Chungha- Dear U

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Please acquire to #74

Chungha- Love U ( July, 2018)  

For roughly argue

설레는 느낌 (G6)
Fluttering feelings

Make me experience too therefore high

환한 미소(G14)
(Your) vivid smile

(I actually desire it)

빠져들고만 싶은 너의 (G4, 14)
fall into (I) wanna your

Deep brownish eyes
( Your deep brownish eyes that I wanna autumn into)

담아둘래 (G66)
place inwards (I) wanna
( I wanna house it inwards me.)


(I actually desire it)

단어) 왠지 : for roughly argue , 설레다 : to flutter , 느낌
: feeling, 환하다 : to endure vivid , 미소 : smile, 빠져들다
: to autumn into , -만 : exclusively - , 너의 : your ( casual) ,
담아두다 : to house in, 몰래 : secretly

이젠 더 이상 Not afraid
now anymore non afraid
( Now , I’m non afraid anymore.)

my heart inwards
( In my heart,)

Not a friend
You (are) non a friend

알잖아 (G61)
all (you) know
( You know all of this.)

똑같잖아 (G61)
same , you lot know
( You know that you lot experience the same.)

시작이라고 말하기엔 (G32-3, 5)
‘  start ‘ saying
( To telephone telephone this a start,)

아직은 좀 멀어
yet a chip far
( It is a chip far.)

이제 다가와
Now come close.

more come upwardly close.
( Come closer to me.)

I but wanna honey you

You too I

조금씩 끌리는 이유 (G6)
bit past times bit attracted reason
( The argue why you lot too I are beingness tardily
attracted to each other. )

Oh I don’t know it

표현이 안 되나 봐 (G55)
expression non possible (I) intend
( I intend I can’t limited it.)

커져 가
(You) expire on growing

On my mind

안고 싶어 (G4)
you (I) agree wanna
( I wanna agree you.)

Love you

I but wanna wanna honey you
You brand me
I but wanna wanna honey you
Ooh yeah

단어) 이제: now, from instantly on , 더 이상 : anymore ,
내 : my ( casual) , 맘 : pump , N속에 : inwards due north , 넌 : you
( casual, a brusque shape of 너는 , 너 : you lot , 는 : topic
marker), 다 : all , 알다 : to know , 똑같다 : to endure the
same , 시작 : a start , 말하다 : to tell , 아직 : even too therefore ,
좀 : a chip , 멀다 : to endure far , 다가오다 : to come upwardly closed ,
더 : to a greater extent than , 너 : you lot ( casual) , 나 : I ( casual) , 조금씩 :
chip past times chip , 끌리다 : to acquire attracted , 이유 : argue ,
표현 : facial expression , 되다 : to endure possible , 커져 가다 :
to expire on growing , 널: you lot ( a brusque shape of 너를 ,
너 : you lot , 를 : object marker) , 안다 : to hug , to agree

니가 좋을까 생각했어 (G47)
you why (I) similar thought
( I idea virtually why I similar you.)

( I actually desire it)


도 그렇듯이 (G63-2)
you also but similar
( Oh but similar you,)  

도 그런가 봐 (G55-2)
I also similar that it looks similar
( It looks similar I’m similar that, too.)

더욱 설레게 해 줘 (G15-1,28)
more flutter make, delight
( Please brand my pump flutter fifty-fifty more.)

내가 주인공인 것처럼 (G50-2)
I main star similar
( Like I’m the original star)

(I actually desire it)

엔딩이 없는 영화 같아 (G6)
ending without motion painting (it's) similar
( It’s similar a motion painting without an ending.)

떨리나 봐 (G55)
(I’m) trembling (I) think
( I intend I'm trembling.)  

