Blackpink - Whistle

You tin larn Korean through BlackPink - Whistle  ith a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, as well as quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal social club as well as English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners as well as yous can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the let on inwards Grammar pages.  If this is your commencement visit, delight cheque the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise yous bask learning Korean as well as my spider web log volition live on much helpful. ^_^  Please view my Facebook page as well as ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inwards your intelligence feed. If yous are seriously interested inwards learning Korean yesteryear Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and drib me a message for to a greater extent than information .

Please conk to #24

BlackPink ( released inwards Aug, 2016)

Hey,  boy
Make’ em whistle
like a missile bomb, bomb
Every fourth dimension I present up, blow upwards uh
Make’ em whistle
like a missile bomb, bomb
Every fourth dimension I present up, blow upwards uh

너무 아름다워
you then beautiful
( You’re then beautiful.)

잊을 수가 없어 (G1)
you forget can't
( I can’t forget you.)

Those eye lights
( Those eyes )

아직 나를
still me

like this

설레게 해 (G15-1)
make flutter
( Your eyes all the same brand my pump flutter similar this .)

Boom boom
24, 365

오직 너와 같이 하고파
only amongst yous together (I) live on wanna
( I exclusively wanna live on amongst you.)

day during
( During day)

this night at
( Tonight )

이렇게 너를 원해
like this yous (I) want
( I desire yous similar this.)

Ooh ooh

단어) 넌 : yous  ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너는 , 너 :you , 는 : theme marker) , 너무: so, also ,  아름답다: to live on beautiful,   널 : yous ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 :you , 를 : object marker)  잊다: to forget , 그: that, those , 눈빛: oculus lights (  눈: eye, 빛: light) , 아직: still, yet ,  나를: me (casual) , 이렇게: similar this , 설레다: to flutter (of heart) , 오직: only,  같이 하다: to live on (stay) together,  V-고프다: to desire to V , 낮: day,  N도: also northward ,  이: this , 밤: night,  원하다: to desire

모든 남자들이 날 매일 Check out
Every guys me everyday cheque out
( Every guy checks me out every day.)

대부분이 날 가질 수 있다 착각 (G1)
most of them me acquire tin delusion
( Most of them create got a deluasion that they tin acquire me.)

( Never )

많은 걸 원치 않아 (G14, 21)
a lot of things desire don't
( I don’t desire a lot of things.)

맘을 원해
heart want I
( I desire your heart.)

넌 심장을 도려내
you pump cut out
( Cut out your heart.)

보여 봐 (G9)
Show try
( Try showing me.)

아주 씩씩하게
Very confidently

때론 Chic chic 하게
Sometimes chic, chic

So hot then hot

내가 어쩔 줄 모르게 해 (G15-1)
I what to utilisation brand don't know
( You don't brand me know what to do.)

나지막이 불러 줘  (G28)
Softly telephone yell upwards (my elevate )

귓가에 도는 휘파람처럼 (G6)
my earside  circling whistle like
( Like a whistle circling inwards my ear.)

단어) 모든 northward : every N, 남자들; men,  날 : me ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나를 , 나 :I , 를 : object marker) , 매일: everyday,  대부분: almost of them, mostly,   가지다: to get, to create got , 착각: delusion,  절대: never , 많다: to live on a lot ,  걸 : thing(s) ( a brusk shape of 것을 , 것 : thing(s),  을: object marker) , 원하다: to want,  맘: pump , heed  ( a brusk shape of 마음),   난: I  ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : theme marker) ,   넌 : yous  ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너는 , 너 :you , 는 : theme marker), 심장: pump ( organ) , 도려내다: to cutting out,  보이다: to present ,  아주: very,  씩씩하게: confidently,  때론: sometimes,  내가: I (casual) , 어쩔 줄 모르다: to non know what to do,  나지막이 : softly,  불러주다; to call,  내: my ( casual) , 귓가: the side of ear ( 귀: ear, 가: side) , 돌다: to circle,  휘파람: whistle ,  N처럼: similar N

이대로 지나치지 마요 (G2)
like this overstep yesteryear don't
( Don’t overstep me yesteryear similar this.)

you also

me like
(like me)

잊을 수가 없다면 (G1,22-1)
me forget can't if
( If yous can't forget me , either.)


향한 이 마음은 Fire (G14)
you toward this heart (is) burn downwardly
( My pump for yous is fire.)

심장이 빠르게 뛰잖아 (G61)
My heart fast beats , equally yous know
( My pump is beating then fast, equally yous know.)

점점 가까이
bit yesteryear fleck closely

들리잖아 (G61)
It is heard , equally yous know
( You tin withdraw heed it closer as well as closer.)



휘 파람 파람 파람
Whi - stle -stle -stle

(Can yous withdraw heed that)

휘 파라파라 파라 밤
Whi ----stle



휘 파람 파람 파람
Whi - stle -stle -stle

(Can yous withdraw heed that)

휘 파라파라 파라 밤
Whi ----stle

단어)  이대로: similar this, 지나치다; to overstep yesteryear , 너: yous ( casual),  N도: also northward ,  나: I, me ( casual) , N처럼: similar northward , 날 : me ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나를 , 나 :I , 를 : object marker), 잊다: to forget ,  널 : yous ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 :I , 를 : object marker) , 향하다: to live on headed, toward,  이: this,  마음: heart, heed , 내: my ( causal) , 심장: pump ( organ) , 빠르게: fast,  뛰다: to musical rhythm out ( of pump ),  점점: fleck yesteryear fleck , 가까이: closely,  들리다: to live on heard,  휘파람: whistle

Hold up

아무 하지 마 (G2)
any words country don't
( Don’t country anything.)

