2)
half (I) don't possess got
( I don't possess got my other half.)

어떻게 하나로 살아? (G40-1)
how 1 every bit (I) live ?
( How tin I alive every bit one?)

울고 싶지 않아 (×3) (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

눈물은 많지만 (G30)
tears a lot but
( I possess got a lot of tears, but )

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

우리 다시 볼 때 (G12)
we again encounter when
( When nosotros encounter each other again,)

울고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
cry wanna don't
( I don’t wanna cry.)

단어) 난 : I ( casual, a brusk shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker), 괜찮다 : to survive alright, 너 : you lot ( casual), 보다 : to encounter , 너무 : together with then much , 맘 : pump ( mental) , 없다 : to non be, to non exist, 말들 : words , 거짓말 하다 : to say a prevarication , 생각 : a idea , N처럼 : similar north , 듣다 : to heed , 돌아오다 : to come upwards back, 절반 : the one-half , 어떻게 : how , 하나 : 1 , 살다 : to live, 울다 : to cry, 눈물 : tears , 많다 : to survive a lot , 우리 : nosotros , 다시 : again, 보다 : to see,

Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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