Jessi- Ssen Unni

You tin acquire Korean through Jessi - Ssen Unni  with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, as well as quizzes. The next is made upwards of Korean, literal lodge as well as English linguistic communication translation for Korean learners as well as y'all can accept quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the publish inwards Grammar pages.  If this is your outset visit, delight banking concern agree the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I promise y'all taste learning Korean as well as my weblog volition live on much helpful. ^_^  Please view my Facebook page as well as ' like' it to acquire the latest updates inwards your intelligence feed. If y'all are seriously interested inwards learning Korean yesteryear Skype , delight contact my personal facebook and driblet me a message for to a greater extent than information .

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Jessi - Ssen Unni (released inwards September, 2015)

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
( When everyone sees me ,)

아, 이뻐라!  아이아이
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi

아, 이뻐라! (x3)
Ah, pretty!

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
( When everyone sees me ,)

아, 이뻐라! 아이 아이, 아, 이뻐라!
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi, Ah, pretty!

내 내 내가 날 봐도 (G20)
          I   me come across fifty-fifty
( Even when I come across myself,)

아, 이뻐라!  아이아이
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi

아, 이뻐라! (x3)
Ah, pretty!

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
(When everyone sees me ,)

아, 이뻐라! 아이 아이, 아, 이뻐라!
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi, Ah, pretty!

내 내 내가 날 봐도 (G20)
           I  me come across fifty-fifty
(Even when I come across myself,)

단어 ) 모두 : everyone  날 : me ( casual ) 보다 : to come across  이쁘다 : to live on pretty   내가 :  I (casual)

내가, 내가 봐도 (G20)
    I , I come across fifty-fifty
(Even when I see,)  

잘난 유전자 (G14)
superior genes
( I lead keep superior genes )

That's correct got my infinite jams on super fly

모두 물어 봐 (G9)
( Everyone asks (me))

도대체,  엄마 누구냐 ?
What on earth, mom who
( Who the hell is your mom?)

누구냐  누구냐  누구냐고 (G35)
Who    Who     Who  (I asked)

They hashtag Jessi sexy

제비들만 태우고 달리는 Taxi (G3,6)
male aureate diggers exclusively accept as well as running  taxi
( a taxi that exclusively takes virile soul aureate diggers as well as goes)

이미 승자가 정해진 contest (G14)
already winner decided contest
( The contest where the winner is already decided.)

이젠 남자들도 쫄지 (G45)
now men fifty-fifty chickened out
( Now fifty-fifty men chickened out.)

Ronda Rousey

단어 ) 내가 :  I (casual)  보다 : to come across   잘나다: to live on superior  유전자: genes  모두: everyone  물어보다: to inquire   도대체: what on globe   엄마: mom   누구: who   제비: virile soul aureate digger  태우다: to laissez passer on a ride  달리다: to run  이미: already  승자: winner  정해지다: to live on decided  이젠: right away  남자들: men  쫄다: to chicken out

They telephone telephone me

쎈 언니 (G14)
Strong unni


진짜 쎈 언니 (G14)
Really potent unni

죽네, 죽네, 다들 기 죽어  (G11)
Dying, dying, everyone gets discouraged

내가 입어도 / 입어도 (G20)
I  what wearable though / what  wear though
( Whatever I wear,)

내가 혹시 욕을 해도 / 욕을 해도 (G20)
I  maybe swear fifty-fifty if  / swear fifty-fifty if
( Even if I swear,)

사람들이 내게 라 해도 / 라 해도 (G20)
people  to me  what country though / what country though
( Whatever people country to me,)

Then notwithstanding expect at me like

아, 이뻐라!  아이아이
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi

아, 이뻐라! (x3)
Ah, pretty!

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
( When everyone sees me,)

아, 이뻐라! 아이 아이, 아, 이뻐라!
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi, Ah, pretty!

내 내 내가 날 봐도 (G20)
           I  me come across fifty-fifty
( Even when I come across myself, )

단어)  쎄다: to live on potent ( a dialect of a touchstone word, 세다)  언니: older sis or adult woman of a younger adult woman   죽다: to move out    다들: everyone   기 죽다: to acquire discouraged   내가: I (casual)  뭘: what  입다: to wearable   혹시: perhaps  욕을 하다: to swear , to curse   사람들: people  내게: to me ( causal)   뭐: what  뭐라 하다 : to country something  이쁘다 : to live on pretty   모두 : everyone  날 : me ( casual ) 보다 : to come across   내가 :  I (casual)

친구들이 날 불러 '시카'
my friends me call ' ssica '
( My friends telephone telephone me ''ssica ')

You intend y'all Flowsik but my menstruum to a greater extent than sicker

성격은 피사의 사탑 (G7)
my personality  pisa's  tower
( My personality is similar Tower of Pisa.)