Just whistle to my heart

that sound

지금 나를
now me

이렇게 설레게 해 (G15-1)
like this brand flutter
( Now , that audio makes my pump flutter tlike this.)

Boom boom

생각은 지루해
Thoughts (are) boring

느낌이 Shh
Feelings (are) shh

Every twenty-four hours all day

내 곁에만 있어 줘 (G28)
my side exclusively remain delight
( Stay yesteryear my side only, delight )

Zoom zoom

단어) 아무 N: whatever N,  말하다: to say,  그: that,  소리: sound,  지금: now,  나를: me ( causal),  이렇게: similar this,  설레다: to flutter (of heart) ,  생각: thought,  지루하다: to live on boring,  느낌: feeling,  내 곁: my side ( casual),  N만: exclusively northward , 있다: to stay, to exist,


언제나 난 Stylin’
Always I (am) styling

도도하지만 앞에선 Darlin’ (G30)
chic but you inwards front end darlin
( I’m chic but inwards front end of you, darlin’.)

뜨거워지잖아 (G61)
( It’s getting hot , equally yous know.)

Like a desert island

알아갈수록  (G68)
you (I) acquire to know the to a greater extent than
( The to a greater extent than I acquire to know you,)

울려대는 마음(G6)
ringing heart within
( The to a greater extent than my pump rings.)

그만 내빼
Stop running away

Come over

내게 Boy
to me , man child

이젠 , Checkmate
Now,  checkmate

게임은 내가 Win (Uh-huh)
game I win
( I win this game , Uh-huh)

난 널 택해
I yous choose
( I select you.)

안아 줘 (G28)
Hug me , delight

more strongly

누가 널 가로채 가기 전에 (G5)
someone yous accept away before
( Before someone takes yous away ,)

내가 (Uh)
I (Uh)

단어) 언제나: always,   난: I  ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : theme marker), 도도하다: to live on chic,  니: you, your ( casual) , 앞에서: inwards front end of ,  뜨거워지다: to acquire hot, 너: yous ( casual) , 알아가다: to acquire to know,  울려대다: to ring,  마음: heart, mind,  N속: within northward ,  그만 Verb: terminate V-ing,  내빼다: to accept off , to run away , 넘어오다: to come upwards over,  내게: to me ( casual),  이젠: instantly , 내가: I (casual),  널 : yous ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 :I , 를 : object marker) , 택하다: to choose,  안다: to hug ,  더: more, 세게: strongly,  누가: someone,  가로채 가다: to accept something /someone away,  

이대로 지나치지 마요 (G2)
like this overstep yesteryear don't
( Don’t overstep me yesteryear similar this.)

you also

me like

잊을 수가 없다면 (G1,22-1)
me forget can't if
( If yous can't forget me , either.)


향한 이 마음은 Fire (G14)
you toward this heart (is) burn downwardly
( My pump for yous is fire.)

심장이 빠르게 뛰잖아 (G61)
my heart fast beats , equally yous know
( My pump is beating then fast, equally yous know.)

점점 가까이
bit yesteryear fleck closely

들리잖아 (G61)
It is heard , equally yous know
( You tin withdraw heed it closer as well as closer.)



휘 파람 파람 파람
Whi - stle -stle -stle

(Can yous withdraw heed that)

휘 파라파라 파라 밤
Whi ----stle



휘 파람 파람 파람
Whi - stle -stle -stle

(Can yous withdraw heed that)

휘 파라파라 파라 밤
Whi ----stle

단어)  이대로: similar this, 지나치다; to overstep yesteryear , 너: yous ( casual),  N도: also northward ,  나: I, me ( casual) , N처럼: similar northward , 날 : me ( casual,  a brusk shape of 나를 , 나 :I , 를 : object marker), 잊다: to forget ,  널 : yous ( casual,  a brusk shape of 너를 , 너 :I , 를 : object marker) , 향하다: to live on headed, toward,  이: this,  마음: heart, heed , 내: my ( causal) , 심장: pump ( organ) , 빠르게: fast,  뛰다: to musical rhythm out ( of pump ),  점점: fleck yesteryear fleck , 가까이: closely,  들리다: to live on heard,  휘파람: whistle
This musical rhythm out got me feelin’ like

wind like
( Like the current of air )

스쳐가는 흔한 인연이 아니길 (G6,14, 41-1,48)
passing ordinary couple (I) promise non
( I promise nosotros won't overstep yesteryear similar the current of air as well as conk only an ordinary couple.)

많은 은 필요 없어 (G14)
many words demand don't
( We don't demand many words.)

지금 너의
now your side to

나를 데려가 줘 (G28)
me accept delight
( Now , delight accept me to your side)


Make’ em whistle
like a missile bomb, bomb
Every fourth dimension I present up, blow upwards uh
Make’ em whistle
like a missile bomb, bomb
Every fourth dimension I present up, blow upwards uh

단어) 바람: current of air , N처럼: similar northward , 스쳐가다: to overstep yesteryear ,  흔하다: to live on ordinary,  인연: a couple,  많다: to live on a lot,  말: words,  필요 없다: to non need,  지금: now, 너의 곁: your side,  나를: me ( casual) , - 에 데려가다: to accept someone to

Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo amongst GoConqr

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