단어) 니 : you lot ( casual) , 왜 : why , 좋다 : to similar ,
생각하다 : to intend , 너 : you lot ( casual) , N도 : also due north ,
그렇다 : to endure similar that , 나 : I (casual) , 더욱 : to a greater extent than ,
설레다 : to flutter, 내가 : I ( casual) , 주인공 : original
character, N처럼 : similar N, 없다 : to non exist, to non
have , 영화 : motion painting , due north 같다 : to endure similar due north , 떨리다 : to

이젠 더 이상 Not afraid
now anymore non afraid
( Now , I’m non afraid anymore.)

my heart inwards
( In my heart,)

Not a friend
You (are) non a friend

알잖아 (G61)
all (you) know
( You know all of this.)

똑같잖아 (G61)
same , you lot know
( You know that you lot experience the same.)

시작이라고 말하기엔 (G32-3, 5)
‘ H5N1 start ‘ saying
( To telephone telephone this a start,)

아직은 좀 멀어
yet a chip far
( It is a chip far.)

이제 다가와
( Now come close.)

more come upwardly close.
( Come closer to me.)

I but wanna honey you

You too I

조금씩 끌리는 이유 (G6)
bit past times bit attracted reason
( The argue why you lot too I are beingness tardily
attracted to each other. )

Oh I don’t know it

표현이 안 되나 봐 (G55)
expression non possible (I) intend
( I intend I can’t limited it.)

커져 가
(You) expire on growing

On my mind

안고 싶어 (G4)
you (I) agree wanna
( I wanna agree you.)

Love you

I but wanna wanna honey you
You brand me
I but wanna wanna honey you
Ooh yeah

단어) 이제: now, from instantly on , 더 이상 : anymore ,
내 : my ( casual) , 맘 : pump , N속에 : inwards due north , 넌 : you
( casual, a brusque shape of 너는 , 너 : you lot , 는 : topic
marker), 다 : all , 알다 : to know , 똑같다 : to endure the
same , 시작 : a start , 말하다 : to tell , 아직 : even too therefore , 좀 :
a chip , 멀다 : to endure far , 다가오다 : to come upwardly closed ,
더 : to a greater extent than , 너 : you lot ( casual) , 나 : I ( casual) , 조금씩 :
chip past times chip , 끌리다 : to acquire attracted , 이유 : argue ,
표현 : facial expression , 되다 : to endure possible , 커져가다 :
to expire on growing , 널: you lot ( a brusque shape of 너를 ,
너 : you lot , 를 : object marker) , 안다 : to hug , to agree

하늘을 나는 것 같은 그런 느낌 ( G42-2,14)
sky flight similar that feeling
( Those feelings similar flight across the sky)

은 아닐 거야 (G41-1,8-1)
dream non (I) intend
( I intend this isn’t a dream.)

함께 있는 이 순간 (G6)
together beingness this moment
( This 2nd nosotros are together, )

Like this

멈췄으면 좋겠어 (G27-1)
stop (I) wishing
( I wishing fourth dimension would stop.)

I but wanna honey you

You too I

조금씩 끌리는 이유 (G6)
bit past times bit attracted reason
( The argue why you lot too I are beingness tardily
attracted to each other. )

Oh I don’t know it

표현이 안 되나 봐 (G55)
expression non possible (I) intend
( I intend I can’t limited it.)

커져 가
(You) expire on growing

On my mind

안고 싶어 (G4)
you (I) agree wanna
( I wanna agree you.)

Love you

I but wanna wanna honey you
You brand me
I but wanna wanna honey you
Ooh yeah

단어) 하늘 : heaven , 날다 : to wing , 그런 due north : that form of due north ,
느낌 : feeling , 꿈 : a dream, 함께 : together , 있다 :
to endure , to exist, 이 : this , 순간 : 2nd ,
이대로 : similar this , 멈추다 : to stop, 너 : you lot ( casual) , 나 : I ( casual) , 조금씩 : chip past times chip , 끌리다 : to acquire attracted , 이유 : argue , 표현 : facial expression , 되다 : to endure possible , 커져가다 : to expire on growing , 널: you lot ( a brusque shape of 너를 , 너 : you lot , 를 : object marker) , 안다 : to hug , to agree

Quiz created past times Eunha Seo alongside GoConqr

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