Boa - I Shot, Ii Shot

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BOA - One Shot, Two Shot  (Feb,2018)

One shot ii shot
One shot ii shot
Just for one
Just for one

One shot ii shot
One shot ii shot
Just for one
Just for one

가빠지는 숨소리(G6)
hyperventilating breath sound at
( As the audio of my breath is quickening,)

높아지는 Adrenaline (G6)
rising adrenaline
( my adrenaline is rising)

이건 고작 시작인걸 (G62-1)
This thing (is) alone the beginning.

알고 있어 (G52)
(I) know.

알고 있어 (G52)
(I) know.

에서 흐르는 (G6)
both eyes from falling downwards
( From my eyes, )

Spangles are falling down

반짝이는 세상 (G6)
Dazzling world

that place in
( In that place,)

나를 적셔 놔 (G104)
me drench
( Drench myself.)

황홀한 시간 속에 (G14)
ecstatic time inwards
( In this ecstatic time,)

Main characters (are) you together with me

Ain’t no one, yeah nobody

단어) 가빠지다 : to hyperventilate, 숨 : breath ,
소리 : audio , 높아지다 : to rising , 이건 : this affair
( a brusque shape of 이거는 , 이거 : this affair ,
는 : topic marker) , 고작 : alone , 시작 : beginning,
알다 : to know , 두 : ii , 눈 : eye(s),
흐르다 : to autumn down, 반짝이다 : to dazzle ,
세상 : globe , 그: that , 곳: house , 나를 : me ( casual),
적시다 : to drench , 황홀하다 : ecstatic, 시간 : fourth dimension ,
N속에 : within (in) N, 주인공 : principal character, 너 : you
( casual) , 나 : I ( casual)

빠져버린 (G56,14)
fell for I
( I’ve fallen for you.)  

모든 건 이미
Everything (is) already

Perfect amongst y'all amongst y'all amongst you

시작된 Firework (G14)
started firework
( The fireworks direct hold started.)

홀려버린 이 기분(G56,14)
Bewitched (by) this mood,  

I exercise I exercise I do

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one
Just for i

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one
Just for one

단어) 빠지다 : to autumn for , 나: I ( casual) , 모든 거 :
everything, 이미 : already,  시작되다 : to acquire started,
홀리다 : to live bewitched, 이 : this , 기분 : mood ,
넌 : y'all ( casual, a brusque shape of 너는 , 너 : y'all ,
는 : topic marker) , 우리 : nosotros , us , 둘 : ii , both

this moment at
( At this moment,)

What tin I say?
(What tin I say?)

표현조차 사치인걸 (G62-1)
expression fifty-fifty (is) lavishness
( Even trying to limited this is besides much.)

But it’s ok, it is ok

이미 읽혀버린 너란 세계 (G56,14)
already read through you, world
(I’ve already read through the globe which is you.)

감각은 날 일깨워
senses me wake up
( My senses wake me up.)

마치 아름다운 Sound (G14)
Just Like a beautiful audio

(In just) a 2nd

마법에 다 홀린듯한 (G63-2)
spell all bewitched similar
( Like I'm bewitched past times a spell,)

모습은 Strange
My image (is) foreign  

나란 퍼즐의 완성 (G7)
‘me’ , puzzle’s completion
( The completion of puzzle which is me)

마지막 조각은 너
The concluding piece (is) you.  

Ain’t no one, yeah you’re the one

단어) 이 : this , 순간 : 2nd , 표현 : expression,
N조차 : fifty-fifty due north , 사치 : lavishness, 이미 : already ,
읽히다 : to live read , 너 : y'all ( casual),  A(이)란 B :
B which is (called) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 , 세계 : globe , 감각 : sense ,
날 : me ( casual) , someone (을/를) 일깨우다 :
to brand someone realize , 마치 due north : but similar due north ,
아름답다 : to live beautiful, 순간 : 2nd ,
마법 : spell , 다 : all , 홀리다 : to live  bewitched,
내 : my , 모습 : ikon , 나: I , me ( casual),
퍼즐 : puzzle , 완성 : completion, 마지막 : last,
조각 : slice

빠져버린 (G56,14)
fell for I
( I’ve fallen for you.)  

모든 건 이미
Everything (is) already

Perfect amongst y'all amongst y'all amongst you

시작된 Firework (G14)
started firework
( The fireworks direct hold started.)

홀려버린 이 기분(G56,14)
Bewitched (by) this mood,  

I exercise I exercise I do

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one
Just for one

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one

단어) 빠지다 : to autumn for , 나: I ( casual) ,
모든 거 : everything, 이미 : already,  
시작되다 : to acquire started,홀리다 : to live bewitched,
이 : this , 기분 : mood , 넌 : y'all ( casual, a brusque form
of 너는 , 너 : y'all , 는 : topic marker) , 우리 : nosotros , us ,
둘 : ii , both

스쳐가는 순간(G6)
passing moment fifty-fifty
( Even passing moments,)

담고 싶어 (G4)
keep within (I) wanna
( I wanna snuff it along them inside.)

모든 걸 지나칠 수 없어서(G1,29-2)
everything travel past times past (I) can't because
( Because I can't travel past times past everything.)

No no no no

내게서 느낀 변화(G14)
me from felt changes
( The changes that I direct hold felt from within of me,)

받아들이기로 했어 (G119,18)
accept decided  I
( I decided to convey them.)

모든 건 이미
Everything (is) already

Perfect amongst y'all amongst y'all amongst you
(With y'all amongst y'all amongst you)



(끝없이 Baby)
(Endlessly, baby)

찬란하게 빛난 네게 (G14)
brightly shining to y'all
( To y'all who are brightly shining,)   

I exercise I exercise I exercise
(I exercise I exercise I do)

단어) 스쳐가다 : to travel past times past , 순간 : 2nd ,
담다 : to snuff it along within , 모든 걸 : everything ,
지나치다 : to travel past times past , 내게서 : from me ( casual) ,
느끼다 : to feel, 변화 : alter , 받아들이다 : to convey
, 모든 거 : everything, 이미 : already ,
끝없이 : endlessly , 찬란하게 : brightly,
빛나다 : to smoothen , 네게 : to y'all ( written)

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one
Just for one

One shot ii shot

와 넌 (G53)
me together with y'all

One shot ii shot
Have to a greater extent than or less fun

us two
( Both of us)

Just for one
Just for one
Just for i

Party for one
Party for one
Party for one, oh yeah

Party for one
Party for one
Party for one

Just for one
Just for one

단어) 나: I ( casual) , 넌 : y'all ( casual, a brusque shape
of 너는 , 너 : y'all , 는 : topic marker) , 우리 : nosotros , us ,
둘 : ii , both

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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