살짝 삐딱
Slightly crooked
Tell me who the baddest senorita

보나 마나  뻔하잖아 (G61)
obviously  as y'all know
( As y'all know,  it is obvious.)

해 보나 마나

어차피 나만 이빨 아프잖아 (G61)
anyway I exclusively teeth wound , every bit y'all know
( As y'all know, It’s simply gonna wound my oral cavity to country it.)

내게 /  뭐라 하지 말고 (G44,2,3)
to me / what country don't
( Don’t tell me what to do.)

할 일이나 (G43)
your trouble organisation simply do
( Just heed your ain business.)

Cause either agency
I acquire it popping as well as I'm living okay

단어 )  내 : my ( casual )  친구들 : friends  날 : me ( casual )  부르다 : to telephone telephone  성격 : personality  사탑 : tower  살짝 : slightly  삐딱하다 : to live on crooked  보나 마나 : apparently  어차피 : anyway  N만 : exclusively northward  이빨 : teeth  아프다 : to live on wound  내게 : to me (casual ) 뭐 : what 뭐라 하다 : to country something  니  you ( casual )  하다 : to practise  일 : things , operate

They telephone telephone me

쎈 언니 (G14)
Strong unni


진짜 쎈 언니 (G14 )
Really potent unni

죽네, 죽네, 다들 기 죽어 (G11 )
Dying, dying, everyone get discouraged

내가 입어도 / 입어도 (G20)
I  what wearable though / what wearable though
( Whatever I wear,)

내가 혹시 욕을 해도 / 욕을 해도 (G20)
I maybe swear fifty-fifty if  / swear fifty-fifty if
( Even if I swear,)

사람들이 내게 라 해도 / 라 해도 (G20)
people to me  what country though / what country though
( Whatever people country to me,)

Then notwithstanding expect at me like

아, 이뻐라!  아이아이
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi

아, 이뻐라! (x3)
Ah, pretty!

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
( When everyone sees me,)

아, 이뻐라! 아이 아이, 아, 이뻐라!
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi, Ah, pretty!

내 내 내가 날 봐도 (G20)
           I  me come across fifty-fifty
( Even when I come across myself,)

단어)  쎄다: to live on potent ( a dialect of a touchstone word, 세다)   언니: older sis or adult woman of a younger adult woman   죽다: to move out    다들: everyone   기 죽다: to acquire discouraged   내가: I (casual)  뭘: what  입다: to wearable   혹시: perhaps  욕을 하다: to swear , to curse   사람들: people  내게: to me ( causal)   뭐: what  뭐라 하다 : to country something  이쁘다 : to live on pretty   모두 : everyone  날 : me ( casual ) 보다 : to come across   내가 :  I (casual)

니들이 뭔데 (G38-3)
you guys what

감히 날 판단해 ?
dare me judge ?
( Who dare y'all guess me?)

This is my minute

해도 / 잘 나가 (G20,11)
what practise though / on a roll
( Whatever I practise , I'm on a roll.)

니들이 뭔데 (G38-3)
you guys what

감히 날 판단해 ?
dare me judge ?
( Who dare y'all guess me?)

This (is ) my stage

해도 / 잘 나가네 (G20 , 11)
what practise though / on a roll
(Whatever I practise , I'm on a roll.)

단어 )  니들: y'all guys ( casual)   뭐: what   감히 하다: to dare to  날: me ( casual)  판단하다: to guess  뭘: what   하다: to practise  잘 나가다: to live on on a gyre   이건: this (thing)  내: my (casual)  무대: phase   

내가 입어도 / 입어도 (G20)
I  what wearable though / what wearable though
( Whatever I wear,)

내가 혹시 욕을 해도 / 욕을 해도 (G20)
I maybe swear fifty-fifty if / swear fifty-fifty if
( Even if I swear,)

사람들이 내게 라 해도 / 라 해도 (G20)
people to me  what country though / what country though
( Whatever people country to me,)

Then notwithstanding expect at me like

아, 이뻐라!  아이아이
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi

아, 이뻐라! (x3)
Ah, pretty!

모두 날 보면 (G22)
everyone me come across if
( When everyone sees me,)

아, 이뻐라! 아이 아이, 아, 이뻐라!
Ah, pretty! ah-yi ah-yi, Ah, pretty!

내 내 내가 날 봐도 (G20)
           I  me come across fifty-fifty
( Even when I come across myself,)

단어) 내가: I (casual)  뭘: what  입다: to wearable   혹시: perhaps  욕을 하다: to swear , to curse   사람들: people  내게: to me ( causal)   뭐: what  뭐라 하다 : to country something  이쁘다 : to live on pretty   모두 : everyone  날 : me ( casual ) 보다 : to come across   내가 :  I (casual)

Quiz created yesteryear Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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