Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo

You tin larn Korean through Red Velvet - Peek-A-BOO with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, as well as quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal fellowship as well as English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners as well as yous can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the unwrap inwards Grammar pages.  If this is your outset visit, delight cheque the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise yous bask learning Korean as well as my spider web log volition live much helpful. ^_^  Please see my Facebook page and ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inwards your tidings feed. If yous are seriously interested inwards learning Korean past times Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and driblet me a message for to a greater extent than information .

Please become to #59

Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo (Nov,  2017)

Hmm yeah (Yeah)
Oh gosh

Going crazy

(Oh gosh)


난 좀 기분파
I ( am) a bit emotional person.


금방 사랑에 빠져
quickly again honey inwards (I) fall
( I autumn inwards honey quickly, again.)

(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)

new things entirely (I) like
( I similar entirely novel things.)

반짝거리죠? (G45)
(They’re) sparkling, right?

다들 그렇잖아요. (G61)
( Everyone is similar that, yous know. )

맞죠? (G45)

단어) 난리 : going crazy ,  fuss , 맞다: to live correct , 난: I ( a curt shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 좀 : a flake , 기분파 : an emotional individual , 금방: speedily , 사랑에 빠지다 : to autumn inwards honey , 새 : novel , 것 : matter , N만: entirely due north , 좋아하다: to similar , 반짝거리다 : to sparkle, 다들 : everyone , 그렇다 : to live similar that ,


설렐 때만 (G12)
(my) see flutter when entirely
( Only when my see flutters,)

사랑이니까 (G39-1)
love is because
( Because it is love,)

La la la la la

친구 모두 소리쳐
My friends all yell ( at me).

정말 문제(G41)
You (are) the existent problem.

I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine


Heu-Heung Yi
(Fox’s audio )

I ( am) a fox.

그 그런 라구 (G32-3)
that that me
( That's me.)


단어) 설레다 : to flutter ( of see ) , N만 : entirely , simply due north , 사랑 : honey , 내 : my ( casual ) , 친구 : friend , 모두 : everyone , 소리치다 : to yell , 넌 : yous ( you,  a curt shape of 너는, 너: yous , 는: topic marker) , 정말 : actually , 문제 : occupation , 난: I ( a curt shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) ,  여우 : flim-flam , 그렇다 : to live (like)  that , 나: me , I

I said 1, 2, 3
Play the game again

버튼을 눌러 보자 (G9,33-1)
button press endeavor let's
( Let's endeavor pressing the button.)

쿵푸만큼 빨리 (G64-4)
Kung Fu equally fast as
( As fast equally Kung Fu,)

중간에 변해도 (G20)
In the middle , my mind changes fifty-fifty if
( Even if I modify my heed inwards the middle of it, )

놀라지 말기 (G2,5)
be surprised don't  
( Don't live surprised.)

By whatever chance ,

끌리지 않니? (G21,23)
attracted aren't (you) ?
( Aren't yous attracted to me? )

그럼,  Excuse me
Then, excuse me.

자! 전화해요
Come on! Call ( me)  

밤새 또 놀러 가요 (G54)
all night i time to a greater extent than play go
( Let’s become to play all nighttime , again. )


Restart a game

Rush forward

Roll it.


오늘 저녁도
Today even equally well

(Let’s go)

놀이터는 붐비고 (G3)
(The) playground is crowded and,

지루해질 조차 없죠 (G112,43,45)
Boring moment fifty-fifty doesn't exist
( There's fifty-fifty no fourth dimension to live bored.)

(Yeah yeah yeah)

Round as well as round


다들 똑같죠 (G45)
Everyone ( is) the same.

마침내 마주친 눈빛 (G14)
Finally met eyes
( Our eyes that met survive )

단어) 버튼 : push , 누르다 : to press , 빨리: fast , 중간에 : inwards the middle , 내 : my ( casual ) , 맘 : see , 변하다 : to change, 놀라다 : to live surprised, 혹시 : past times whatever conduct a opportunity , 끌리다 : to live attracted, 그럼 : thence , 자 !  : Come on!, 전화하다 : to call, 밤새 : all nighttime , 또 : i time to a greater extent than , 놀러가다 : to become hang out , to become  play , 함께 : together, 돌진하다 : to rush forwards , 오늘 : today , 저녁 : even , N도 : even, too , 놀이터 : playground , 붐비다: to live crowded, 지루하다 : to live bored , 틈 : a 2nd , N조차 : fifty-fifty due north , 없다 : to non be , to non possess got , 빙글빙글 : circular as well as circular , 돌다 : to plough , 다들 : everyone , 똑같다 : to live the same , 마침내 : survive , 마주치다 : to move on to run into , 눈빛 : eyes ( 눈 : eye, 빛 : light)


( This is) new

사랑인가요? (G60)
love is?
( Is this love? )

La la la la la

친구 모두 소리쳐
My friends all yell ( at me).

정말 문제(G41)
You (are) the existent problem.

I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine
(Ma Boo-Boo-Boo


단어) 새롭다 : to live novel , 사랑 : honey , N이다 : to live N,  내 : my ( casual ) , 친구 : friend , 모두 : everyone , 소리치다 : to yell , 넌 : yous ( you,  a curt shape of 너는, 너: yous , 는: topic marker) , 정말 : actually , 문제 : occupation ,

술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, yous have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll live fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include yous (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간까지 (G43)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time till
( Till that Moon hangs on the jungle gym, )

노는 거야 (G50,41)
( We play.)



( It’s strange.)

어라? 넌 좀 달라
Huh ? You ( are) a flake different

이런 게임 멈추고 (G3)
this game (I) halt as well as
( I halt this game and,)

너를 다시 보게 돼 (G102)
you again (I)  look came to
( I came to await at yous again.)

무섭지 않아 (G21)
afraid non
( I’m non afraid.)

새로운 얘기가 펼쳐질 거라는 걸 (G14,8-1,50)
I novel story opening

방금 느꼈으니까 (G18,39)
just felt because
( Because I simply felt that a novel even out volition live opening.)

(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

단어) 술래 : tagger , 너 : yous ( casual ) ,정해지다 : to live decided , 재미있다 : to live fun, interesting, 끼어주다 : to include someone , 저 due north : that due north , 달 : Moon , 정글 : jungle , (place)에 걸리다 : to hang on house , 시간 : fourth dimension , N까지 : until / past times due north , 놀다 : to play , 이상하다 : to live foreign , 어라? : Huh? 넌 : yous ( a curt shape of 너는 , 너 : yous , 는 : topic marking ) , 좀 : a flake ,다르다 : to live dissimilar , 이런 due north : this (kind of ) due north , 게임 : game , 멈추다 : to stop, 너 : yous ( casual) , 다시 : i time to a greater extent than , 보다 : to look, 무섭다 : to live afraid , 난: I ( a curt shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 새롭다 : to live novel , 얘기 : even out , 펼쳐지다 : to opened upwards , 방금 : simply , 느끼다 : to experience ,

(La la la la la)

Heu-Heung Yi
(Fox’s audio )

I ( am) a fox.

그 그런 라구 (G32-3)
that that me
( That's me.)

(La la Peek-A-Boo)

술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, yous have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll live fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include yous (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간까지 (G43)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time till
( Till that Moon hangs on the jungle gym, )

노는 거야 (G50,41)
( We play.)


술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, yous have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll live fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include yous (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간이지만 (G43,30)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time is but
( It is fourth dimension for that Moon to hang on the jungle gym but,)

놀자 (G33-1)
more play let’s
( Let’s play more.)



단어 ) 난: I ( a curt shape of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) ,  여우 : flim-flam , 그렇다 : to live (like)  that , 나: me , I ,술래 : tagger , 너 : yous ( casual ) ,정해지다 : to live decided , 재미있다 : to live fun, interesting, 끼어주다 : to include someone , 저 due north : that due north , 달 : Moon , 정글 : jungle , (place)에 걸리다 : to hang on house , 시간 : fourth dimension , N이다 : to live N, 놀다 : to play

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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